Going to start today- a couple of questions!

fothers365 Posts: 59 Member

I have had the book since the end of last year but have just got my bum in gear and the time now to start it. I am not sure whether to start with the basic program or the first class one. I am fairly fit and strong and more or less at maintenance weight now. I have a fairly physical part time job and 3 kids under the age of 5 so am pretty strong for a girl. I used to do rock climbing and horse riding in my younger years so have always been quite strong.

Also, a probably silly question but I am a bit confused about the rests in the ladders sets. For example, when I do push ups in ladders and I am supposed to rest after 1 then 2 etc do I stay in position and just pause at the top?

Thanks for any advice!


  • krommama
    krommama Posts: 32 Member
    I would start with the basic program. I think you will still get a lot out of it.

    You are to truly rest after each one - don't pause at the top.

    Good luck!
  • caligulala
    caligulala Posts: 44 Member
    Can you complete the fitness test for first class? The program is flexible, so if you decide to start with basic and find it too easy, you can start doing the first class program instead. I just finished basic and can do all the fitness test items except the pushups, so I'll start first class and modify the push ups to my ability level instead of doing the whole basic program again.

    There's also a forum at marklauren.com with more info and faqs.
  • fothers365
    fothers365 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for the information- I meant to bring the book to work tonight to look through again (I am on nightshift tonight) but forgot which is annoying.

    I might start with the basic anyway and see how I go.

    I will check out his website also, I didn't realise there was one so thanks for that.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    If you have a smart phone and 2$, there's also an app that takes you through the programs and does the set timing and rep counting for you (to a degree, lol). The android version is more flexible since it allows you to decide when to go up or down in ladders, but I think both are a really good value (and much more portable than the book!).

    Like the others said, when doing ladders you rest REST for the same amount of time it took you to do the previous reps. Especially when doing hyperextensions, I'd use that rest to get up and get some blood flowing out of your head. I know I get intense headaches if I stay down on the mat for the whole 7 mins. Start with basic, if it's too easy after the first week switch to 1st class (the exercises are sensibly the same but in a tougher variation). Choose what you want to stick with from there :)
  • fothers365
    fothers365 Posts: 59 Member
    I have done my first session tonight during a break on my night shift. I did the basic and have to say the tricep dips were TOUGH. I only managed to get up the ladder to 5 a couple of times, normally just to 3. I have just looked up what I am doing tomorrow so I know what is going on.

    I just have a basic phone so no app for me but I did bring the kitchen timer to work with me to use.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Haha that's actually pretty good, my first time around I don't think I even got to 4 dips in a row, and that's with knees bent quite a bit!
  • caligulala
    caligulala Posts: 44 Member
    Dips are definitely my most improved exercise. They were so hard to start! I still can't believe I can now knock out 12 without breaking a sweat!

    Good work getting started!