What Is your ideal weight?



  • sl0622
    sl0622 Posts: 12 Member
    My ideal weight would be around 150. Although I'll take 155.... With fluctuations staying within the mid-150s range. I'm 5'9 and just sort of am chubbier than I would like to be. I've lost about 10-13 pounds so far - - it's hard to lose more - - I've plateaued and frankly have gotten sick of calorie counting and trying to be good. ha. But I'm not going to give up...
  • I'm just under 5'11 and would like to be 155 and toned
  • I'm 5'11 and would be happy to get down to 175 lbs. That means losing 20 lbs...I would be so proud of myself.
  • KippyBee
    KippyBee Posts: 26 Member
    I'm between 5'9" and 5'10" and am currently 175 lbs...my heaviest. My goal is 145. I was happy at that weight, felt good and I still have a lot of clothes in my closet from that period.
  • tanagrl
    tanagrl Posts: 4 Member
    Kippy Bee- I am the exact height that you are, but weigh 191 lbs (my heaviest). 145 is my goal as well as I am in between medium and large frame. I was, at my lightest, 123 pounds and I looked like walking death! Funny..I too have a closet full of clothes that I WILL wear again, haha. I suppose its quite a motivator for the both of us that we have already weighed much less and know exactly how it looks and how we feel..good luck to you!!
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 5'11" and looking to get to 175. Long way to go to get there, though .....
  • profesorakate
    profesorakate Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 6'1 and aiming to get to 165lbs, then maybe a little lower depending on how I look and feel in a bikini. About 30lbs to go.
  • Concedo
    Concedo Posts: 9
    I am 6'0' and would love to be in the high 140's. My frame is small ( when it is not covered in fat) and I have wide hips, so that is where a lot of the fat settles. I have been as high as 220 and as low as 135 (too low). Currently I am around 173. If I could get down to 155, I would be ecstatic!
  • I'm 5'8.5" and as of now I'm at 152lbs. I would like to try for 140 and possibly down to 130-35. I've never been below about 148 my entire adult life, so I'll figure it out as I go along. I figure if 130 is too thin for me I would have no problem gaining some back.
    My weight is all around the middle, right now I think my waist is 32" and my hips are about 39", which seems too big for my small frame.
  • carmieg3
    carmieg3 Posts: 36
    I am 5'9", goal is to be 145.. just hit healthy BMI today at 169!! 145 is in the middle of the healthy weight range
  • I'm 5'11" and I also have a large frame. We have the same target areas in mind, right now I fluctuate between 235-245. I would like to be anywhere between 175-190 but of course I would have to go by how I feel would still look well for me. When I was in high school I was maybe between 140-150 and I was just really skinny. So this time around I want to look and be healthy.
  • Jmur8908
    Jmur8908 Posts: 6 Member
    Well I am 5'9 and have been at every weight increment possible i think. I started at 193 that was terrible. I got down to 173 and still wasn't happy. I reached 165 and that was starting to look better. I am now down to 155 and I think I am going to get down to 145. I like most others on this page carry all my weight in my hips and thighs. I have learned that doing cardio everyday with my work outs and a low carb diet really sheds the fat in those thighs. Thats my biggest inesecurity and I am noticing my thighs getting smaller!! Yay! Cardio Cardio Cardio!!
  • I'm just shy of 6'1" with a large frame, lightest I've ever been was 170lbs. I'm 250lbs now and would like to get down to 180lb and I'll be happy then

    I am 6' and I think a healthy BMI would put me around 135-160lbs, but I'm trying to focus on clothing sizes as a way to motivate myself. I am in a 20W, at 250lbs, but my doctor and I agree that a size 12-14 would be best (which is around 180lbs on me).

    It seems like such a pipe dream right now....
  • sundy2603
    sundy2603 Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5'11 and I am currently 244 lbs. I will like to get down to 180-190. I love being curvy and that's when felt the most sexiest and healthy.
  • joyjay4fun
    joyjay4fun Posts: 160
    Hi all, I'm 5'10 and my goal weight is about 160-170. I'm at 188 now which is way too big for me personally although I am still slim and don't look too big. It's a matter of being healthy and getting back to where I feel good. :-)
  • betterthanbefpre
    betterthanbefpre Posts: 168 Member
    Oh yay! I finally found other tall ladies! I am new to the group. Okay so my goal weight is 150 and then I will go from there. I am 5' 10" and I am in a size 10. That should make me a lose 8 and that works for me.

    At my smallest I was 115 (size 2) (which was gross) in my 20's. At my highest (with baby) I was 210. Since I have had my babies my body has changed. 135 used to be my target weight but that's just to skinny for me. My new goal is 150 and I may readjust when I get there...but that would be fabulous!
  • Makingachangeforlife
    Makingachangeforlife Posts: 28 Member
    I am so glad for this group!!! I am currently 180 and would like to lose another 15 lbs to be at 165. I have a large frame, and am fairly lean on top, but carry a lot of weight in my thighs and hips! Thanks for posting!!
  • redredfox
    redredfox Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 5'10" , 165 lbs and a size 8/10... would like to reach 150!
  • sarah0709
    sarah0709 Posts: 27 Member
    I've got a photo of myself on the My Body Gallery site.


    That photo was taken in August at 222, and unfortunately I have gained a few pounds and inches back since starting an evening masters program and blowing my exercise regimen to hell. (I'm already remedying this, however.)

    Anyway, I'm 5'9" on a medium frame; calculators have given me anywhere from the 150s to 180s, so it's really hard to judge what my goal is at this point. For now, I'd be thrilled to get to "Onederland"!

    If this is 222 I'm jealous! You look amazing x
  • sarah0709
    sarah0709 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5'11 and prob aiming for around 175 which is top end of my ideal weight, however I have a large frame so anything under 200lb will be great. Don't think I've been under 210 since I was about 15!!