Tell us about yourself!!



  • I'm Kelly Von Lunen, aka Mel Breakdown of the Royal Pains, a home team of Dead Girl Derby in Kansas City. I started skating in May 2010, practicing with DGD in June 2010, and promptly tore my ACL. So I had surgery, got back on skates, and started practicing again in January 2011. I'd missed the draft for that season, so I was an outside ref for most of the 2011 season. In 2012, I was rostered and spent most of the season as a jammer. At 5'4" and 162 pounds, I never would have guessed I'd be fast enough!

    With a combination of antidepressants, a little muscle gain, a derby-cliche love for beer, and eating too damn much, I gained 30 pounds in a year. I'm just as fast, my uniform still basically fits and I can knock down girls bigger than me... but I'm not happy weighing this much. I want to get healthier and not feel like I'm carrying a 30-pound backpack around the track with me.

    My league is stepping up our level of play. We have a big-time venue for the season, and everyone is getting more hard-core. I want to step up my game and be a MF-ing all-star. 162 pounds is still technically overweight for my frame, but I'd be back to a size 10-12 that I know I can maintain and be happy at.
  • jkmcguig
    jkmcguig Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am Jenny "Bettie BareKnuckles" McGuigan. I have been skating for about a year and four months so far and am a founding member and President of the Five 40 Roller Girls out of Fredericksburg, VA.

    I am really excited to have found this group!!
  • jkmcguig
    jkmcguig Posts: 3 Member
    How do you delete a post?
  • sarahldee
    sarahldee Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I'm Tri-Sarah-Tops, I skate with Fierce Valley Roller Girls in Falkirk, Scotland. I joined in June 2012, after seeing a friend of a friend's Facebook profile pic and deciding I want to do that.

    I passed my minimums on 19th Dec, and I am not so eagerly awaiting my first big girl practice and scrim session (I'm a wimp). I appear to be the only person in the world who has ever lost tone/gained weight after starting derby. I used to do Bootcamp three times a week but don't have the time now I skate. I have started New Rules of Lifting for Women and enjoy it but I struggle to motivate myself. I need a class type environment with an instructor. So at the moment I am working on getting a balance within my fitness life - skating, strength, core work and cardio. I'm on MFP to watch my diet and keep my protein intake up.

    Please to meet you all

    Love and Shoves

    T-S-T x
  • BreakingBackSunday
    BreakingBackSunday Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everybody! I'm Breaking Back Sunday from the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Roller Radicals in northeastern Pennsylvania. I've been playing derby for just under two years; I started with Three Rivers in Cecil County, Maryland before moving to Scranton and finding my home with the Radicals. I was having dinner with a few friends and my dear friend Faith (Fluxxx Decapitator) mentioned she had joined a roller derby team. I bought all my gear before I even attended one practice; I was that sure that roller derby was for me.

    In October I had surgery and gained a LOT of weight (20 pounds) during my recovery time so I'm really trying to get myself back in a good place physically and mentally. I can't even do my 25 in 5 anymore and I really, really want to toughen up and get back in shape! Counting calories really helps me. Here's hoping I can stick with it and be in fighting form by the start of bout season!

  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi I'm Linda. I'm freshmeat so I don't have a derby name yet. I played softball for 27 years and although I loved I was really burned out on it and I really needed something new. I finally got to see a bout for our local team the Little City Rollergirls and I absolutely fell in love with derby. I couldn't wait for the next opportunity to join the team and checked the website practically everyday to make sure I didn't miss the next freshmeat class. My freshmeat class just started on Sunday so I am only three days into but I already know that this is where I really want to be!
  • Hi I am Carmen Denominate-Her out of Lansing, MI. I play for the Mitten Mavens. I have been playing derby for about 18 months now and can't get enough. I am glad I found a group for derby girls on here :)
  • nutzyrocker00
    nutzyrocker00 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All! I'm MerryDeath, I play for a team in North Central Pennsylvania. January 2 of this year was my one year anniversary. I never was a skater (even when I was little, I went once, broke my tail bone and never went again). This sport is really for anyone, that's why I stayed with it. The women I have met are amazing and motivating. I could not skate (or even balance enough to stand in skates for about 2 weeks) when I started. Do not get discouraged.

    I'm excited to talk and meet with other skaters in the country that I have not bouted against.
  • Heya, I'm Jean-Juke Picard with the Atlanta Rollergirls! I just finished my rookie year, I am on the Toxic Shocks home team, was on the B team and just joined the all star team! It's been a huge and awesome change in my life and i wanted to also get my diet on track to match all the other changes.. hoping to play some awesome games this year and score more points!

    Excited to find a community of peeps on this thing and look forward to getting to know you!
  • montessa89
    montessa89 Posts: 1 Member
    Kinky Widdershins from the Pirate City Rollers in NZ, still a freshie, but my test is on the 31st OH DAMN. Derby is the first sport I have not got bored of, and I'm loving feeling my thighs turn to steel O_O
  • Im Stephanie.. the Jampyre Slayer. and I skate with the Tar City Rollers in the Cape Breton Roller Derby League in Cape Breton Nova Scotia, Canada. I got into derby when a local gal came home from working on the other side of the country with a dream of starting a league, after skating with a team in Alberta. We started our league by meeting in church basements and before you knew it we were learning to skate, fundraising, and icing our bruises. I was hooked since day one. Its now 13 months later and we have almost 25 girls skating with us, and are training for our first bouting season!! Cant wait.!! check out our website! www. Derby Love from up north!
  • May i also add, so nice too see so many derby gals on here! getting fit and having fun!
  • My name is Krystle...I'm not on a team...YET that is but i have been skating with the Gotham Girls Recreational League just to get my skills right cause the last time i had skates on i was 5 and they had Barbie on them. So had to stop training cause i got knocked up with my daughter "Lee" and now am trying to lose the baby weight to get back to training again.
  • I am DeaLyn Daisies, I play with the Black Heart Maidens in Michigan. FunkyBunny, I know you!! Whoop whoop. I have been playing derby for three years now. I have like 15 pounds to lose after a nasty ACL replacement because of derby. I snapped it at practice. Derby <3
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    My real name is Aija (pronounced eye-ya) and I am back on MFP after a long break. Recently I tried roller derby and love it. I am fresh meat for the Chemical City Derby Girls in Midland, Michigan. I had not been on skates for 25+ years but so far I am loving the training. It may take me 6 months or more to pass the skills test but I am excited and committed to being a part of such a great group.
    Being fresh meat for CCDG is just attending practices, they don't have tryouts and the team is relatively small. Once I can pass the skills test I can play in a bout.
    I had been interested in derby for a few years but the closest league was 45 minutes away. Then I found CCDG in Midland which is only 20 minutes away. I have only been to 5 practices so far but I am getting better at skating each time. My body is screaming "what are you doing to me!!" but I love every minute of it!!!!!! Does that mean I have a sadistic streak in me? :)
    There is a bout March 2 at home and I am excited to help out and sell merchandise for my derby sisters.
    I have yet to get a derby name, as I am not an official team member. But, my family heritage is Latvian so I thought either Luscious Latvian or Latvian Assassin would be good.
  • girlmeat117
    girlmeat117 Posts: 3 Member
    hey! my names Girlmeat. i am a skater and founder of the PLAP city rollers in portage la prairie manitoba. Derby has changed my life, emotionally, and physically. i have changed everything i do to help improve my game on the flat track. I have many fitness goal i want to achieve. my two biggest, feeling confident enough to wear only a sports bra and shorts to practice (gotta flatten that tummy) and to run a 5k race!
    the biggest obstacle i am having to over come in derby is my endurance!
  • eddynigma
    eddynigma Posts: 18 Member
    I'm Eddy Nigma, I skate with the Plap City Rollers, and Girlmeat ^^ is my derby wife ;) , I have been skating almost a year and derby helped me lose 15 pounds over last fall/winter. It's helped me realize how unfit I was before and how fit I can be. I am using MFP to help me lose those last pounds and get in shape for our bouting season, be healthy and a be good example of health for my daughter. I am working on losing another 5-10% body fat and working on gaining muscle. Derby helped me see my best friend more often :) and start getting in shape too. I'm currently doing derby 4 hours a week, doing the 30 day shred 6 days a week, and doing strength training as well 2-3 times a week.
  • girlmeat117
    girlmeat117 Posts: 3 Member
    Derby helped me see my best friend more often :)

  • Kinky Widdershins from the Pirate City Rollers in NZ, still a freshie, but my test is on the 31st OH DAMN. Derby is the first sport I have not got bored of, and I'm loving feeling my thighs turn to steel O_O

    Hey Kink you'd know my girl Cutty who used to skate with NRDL and transfered. I have big love for her and miss her SO SO SO freaking much.
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    Hey y'all,

    I'm also fresh meat (no name) and just started the bootcamp with Jet City in WA. I've only been to two practices so far, but I'm already hooked and cannot stop thinking about it! I'm hoping to progress quickly so I can start bouting. Been skating on inlines for 25 years, but just getting used to quads.

    I would love any tips from veteran derby girls and fresh meat alike for how to improve my game on and off the rink!
