


  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Meh... erased the text. I've over ate calories, and put my diary back to private. I feel like an animal when I just fall apart and eat whatever I can. I was NOT hungry. It's NOT due to restricting calories.... it's my mindset and emotions that keep triggering me.

    I felt invincible yesterday. Today was my 6th day binge free and then I fall down. I don't know anymore.
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member

    I felt invincible yesterday. Today was my 6th day binge free and then I fall down. I don't know anymore.

    Just get back up! It's the only way, we can all do this together!
  • Lmccloy
    Lmccloy Posts: 6 Member
    This whole thread is fantastic and it such a relief to hear people that have the same behaviors and thought processes that I do. I too wake up every morning thinking about either what I am going to eat next or how I'm going avoid eating all those forbidden foods. I also share the thought "I've already screwed up today, might as well blow it big". I want so desperately to overcome this and it is so great to have found this group.