Fats and sugars

I'm going "way" over my fat and sugar intake. Has anyone any healthy tips for meals and snacks? I'm kind of lost on this... I eat 2 pieces of fruit daily, so no wonder I go over that?


  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    why are you concerned that you are going way over with sugar and fats? Your body needs both. Are you diabetic? Otherwise, why are you worried about the sugar that comes from fruit esp. Carbs, protein, fat, each has its rightful place in the journey to eating heathy. There are no extremes here. Now if you are eating crap like candybars, cookies, cakes etc and worried about the sugar from those items, my response would be different.
  • ItsDiana
    ItsDiana Posts: 60
    Yes, but too much of both isn't healthy either right?
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    I have the same problem. I am shooting for the 40, 30, 30 macros suggested, and with my current calorie intake, I am always way over on sugar, but am learning to manage fat intake. I worry more about what it is from. If they are refined sugars, try to cut back a little, if most of it from fruit, don't worry about it! Every time I see this question about sugars, the answer is not to worry too much, try to cut back if you want to, but unless it really effects you (diabetic), don't worry.
    As long as the fats are 'good' fats, don't worry too much, everybody needs a different amount anyways. I have read stuff about .4 g per pound body weight, I think I have more like .5 g per pound body weight and it used to be way higher.

    ETA: Just remembered you asked for ideas for meals/snacks. Try having some plain old carbs! Bread with a small amount of butter, bread with meat, noodles with a non-creamy/cheesy sauce. I guess those aren't really snack foods, but veggies are usually low in sugar and fat. Try eating some carrots or celery sticks (no cream cheese for low fat). Have lettuce with olive oil and vinegar (tiny, tiny bit olive oil for less fat).
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    I also do the 40/30/30 split and my snacks are usually bananas, apples and for breakfast, oatmeal and a protein shake which includes Kefir and plain greek yogurt (not all at one time).

    My snacks that include my fats are good fats, cheese and nuts. And I weigh them 1 ounce of cheese and 30 g of nuts.

    I seldom eat bread (maybe a roll or biscuit on the weekend) and I try to cut back on pasta because it bloats me and two hours later I'm hungry again.