Introduce yourself



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    bjmcq, As long as you are consistent, you will get there. If I can do it, anybody can. Trust me on that one. I was never able to run. Even in the Air Force, when we had to run 1.5 miles and get the first mile in in 10 min, I'd barley be able to do that and then just about die. And, that is because I wouldn't keep at it. I'd "practice" about a month before the run and then stop until next year. If I only knew then what I know now.....
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi QYY,

    I was really down and out for the count there for much longer than I thought....but I got out and did the same brisk walk, even increased the milage, and took extra time to warm down. I did a recovery drink - planned in my food - and felt better than not doing it. Thanks for the encouragement, I am stil working on making it out the door at least 4 times this week.....the woof was very happy, and I felt great after!

    Do you ever use wrist weights to increase upper circulation? Or does the jog just do that? Also, do you have snow, and do you run in it in special shoes? I could see my fave trail had some snow on it; it is a mud-stone path that I find softer on the body than the pavement; I don't do concrete at all, even Costco has it limits for me... right now I use a standard running shoe.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Hi group,
    I am both new to MFP and running. I am a 55 y.o. mom and grand mom of two. I have lost about 44 lbs on another online program since late August 2012. I would like to let go of another 6 lbs. but they do seem rather persistent to stay attached. I have started running since November - inside track and have done 5k practice distances with my best at 28 minutes and 36 seconds. I am training for my first outside 5K late April. Any suggestions as to how to transition to outside running with dreaded inclines.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    healthfulnow, You have a great 5K time! Much better than mine and I've been running for over a year.

    As far as how to transition to outside, you just have to get out there and do it. You can do it. Just don't overdo. It does use slightly different muscles, so you don't want to go out there all gang busters at first. Start running a lot slower than you are now, just to get the feel of it and see how you do. I had a hard time with the transition at first. Part was mental and part was physical. But, I worked at it and got back to where I could run the distances I was inside, and more.

    Good luck and let me know how you are doing. I'll send you a friend request.
  • jpegjordan
    jpegjordan Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there. I'm Jordan. 43 years old. I've tried to start jogging in the past and despite doing all the advised stretches, footwear shopping and advised schedule I always get shin splints. Last time was not as bad, but then my running buddy quit did I. During the summer I run at night because it is so hot here, but I don't want to do that alone.
    Anyway, thanks for letting me in the group.
    Nice to be in the group.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Welcome. I wish there were more posting going on in this group. I think it could be helpful. Maybe it'll catch on.

    If you have good shoes and are still getting shin splints, you must be trying to do too much too soon. What schedule were you trying to use? I found a couch to 5 K program that was 16 weeks long, not the usual 8, and that worked for me.

    Good luck and let us know how you do this time.
  • gina145
    gina145 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi I am Gina, turned 50 in August 2012. I ran my first 5K in March. Hoping to do one a month. I have a 3yr old who helps keep me active too;). I have been sick for a few weeks so am starting over again with jogging up to running. I see there a 5K April 27th and want to give it a try. I am encouraged to see you all!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Welcome Gina,

    Wow, 50 and have a 3 year old. I'm sure that does keep you busy. And, what an example you are giving to your child.

    Sounds like you are doing great. :flowerforyou:

    Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity on this thread. If you would like to add me as a friend, feel free to. I am probably an intermediate runner...53 years old. My first race this year is a 4 mile run on Memorial Day. I need to start working on speed...I can do the distances, but very slowly.

    Good luck and glad you are over your illness.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Hi Gina,
    My name is Gail (healthfulnow) and also just started running. Quilteryoyo is a great inspiration and encourager to us all. I'm 55 y.o. mom of 3 with my youngest 15 y.o. and my oldest 28 1/2. I am a grand mom of 2 (ages 4 and 3). I am also running my first 5K on the weekend of April 27th. Are you perhaps doing the St. Luke's race? I could not find if you lived in PA like myself. Wish you the best.
  • gina145
    gina145 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi Gina,
    My name is Gail (healthfulnow) and also just started running. Quilteryoyo is a great inspiration and encourager to us all. I'm 55 y.o. mom of 3 with my youngest 15 y.o. and my oldest 28 1/2. I am a grand mom of 2 (ages 4 and 3). I am also running my first 5K on the weekend of April 27th. Are you perhaps doing the St. Luke's race? I could not find if you lived in PA like myself. Wish you the best.

    Hi Gail...The race I am doing is at Pensacola Beach FL April 26th. Best Wishes in your race as well!! I will check the post after 27th to see how it went for you or you can friend me. I loved the couch to 5K program..worked great!.
  • Tammywoo50
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Tammy, I am 50 years old and live in Kentucky. I am now on my third round of losing 100 lbs. I did so back in my late teens and again in my 30's. Now I find myself back to that much dreaded number and believe me, having an extra 100 lbs when your young is a whole lot different than carrying it when your older.

    At one point about 6 years ago, I started doing 5K's, mostly walking but a little jogging and full force I don't want to be the last one crossing the finish line running! I loved it and even got to where I could at least run a mile non-stop. I did about 5 races that year and the weight poured off. First race had to get a XL shirt and the last race got a S.

    I am bigger starting out this time and so I am waddling along but I feel something inside of me that needs to run even though my legs really don't want too!

    I registered today for my city's Just Lose It contest, top prize is $1000. Much needed motivation!

    I look forward to being a part of this group and gleaning your advice and ideas and maybe sharing a bit of humor.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Hi Tammy,

    The good news is that you know you can do this. You have done it before, so you can do it again! As you know, just start out slowly, so you don't injure yourself. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like. Keep us posted on your progress!
  • Plemmons84
    Plemmons84 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am Samantha. I just turned 47 and I am new to the group and new to running. I started reading "Run Your Butt Off" about a month ago. I have always wanted to be a runner, but for whatever the reason, I have never took to it. Call it bad running technique or whatever. With age creeping up on me, my desire to be a runner is stonger than ever, along with my determination. At a weekend get together with my Old High School buddies, the conversation came up. My friend talked about her running in a half Marathon some years ago was an acomplishment she was proud of and low and behold, one thing led to another and we have agreed to sign up for a Marathon in Nov. Yikes! After a few days, reality and fear has set in. But I really want to do this. I really want to believe I can do this. I am healthy, non-smoker for 4 years now, I exercise usually 3 days a week. Not super fit, but not completely sedentary. But I am not as young as I used to be. I am looking for good advice and moral support. I have 6 months to get ready. Help?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Six months is probably long enough. You just need to find a good program that you can follow that doesn't increase your weekly distances too fast. Have you considered Hal Higdon (sp?). He does a run/walk method that may be better since you haven't been running regularly. Are you going to train with your friend? That can be helpful and keep you accountable.

    Get a good pair of shoes and get going...slowly at first. Keep us posted and, if you have any questions, maybe we can help. There is also a topic of "How you did this week" on this thread. You can keep us up to date there.

    Also, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I'm not brave enough to run a marathon, yet, but am doing some 5ks and 4 mile races. I've had a bit of a rough month so far, due to injury and allergies, but am getting back into it.

    Good luck!!!
  • Plemmons84
    Plemmons84 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the Advice! I will try the Hal Higdon. I think there is an Iphone app.:flowerforyou:
  • ZippityDD
    Hi, I am a mostly SAHM living in Saudi Arabia. I have 3 children and am looking to become more active, healthy and lighter! The last time I was in shape at all was about 12 years ago- and as I am about to hit 49 and my blood pressure has started to rise I think there is no time like the present to get started. I am really a beginner at this point. We just got a new treadmill so it's time for me to move.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Welcome Zippy. Good for you for wanting to get in shape. I ran a 10K one day before I turned 50, but to prove to myself that didn't mean I was over the hill. I was still climbing and getting better. LOL

    Running will definitely help lower your blood pressure and help you lose weight. Start slow and keep with it. Let us know if you have any questions and keep us informed on your progress.

    Good luck and congratulations on taking the first step. Often, that one is the hardest.
  • arizona2012
    arizona2012 Posts: 13 Member

    I have rejoined MFP to loose the weight I have regained since last log on (8 lbs). I am looking for guidance and support while I regroup and turn my walking regime into running. Let me tell you about myself and perhaps one of you could help guide me on my journey to loosing this weigh once and for all!

    I have struggled with keeping my weight in check my entire life! I am a 57 year old women who currently works full time as a Director on Nursing at my local community hospital. I am not very active during the course of my work day. My work days are long (9-10 hrs) and are more mentally stressful than physical. Many nights I take home work due the next day.

    I am 5 feet tall and weigh 133 lbs. My initial goal is to be 110 lbs again (but I will settle for 115).

    I do not have any real health issues other than menopause which has really impacted my ability to loose weight. I take daily vitamins, bioidentical hormone replacements, and a probiotic. I have no food allergies that I am aware of.

    Every weekend, I take care of my elder mom for approx 2-6 hours, who resides in an assisted living facility about 40 minutes from my home.

    Last fall, I completed my MSN online! Although it was a great accomplishment, I know the sedentary life of a student attributed to my weight gain. I am currently studying for certification in Leadership and management.

    My morning routine (at least 5 days/week) includes walking on my treadmill (3.0-3.4mph) for approx 30. I also do a 45 min yoga DVD at least once per week. When I was in my mid to late 20s and early 30s, I ran approx. 1-3 mi/day. I loved to run and enjoyed the natural high it gave me. Unfortunately, I suffered a bulging cervical and lumbar disk from working as a nurse and gave up running. I would like to revisit my ability to run.

    Does anyone have any advice for me on an approach to increase my pace from walking to running? What about my caloric intake and percentage of Carbs, protein, and fat be daily?

    I would like to see at least 1-2 lb weight loss per week. How often do you suggest I weigh myself. I have been weighing daily only to see me go up and down with the same 3-5 lbs.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    Thank you
  • arizona2012
    arizona2012 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello again

    I posted an introduction and have not had any contact from any recently experienced joggers or runners with advice. :(

    I would like to know if anyone else has a history of low back problems and what they have done to strengthen their backs to be able to at least fast walk if not jog.

    I started to walk on my treadmill a few weeks ago when I joined MFP and after 2 weeks of doing great, I pulled something in my back and now have had sciatic pain.

    I want to keep moving so I have continued to walk but cannot do more than approx 3,000-4,000 steps/day. Perhaps I am impatient but if there is any certain yoga moves or stretches that have worked for you, I would like to try them. I have used ice and naproxen (which is what my MD recommended) and it helps me be able to sleep at night.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Arizona -

    Hi, I am Gail (healthfulnow), I am almost 56 y.o. and have been on MFP since January of this year. I have lost 60 lbs - going from 180 lbs to 120 lbs - although my goal weight was 129 lbs. I started my weight loss journey last September by using Weight Watchers online and following their points system. I watched what I ate, decreased my portions , and significantly upped my exercise. I had just been placed on blood pressure meds and have always had back pain (I could cough and throw out my back with pain lasting for weeks). I began my exercise regimen by doing Wii Fit Plus - Basic Steps and some of the other activities, as well as walking more consistently both outside and on the treadmill. Wii Fit Plus also offers yoga activities, strength activities, as well as cardio. As my weight came off , my blood pressure lowered and my back felt better - as well as my restless leg syndrome. Since January I started running 5K distances and signed up for my first race this past April. My body has pretty much transformed through the running. I completed it in a great time and have continued to run although now my body is starting to ache a little more and my time is a little slower. Currently, I am trying to do more strength / core training.

    Please feel free to add me - I am also friends with quilteryoyo and other runners - both beginners (like myself) and others more experienced. We try to offer support and encouragement as we journey on this healthier lifestyle in our own courners of the world.

    Hope you feel better soon!