Totally Scratching my head

Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
Is it possible to had muscle and fat at the same time? How much cardio is to much cardio when you are trying to lose fat.


  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Yes you can add both muscle and fat at the same time... that's what happens in a typical bulk. Too much cardio is when you start burning off muscle or create an injury.
  • Chocol8teThunder
    Chocol8teThunder Posts: 124 Member
    Yes you what you are describing is called "Bulking" or putting on muscle and a little fat (which will allow you to lift more and build muscle)

    I am in a cut right now but early this year I did a dirt bulk to put on muscle.

    Below is a link. Brandon with campbell fitness does a great job explaining the difference.

    Thanks for your question and continue to post.
  • pac_
    pac_ Posts: 57 Member
    If your goal is to add muscle then you can expect to add a little fat as well, there is just no way around it. You should always strive make the leanest gains possible. if u go on a "dirty bulk" or "dreamers bulk" and just garbage pile your self with excess calories then you will have to diet longer when it comes time to cut down. it would be best for men not to bulk past 15% body fat and women around 20%. most men start to see some decent abs around 10% and women around 15% but then again everyone is different.