Week 1-4 : Diet



  • SSkrabo
    SSkrabo Posts: 4
    Tell me what your diet is like, sticking points, and how your energy levels are. Keep each other motivated as well. Everyone should get to know each other. 12 Weeks will go by very quickly!! Get ready for that Sunshine and warm weather. Well in PA it is still snowing i'm sure some of you have warm weather already and for that I am jealous =-)

    First of all, don't be jealous of the warm weather - summer is too long! Enjoy the snow. :) As for the rest...

    My diet is a mixed bag. I am pretty good during the work week - but only for breakfast/lunch. Like someone else said, I tend to get very busy and I actually forget to eat, thereby skipping healthy snacks even though that apple isn't sitting far away. As a result, I am SO hungry when I get home and waiting 30+ minutes for something to cook sounds terrible and impossible, so I tend to stop by and pick up whatever on the way home. Unfortunately, "whatever" usually isn't very healthy and then after that I end up just watching TV or something, and rarely get my exercise in.

    My energy levels are a mess right now - and I know it's b/c of the simple carbs. I fully acknowledge that when I eat well and exercise, I feel tons better - the hardest part is forcing myself to get on the right track. Once I'm on the right track and there for a few weeks, I have no problems!
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    no eating crap at night 1200 calorie diet but smart choices.....if I stop that I believe 30 lbs wont be hard
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    When I started this journey my doctor said focus on building to 30 g of dietary fiber each day. Most days I do more and it really prevents hunger. My goal is to get away from processed food and I do pretty good, except for breakfast. Whether it is a6 am body pump day or not I seem always to be in a rush-so I grab a vita muffin top for fiber and a nature valley protein bar for protein. This breakfast is the best quick one that gives me energy until lunch. For snacks I eat almonds, popcorn or fruit.
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    I am a gastric bypass patient, 2004 lost 125lb, got thyroid cancer, gained back over the years 80lbs, now losing again, but difficult, when I lose I have to adjust my medicine or feel awful, I have been at a 3 week standstill, changed my goal to 1lb loss per week, so it increased my calories, i try to eat more protein, eating healthy nuts daily and getting energy to exercise.
  • a59feline
    a59feline Posts: 11
    I know how to eat healthy.... it's just a matter of doing it.... and that requires effort. You've motivated me to to go buy some protein shake mix, almond milk, frozen fruit, and chia seeds for breakfast smoothies. Breakfast is a hard one for me. I usually skip it and pump myself with caffeine and nicotine in the a.m. , which is my bad habit to break. Can't keep muffins or protein bars around....because I will go to them all night and there won't be any left for breakfasts.

    If I take the time to prepare individually weighed & measured meals and put them in the fridge....I can grab healthy lunch/dinners from the fridge. Today I'll make some individual big salads (lettuce, carrots, cukes, fuji apple, brocoli, and a piece of grilled fish). I'll also make meals with spagetti squash, chunky tomatoe sauce, meatless meatballs & canned lentils. These can be pretty big too. It tastes just like real spagettii & meatballs....without the calories!) The key is having the containers to put them in. I'm not keen on microwaving stuff in plastic containers (there's some connection bewteen that and breast cancer....,and several maternal relatives have died of breast cancer...so it's in my genes). Keep on the lookout for proper size glass containers with lids!

    So, that means I gotta get to the grocery store today. UGH!
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    Be so off track lately. Do alot of stress eating. Trying to get back on track with calories set by MFP and not going over.
  • countrygal02012
    countrygal02012 Posts: 124 Member
    I follow MFP of 1200 calories average per day.... weekends are the hardest and when I tend to lose control. I'm 46 years old... and the weight doesn't come off as easy as I was younger. I do try to move my body daily (with the aid of a Fitbit). I eat three meals and one snack per day. No evening eating when I am in control.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    1400 calories a day and I usually eat them back if I've worked out.

    Ive spent my whole life eatting like a child and over indulging n crap food. I cut pop out of my diet at the beginning of the year and swapped chips for smart pop popcorn (baby steps).

    I've also have been eatting 5-6 meals a day since the beginning of the year and have noticed a major increase in energy. Before I would drink coffee all day, until dinner and then binge all night which left me feeling exhausted. I really think smaller frequent meals make the day more manageable.

    I've always been a picky when it comes to vegetables, but I've been trying new things and stick with what I like: carrots, green beans and Bell peppers. I aim to have 2 servings a day, but its hasn't become a natural habbit.

    I love fruit and have replaced the bad sweets with the good ones. My favorites are strawberries, raspberries, apple's and mango. I usually have 2-3 servings daily. I eat some sort of berry every day.

    I choose whole grains almost always.

    I eat chicken everyday, but one meal a week I allow myself red meat. Usually I splurge on my homemade pasta sauce or tacos.

    I have a protein shake with coconut almond milk every day, sometimes I have 2.

    I love to cook, but I cook two meals every night (mine + son&husbands) so I'm looking for ways to simplify.
  • chaunasmith
    chaunasmith Posts: 26 Member
    Hello :) I eat healthy 6/7 days per week. One day is usually a cheat day or just a cheat meal. I am following calories/day set by MFP. Mine is 1,550 calories per day. I do eat back some, if not all, of my exercise calories, and have noticed that I lose if I do eat them. I'm trying to get in more protein into my diet, which I find difficult on some days. If I get in 80-90 grams of protein in a day, I'm doing really, really good. I do NOT deprive myself at all. If I want something, I have it but in a moderate portion. I think this has helped me not to "backslide" with my diet. I try to get in fruits and veggies but it's just a few servings per day---not as much as I should. I drink plenty of water. Weight loss has been slow--have lost, as of this morning, 35 pounds in almost 3 years. Thanks for doing this challenge group :)
  • Marsalforn1
    I think that the most important thing is not to consider that one is on a diet, but a healthy eating plan for life, which includes treats, chocolate, pizzas, birthday do's, restaurant meals and so on. But all in moderation. The worst thing about a diet is that one sticks to it, loses the weight, then goes back to "normal" eating - which is what put the weight on in the first place!
  • tiggersized55
    I am given 1200 per day , the last couple of days I have gone over on calories and sodium.
    My energy level is ok.
    Had oral surgery last month so most of my calories are from "soft foods" soup or protein drinks. Not a fan of puree food. who is? ~~ Hence the sodium and calories overage ...... :ohwell:

    I don't drink soda gave that up Feb 9 Diet Dew was my drink of choice.
    that was a HUGE success for me I drank ONLY soda everyday NEVER water for about 12 years or more !
    Feel so much better, working on my coffee in take now. Was drinking a pot a day with splenda and creamer now down to 3 cups.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    I eat above my BMR at 1600and if I work out very hard and am hungry, I eat back some of my exercise calories. I eat fairly clean, i actually don' t like junk food, I love wine and chocolate but I have been able to have it all in moderation in past 11 weeks since joining MFP. For now, diet is under control for me. I need to find more time for working out.
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    Tell me what your diet is like, sticking points, and how your energy levels are. Keep each other motivated as well. Everyone should get to know each other. 12 Weeks will go by very quickly!! Get ready for that Sunshine and warm weather. Well in PA it is still snowing i'm sure some of you have warm weather already and for that I am jealous =-)

    I was on 1400 cals but I've recently calculated my cals with TDEE - 20%, that includes 1 to 3 hours of light exercise a week. I'm at 1651 Cals 40% Carbs, 30% Fat, 30% Protein. Since my workout is already included in the calculation, I don't eat my exercise cals back. I try to eat non processed food as much as I can and love to eat the color of the rainbow (veggies). I do find a hard time reaching that 1651 most days but I am trying. Protein is another area that I fall behind on. Carbs are my downfall - they add up fast! My energy levels are getting better every day. I do half an hour of cardio 3 times a week and just recently started strength training 3 times a week with dumbbells. NSV: I am now able to run on my elliptical for an hour without feeling like I'm dying or reaching for my asthma inhaler. :happy:
  • NipsGhost
    NipsGhost Posts: 46
    MFP recommends 1200 calories for me, which surprisingly is hard for me to keep up with, I never seem to make it. I cannot follow their recommendations on sugar intake as mine needs to be higher for medical issues. But when I see that in red it irks me. :)

    So far what I'm mainly working on is the portion control. I cook from scratch on an almost daily basis, so that's usually not a problem for me. While I will limit what I eat, I will not suddenly stop eating a wonderful food simply because it's high carb or high calorie. The compromise is the much smaller amounts.

    Prime example, I'm making cabbage rolls today. It is a tradition and an old family recipe. Somehow I've got to figure out how to measure exactly what goes in and the calorie counts.

    As for energy levels, I lag mid-afternoon. Whether this is from starvation or the BP meds, who knows. I also get extremely hungry around 9 or 10pm every night. I'm still up working at that point. Last night instead of eating, I ignored it. I'm starving this morning and want more than my blah oatmeal :) Help?!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I'm not a fan of 1200 calories a day. Doesn't work for me. I eat between 1600-1700 calories a day, and base that on a 17% deficit of my daily burn which is typically 2050-2100 according to my Fitbit and HRM.

    I walk every day and am currently doing ChaLEAN Extreme 90 day strength training/cardio DVD which I love. I previously have done Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I have let my gym membership expire because I love my walking/DVD workouts at home so much, and I do something pretty much every single day.

    Looking forward to this 12 week challenge. I have 20 1bs to lose to get to my goal of 140... however, if my body fat percentage drops significantly and my clothes fit and I look great naked, I don't really care what the number on the scale says..:laugh:
  • healthby40
    healthby40 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm eating between 1500-1700 calories a day. I try to stay on the lower end, but if I eat to the higher end I don't feel defeated. I lost weight before on 1300 cal a day, but it didn't stay off. I have insulin resistance and my blood sugar last time it was checked was in the prediebetes range, therefore I am trying to not eat a lot of carbs. and of course no sugar , white bread, or white rice. I do take a med. to help control the insulin levels and feel it is helping me. I try to keep carbs under 100, but it would probably be better for me to go lower.
    Yesterday was a bad day because I ate out twice. I do so much better when I don't eat out!
  • schmeckpeper
    schmeckpeper Posts: 23 Member
    Have lost 17 lbs since the first of the year.....and about 30 lbs in the last 4-5 months.
    BMR = 1463 Using a Body Media monitor for burn...averages 2300/day
    Was eating 1400 cals a day average but stalled the last couple weeks so upped to 1700 cals this last week and a pound finally came off. I wasn't hungry at 1400 cals anymore....at 1700 hunger is back. I take this as a good sign.
    Morning workout on elliptical 20 minutes.....then off to sedentary job....come home and do a fitness dvd for 30 minutes then jump on elliptical for 20-40 more minutes (most days). Get at least 1 rest day in....trying for two...just hate getting out of routine.
    40/30/30macro....hit it most days. Going for whole grains, lean proteins and vegetables. Limited refined foods.Totally detoxed from sugar.
    On level 2 of 30DayShred right now.....going to do P90X after I'm done.
    Looking to lose 25 more pounds....mostly belly fat....some inner thigh. My main goal right now is to drop as much as I can before my vacation in May. 8 weeks away!!!!!
  • Culanow
    Culanow Posts: 11
    My diet... wow... that's a loaded subject! LOL... I am pretty good with food. I do not crave or even want sweets, so that's not an issue. I eat a lean cuisine meal at lunch. I drink at least 8 bottles of water a day. And thru the week, I eat a sandwich and soup for supper or something equally low cal.

    My Problems!!

    1. Beer is my biggest downfall, this maybe an odd problem area for a woman but there it is. I know this should be an easy one. 96 calories per can of totally empty calories. Common sense says just dont do it!!! . BUT it's part of my life. In the evenings, my husband and I sit and talk and have a couple of beers together. It's just what we do, what we've always done, and our downtime. I do figure these calories into my total every day.
    Also, most nights we eat very late. Then go to bed. I've read alot about eating late. Some advice says it's a no-no, some say as long as your under your calories, then your fine. So I just don't know.

    2. Weekends - We have have a large group of friends. Almost every weekend year round we grill, go to the lake, etc... (again, beer is an issue as far as calories go) There is no part of any of our weekend life that is fitness or nutrient oriented. i.e. In my world, folks think fried okra or squash is healty because it's "vegetables"... LOL

    I want and need to find a way to make all this work for me. I'm getting older but we still live a young and active lifestyle. I want to feel and look good and still be able to be a part of my world of friends and life!
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Tell me what your diet is like, sticking points, and how your energy levels are. Keep each other motivated as well. Everyone should get to know each other. 12 Weeks will go by very quickly!! Get ready for that Sunshine and warm weather. Well in PA it is still snowing i'm sure some of you have warm weather already and for that I am jealous =-)

    Im trying to stay between 1457 and 1957 for my daily calories. When i work out I try to net 1457. Figuring out my calories has been my biggest problem. My energy is down most days. I work from 5:30am - 2pm, so I have a hard time getting 8 hours of sleep as this would mean I would need to be in bed by 8pm. I also suffer from allergies and I believe this contributes to why I'm so exhausted EVERY day. Last week I started following the Dash Diet Plan, which is basically exactly what you have recommended to all of us.

    My biggest challenge is the lack of sleep. All I want to do after work is go home and take a nap and by the time I wake up it's too late to get to the gym because I need to get dinner and laundry and food packed for the next day before I get to bed. I'm at work right now and my eyes are burning and watering from my allergies and I'm yawning and can't wait to get to bed, but I know I need to get to the gym:yawn:

    I also have a husband and daughter who refuse to give up the crap foods and so I have that temptation in the house too.