What am I doing wrong?

cacrosby2 Posts: 8 Member
Well, I started MFP in January. Between Christmas and March 1 I lost about 12 lbs. by cutting calories and upping exercise to at least one hour a day. Usually it's fast walking with my dog 2 times a day. Sometimes I add in a bike ride for about 30 minutes or an elliptical session. I'm burning about 2000-2100 calories a week on exercise and eating between 1200 and 1600 calories a day. I drink plenty of water, no alcohol or snacks after dinner and have been very careful to document EVERYTHING. Yet, the scale doesn't move, the clothes are not looser, I've been at the virtually the same weight for almost 1 month. I'm 48 y.o., 5'7", 153 aiming for 125, but hey, at this point I'd be happy with 140.

What the heck?

I see a lot of abbreviations that I don't understand in the forum as well. What is MPEE?


  • grace4u2receive
    grace4u2receive Posts: 333 Member
    Have you set your goal on mfp to 1 pound weight loss for a week? So it can calculate how many calories you should take in and tracking your food and exercise?

    I started at 153, but have lost 8 pounds in eight weeks. Didn't lose any weight on week 9 though. Hope you will see some weight loss soon!
  • JamieA8
    JamieA8 Posts: 36 Member
    Try shaking things up a bit. Sometimes uping your calories for a few days and then bringing them back down will shake up your metabolism and help you when you plateau. I like to do that every once in a while. When working out too, it's a good idea to try different exercises to create muscle confusion so that your body does not adapt to the same movements and plateau. (I know there is a lot of debate on this subject, but I have found that this is what works for me).
  • cacrosby2
    cacrosby2 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! Yes, I programmed it for 2 lbs a week. I probably need to just keep on keepin' on and will eventually see some losss, just not as fast as before.
  • cacrosby2
    cacrosby2 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! I think I do need to mix it up a little. I am such a creature of habit that I don't do that enough.
  • Gells79
    Gells79 Posts: 4 Member
    Have you tried adding resistance exercises or weight training? That definitely helped me break out of a plateau.
  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    Whenever I get stuck I have a 'free day' where I eat what I want. It seems to shock my body into losing weight for some reason. I have also started weight training lately and it seems to be working. I agree, you need to shake things up a bit! I also try and vary my exercise a lot so my body doesn't get used to the same thing over and over.
  • cacrosby2
    cacrosby2 Posts: 8 Member
    I've started doing that more regularly this week. Hope it helps like it did for you. Thanks!
  • cacrosby2
    cacrosby2 Posts: 8 Member
    Mmmm.. I like the free day concept. It'll be hard to "let go" after being so careful...or maybe not!
  • majinuni
    majinuni Posts: 12
    I started out just doing cardio, lost some weight but then plateaued for over a month. What worked for me was weight training. Mild-moderate weight training made a HUGE difference and I easily broke through my plateau. I just do some toning DVDs (25 mins kettlebell and 15 mins abs) twice a week. My body looks totally different.
  • I had the same problem as you..the scale would not budge!! I worked out 5 days a week with cardio and strength training. My diet was always a healthy one for sure BUT I realized I probably wasn't eating enough calories so I changed the way I was eating..I started to eat every 3 to 4 hrs, small meals that consisted of protein, veg and a little starch and after 3 weeks I have lost 3lbs which may not sound like a lot but for me it is!! Maybe it will work for you.. :-)
  • cacrosby2
    cacrosby2 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks to all for the encouragement. I definitely need it! Cathy
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks! Yes, I programmed it for 2 lbs a week. I probably need to just keep on keepin' on and will eventually see some losss, just not as fast as before.

    change it to 1lb per week.
  • thehairfairi
    thehairfairi Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with alot of what is being said, you may not be eating enough to fuel your workouts,and incrrease your calorie count and switch your workout to shake it up a little.