


  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    Hey heyy!

    My name is Kayla, nickname Wally.
    Im 21 years young, but I dont feel like it. :(
    Im here because I want to be comfortable in my body! & for me that means I need to drop alll the extra jiggle!

    3 things I'm dropping...
    - Sodaaaa!
    - NO Fast food meals
    - cable ;) It just sets me back!

    My goals in the 100 days!
    1. Finish Jillians 30 DS
    2. Start a running program after,maybe CT5K, 30 DS.
    3. lose at least 10 inches all over. (I think that is VERY reasonable.)
    4. lose at least 20 lbs!
    5. Making working out a habit.

    Most of all I just want to feel happy & healthy!
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Hey heyy!

    My name is Kayla, nickname Wally.
    Im 21 years young, but I dont feel like it. :(
    Im here because I want to be comfortable in my body! & for me that means I need to drop alll the extra jiggle!

    3 things I'm dropping...
    - Sodaaaa!
    - NO Fast food meals
    - cable ;) It just sets me back!

    My goals in the 100 days!
    1. Finish Jillians 30 DS
    2. Start a running program after,maybe CT5K, 30 DS.
    3. lose at least 10 inches all over. (I think that is VERY reasonable.)
    4. lose at least 20 lbs!
    5. Making working out a habit.

    Most of all I just want to feel happy & healthy!

    NO CABLE?......well some things just aint possible...good luck with that!
  • lashawn0187
    lashawn0187 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello my name is LaShawn

    Goals for the 100 day challenge

    2-12-14 cups of water everyday
    3-log on MFP daily no matter what
    4-No fried foods
    5-No sushi...I'm going to miss this so much...
    6-No sweets or sodas
    7-Workout 4-5xs a week (more if possible)
    8-Cook as many home cooked meals as possible

    I think that is it ladies...oh we can do this I know its going to be extra hard for me with the alcohol but I know I can do it with everyone's help!! I haven't checked the scale in weeks probably not going to like what I see, but I will get back on it at the beginning of April after I have at least 2 weeks of goals met!!! LET'S GET IT YA'LL!!!
  • lashawn0187
    lashawn0187 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh yeah I think I might have to keep my cheese intake in check....so much fat but sooo good!!
  • justthick
    justthick Posts: 33 Member
    Hello my name is Haneefah. (justthick, JT)Most people call me Neefah. I have bn with MFP since Jily 2011. Im super excited "lotto " about this journey .I'm several days late on here but I did start on time as of March 13. I plan on being more structured and accountable. I will be given up for 100 days.
    * Fried food
    * Sugar Free drinks /Diet
    * No fast food
    * No processed/package food (Lean Cuisine, etc)
    * No junk food
    * No salt added
    * No sauces (unless clear)
    * Having a postive go getter attitude everyday
    * Help motivate/uplift others
    * minimum of 30 a day excercise (7 days a week)
    *Drink 8 glasses of water
    *3 days strength training
    *Clean eating (as much as possible)
    *Fresh fruits/veggies or frozen.
    Thanks Stephanie!!! LOVE YOU LOTS.
  • lovesharmony
    lovesharmony Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the add. Am excited about this challenge.
  • Hardemanwifey
    Hardemanwifey Posts: 259 Member
    Hello fit family, my name is Tasha. I'm super excited about this challenge and what we will al gain from it. I know tightening up my diet is just what I need to drop these last few pounds and be ready for the summer.

    Things I'm giving up
    -no bread, pasta, legumes, rice, potatoes, sugar (Paleo lifestyle), only 1 special occ meal but gotta work hard to get it
    -no Alcohol
    -no nuts/seeds(I eat way too many when I do)
    -no Paleo cakes, cookies, muffins

    Things I'm added
    -80oz water/day wkday and 64oz on wkends
    -workout 5days/wk
    -complete 30 day squat challenge successfully along with whole30

    Let's do it!! I can't wait to see everyones results. Look forward to supporting and encouraging everyone as we take on this challenge together
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Taniya. I'm late To the group but I did start the challenge on 3/13. I commit to:

    1. Working out 5-6 days per week for at least 45 minutes
    2. Drinking at least 64 oz of water everyday (including weekends)
    3. No soda
    4. Beginning in April, add strength training twice a week

    Thanks for challenging us to push ourselves even more Steph!
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    Hello My name is Kristine and I'm here to get summer sexy!
    1) I'm going to drink at least 10 cups of water
    2) try to maintain my weight but build muscle
    3) workout everyday but on rest days take it easier then I do
    4) Try to eat cleaner
    5)Try not to eat to much bread I would say cut it but I know I wont be able to..
    6) Really focus on strength training.. I"m a cardio JUNKY LOL
    7) To make sure I am getting the amount of protein thats required on my mfp.. I have trouble with getting the right amount of protein
    I wish everyone the best of luck:)
  • lashawn0187
    lashawn0187 Posts: 16 Member
    Heyyy Everyone!! I'm Bridget. Here are my goals for this challenge...

    [1] Log my food daily...the good, the bad and the ugly...to be accountable, NOT to be judged!!

    [2] Give up Cakes/Cookies Mon thru Fri (Being realistic. I would not make it if I tried to give them up for the whole 100 days)

    [3] Preplan my meals every week.

    [4] Not eat after 7:30 p.m.

    [5] $1/workout jar

    I like that $1 jar might have to add this as well!
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 634 Member
    Hello everyone my name is TJ, and Sorry for posting late :)

    No eating after 8pm
    No unhealthy fats
    No meat on Mondays (Meatless Mondays)
    No sweets Monday -Friday :) Sometimes I am good but got to keep away from the temptation.

    Oh yea and I am adding the $1 jar also.
  • Heyyy Everyone!! I'm Bridget. Here are my goals for this challenge...

    [1] Log my food daily...the good, the bad and the ugly...to be accountable, NOT to be judged!!

    [2] Give up Cakes/Cookies Mon thru Fri (Being realistic. I would not make it if I tried to give them up for the whole 100 days)

    [3] Preplan my meals every week.

    [4] Not eat after 7:30 p.m.

    [5] $1/workout jar

    I like that $1 jar might have to add this as well!

    Great idea LaShawn. Not only will we be lookin good after this 100-day challenge but we'll also have money in our pockets...Lol.
  • Hello everyone my name is TJ, and Sorry for posting late :)

    No eating after 8pm
    No unhealthy fats
    No meat on Mondays (Meatless Mondays)
    No sweets Monday -Friday :) Sometimes I am good but got to keep away from the temptation.

    Oh yea and I am adding the $1 jar also.

    Alright now Sissy. Work it!!
  • nelnova
    nelnova Posts: 57 Member
    Hmmmm am I the Only Guy?? idk. Hey I'm Nelson or Nel and these are 3 main things I plan on giving up!

    1. Complaining and Excuses
    2. All Sugars(Fake and Real)
    3. Missing Workouts

    Also for every workout completed $1 and No Cheat Days or Meals or Snacks!
    I Look Forward to Losing with Yall:happy:
  • shtupndoit
    shtupndoit Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all:) My name is Paula
    My 3 challenge items are:
    1. Avoid sugary snacks and desserts on weekdays
    2. No late night snacking or eating after 9
    3. Consume at least 90 grams of protein and 96 oz of water

    This is awesome challenge! I know with focus and dedication we can meet our goals.
  • Tonika44137
    Tonika44137 Posts: 167 Member
    Ok I'm late but it took some time for me to figure out what I could "give up" or "work on" so I finally have it "figured out" (I hope :grumble:)

    so my 4 things are:
    1. 2 treat meals per month (i love sweets and they're my addiction :blushing: )
    2. control sodium
    3. drink 10cups (5 water bottes) of water (especially weekends)
    4. stay accountable and log EVERYTHING, everyday

    Btw my name is Tonika
  • Rachel here:

    Things I plan on giving up
    1. unecessary snacking, chips, twizzlers and orange juice (it's sooooo good though)
    2. excuses. I will not lie, I make any excuse not to exercise, i.e if I went to sleep an hour later than usual, guess whose not exercising the next morning, if my head hurt the night before, guess who won't be exercising, if my husband is having chest pain (this morning) I used that as my excuse to lay in the bed with him until it was time for me to get to work.
    3. No fast food. ( I just killed some Popeyes this weekend) Glad I enjoyed it. *If I do have fast food, it'll definitely be healthy*

    Things I plan on adding
    1. Making sure to exercise everyday even on weekends even if it's just for stretching and if I don't make it in the morning, to at least make something happen before I turn in for the remainder of the day.
    2. A good nights rest. I can't function when I haven't had a total number of 7 or more hours.
    3. Buying my own exercise treadmill. I love walking on that thing and even more so that I can read and watch tv and it is a total body machine, what I hate is..... Having to go to the gym to use it. I figure the $20 a month can be used toward my own and be paid for in no time.
    4. I have been drinking diet cran-grape and it only has five calories, It is so good. I can have two cups and still only have a total of 10 calories. This and water will be my saving grace oh and my protein shake.
    4. Plan my meals for the week. Have a healthy free for all on the weekend.

    I'm ready yall.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Ok ok ok , im ready! My name is Kyunda and here is my plan:

    1. Drink 1 gallon of water EVERYDAY
    2.No fast food (unless traveling,)
    3. Work out 5 days a week
    4. Keep sodium intake low
    5. Watch sugar intake
    6. Eat my calories