2013 New Officers

Harlemite Posts: 62 Member
We just has our elections yesterday and I was elected to be our Co-Leader. All the other leadership positions stayed the same. I was honored to be nominated and elected as I haven't even been in TOPS a year yet. (Joined May 2012)

How were elections in your chapter?



    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    We had our elections yesterday. All new officers except the treasurer. Everyone else wanted to be replaced. I become the leader of our chapter. I was a leader in my last chapter. I am hoping it will help me once again in my weightloss efforts. I really want to make KOPS this year. I wanted to make it last year.....but life got in the way. Hopefully things will settle down and I can get down to serious business with making my goal.
    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    We had our elections yesterday. All new officers except the treasurer. Everyone else wanted to be replaced. I become the leader of our chapter. I was a leader in my last chapter. I am hoping it will help me once again in my weightloss efforts. I really want to make KOPS this year. I wanted to make it last year.....but life got in the way. Hopefully things will settle down and I can get down to serious business with making my goal.:flowerforyou:
    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    OPPPSSSS ...computer froze and I posted twice...sorry:blushing:
  • Harlemite
    Harlemite Posts: 62 Member
    We had our elections yesterday. All new officers except the treasurer. Everyone else wanted to be replaced. I become the leader of our chapter. I was a leader in my last chapter. I am hoping it will help me once again in my weightloss efforts. I really want to make KOPS this year. I wanted to make it last year.....but life got in the way. Hopefully things will settle down and I can get down to serious business with making my goal.:flowerforyou:

    Congrats Deb! You can make it to KOPS, yes you can! I plan on making it in the near future too - 6.2 pounds to goal but it seems I've only been losing like 0.2 - 0.6 pounds a week. Getting harder to get the pounds off.

    Congrats to your whole chapter too on CHANGE!

  • smilewithkatherine
    smilewithkatherine Posts: 82 Member
    Our elections went really well We have two members who are on the board this year for the fist time. I feel that it's always nice and refreshing to see different people on the board. I was Co-Leader this year and next year, and in April I'll be Leader. I was Leader before from April 2008 to March 2011, so this time around should be total smooth sailing. Well one can hope right, LOL. Congrats to all the newly elected board members.
    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats...you are so close to your goal....you will make it this year for sure. Slow but sure is the way to go. Keep up the great work.
    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    Our elections went really well We have two members who are on the board this year for the fist time. I feel that it's always nice and refreshing to see different people on the board. I was Co-Leader this year and next year, and in April I'll be Leader. I was Leader before from April 2008 to March 2011, so this time around should be total smooth sailing. Well one can hope right, LOL. Congrats to all the newly elected board members.

    With being a leader from the past...it should be smooth sailing this time around...hopefully for both of us. How many people are in your chapter?? We have about 60....some are snowbirds and leave for the summer though.
  • Harlemite
    Harlemite Posts: 62 Member
    Our elections went really well We have two members who are on the board this year for the fist time. I feel that it's always nice and refreshing to see different people on the board. Congrats to all the newly elected board members.

    Congrats to you too K! I was hoping there would have been more of a change in our leadership but we shall see what this new year will bring! :-)

    Elaine aka Harlemite
  • Harlemite
    Harlemite Posts: 62 Member
    Congrats...you are so close to your goal....you will make it this year for sure. Slow but sure is the way to go. Keep up the great work.

    Deb, Slow but sure is the only way for me. I've tried getting it off quick only to gain most of it back. This time, I've been working on lifestyle changes that I could live with. :-)

    We have about 30 in our group with an average attendance of 17-20. How in the world do you weigh in 60 people in a timely manner? Do you ever have trouble with the meeting starting on time or the *early birds* complaining of waiting so long for the meetings to start?

    BELIEVETOPSTOKOPS Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats...you are so close to your goal....you will make it this year for sure. Slow but sure is the way to go. Keep up the great work.

    Deb, Slow but sure is the only way for me. I've tried getting it off quick only to gain most of it back. This time, I've been working on lifestyle changes that I could live with. :-)

    We have about 30 in our group with an average attendance of 17-20. How in the world do you weigh in 60 people in a timely manner? Do you ever have trouble with the meeting starting on time or the *early birds* complaining of waiting so long for the meetings to start?


    Our chapter starts weighing in 2 hrs before the meeting starts. I don't think anyone complains because it is their social time. I don't get there that early...but now that I will be an officer, I will have to start getting there earlier than I have been. Many people come in early and weigh in and then leave. I have not counted how many actually stay for the meeting but we have 3 rows of tables (pretty full) and a couple of tables up front for the officers.
  • susan9
    susan9 Posts: 47 Member
    We had our election and I was voted in as leader. I'm a little afraid because I'm far from the best speaker in the group and I have a quiet voice. Our two last leaders were former teachers, well organized and did excellent jobs. Our leader and co-leader both did not want the leader job this term. They and our whole group said they will help and support me.

    I was one of the ladies who show up not late but last minute. Now I'll have to be early. It should be easy because I live closer than anyone to our meeting place.

    My sister was a Tops leader of a different group 20 years ago. I was the secretary when she was leader. I'm telling myself that if she could do, I can.do it.
  • susan9
    susan9 Posts: 47 Member
    Congrat on both being co-leader and so close to goal.
  • Harlemite
    Harlemite Posts: 62 Member
    We had our election and I was voted in as leader.

    My sister was a Tops leader of a different group 20 years ago. I was the secretary when she was leader. I'm telling myself that if she could do, I can.do it.

    Yes, Susan! YOU can do it! Congrats!
  • annsmarquez
    annsmarquez Posts: 15 Member
    I have been co-leader and am now leader April 1 for the first time and am really nervous. I have no idea how it works behind the scenes but our former leader is now co-leader and promises to be there for me. Otherwise, I am excited because we have a friendly group and I am also hoping it will help me be a better success in my weight loss efforts.
  • Harlemite
    Harlemite Posts: 62 Member
    I have been co-leader and am now leader April 1 for the first time and am really nervous. I have no idea how it works behind the scenes but our former leader is now co-leader and promises to be there for me. Otherwise, I am excited because we have a friendly group and I am also hoping it will help me be a better success in my weight loss efforts.

    annsmarquez - sounds like you have a wonderful group and having your former leader be the co-leader is awesome! You will be fine and do a great job! :-)

    Elaine aka Harlemite