****Daily Thread****



  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Congrats Cookie!! Finishing this program is a great accomplishment.. As for your next one, I've done Pump. It was ok. I had never done any weight training at all in the past. I wanted to see what it was like, so I got Pump. It's 3 days of low weights/high reps and three days of walking/yoga.. Not much cardio at all. I finally had to add Insanity routines to the days that were listed as walk/yoga to get any cardio in because the Pump routines weren't giving me enough. The weight part was awesome though. I did get some mucles definition at the end of it, but as I said, I was doing a hybrid of Pump and Insanity together. To be honest, I think you might be bored with just Pump alone. There is a Pump/Combat hybrid calendar available on Teambeachbody.com now though. That might be an option. I have strongly considered TapouT XT also. After I'm done with my current program, I may try TapouT or another round of Combat. That's still 90 days away, so I'm not giving it much thought right now. Good luck with finishing and keep us informed at what you decide.

    @gabesgourmet: LMAO!! "Holy Hell on a wheat cracker." Now that struck me funny this morning. The 2 HIIT programs are no joke. Do you have Upper Body Blow Out and Lower Body Lean Out also? Don't walk into either of those with an "easy day" mindset. Those are intense as well.

    As for me, I just completed Day 1 of 90 of Body Beast. Totally out of my comfort zone with this weight program. I tried out each of the routines once over the last few weeks to see what I was in for, and I hurt for DAYS after each routine. This is going to be interesting doing one routine each day, 6 days a week.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.. The week is here again and it's time to get to it!
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team,

    Today marks the last week that I will be on the Reset! It has been a great experience so far. And unlike the last 2 times I've done it, I'm going to re-introduce foods the way the Reset suggests. The last 2 times, I did it all wrong and probably undid much of the good the comes from the Reset.

    I do feel like my muscles are atrophying (you're not supposed to workout on the Reset, other than doing something like yoga or Tai Chi), so it will be good to back into it. So I'm looking forward to getting back into Combat. Starting 15 April, I will doing an LMC/LMP hybrid and I'm looking forward to it.

    Cookie-- I LOVE PUMP!! I don't have great 'afters' to show b/c I didn't lock my nutrition down so I didn't lose enough weight to show muscle. However, by the time I completed Pump, that was the STRONGEST my body as ever been. I loved it. I've done a few lifting programs and I thought I loved them, but LMP blows them out of the water.

    Gabesgourmet-- The important thing is that you pushed through to fatigue! The next time you go through that workout, you'll get even farther. Like Tony Horton says, "Do your best and forget the rest!". Even Dan and Rach say to just do what you can.

    Dale-- CONGRATS!! Day 1 of The Beast finally arrived, huh? Man...I remember when you said you still had 3 weeks before you started! Time is really flying. It really sounds like you're a major transformation in the making! I look forward to more "After" pics-- it's going to be awesome!

    And now, I'm off to do school w/ the Kiddos. Have a great day, Team!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hello Guys, so i have decided to the the Pump/Combat Hybrid, so excited i am so sore from yesterdays workout, plyo is a killer with all those lunges and burpees , i can barely sit down , today is combat 60 live this is my favorite one besides combat kata 45, trying to lose at least 20 pounds before june, beautiful day here in Ga, hope u guys have a wonderful day :flowerforyou:
  • MzTate81
    MzTate81 Posts: 63 Member
    Good Morning everyone its been awhile since ive been on the group but im back... I finished LMC bout a month ago and started a hybrid of my two of my fav workout Turbofire and LMC.... Im on my 3rd week and love how I have set it up and loving my results so far .... I also decide for the next to weeks to not count calories cause i want to see if i can do it without the help cause i dont want to count calories for the rest of my life .. I want to be able to just make good health choice and live a life not just for losing weight but a Lifestyle change.... So i will see how much ive learned the past two years and see if im ready to take of the training wheels off from counting calories... I see everyone is still doing great and that is awesome..... KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK EVERYONE!!!!!!!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning Everyone..
    MzTate: Welcome back.. Glad to see you are still with it and knocking out a hybrid.. Great job!! I'm with you.. I'm not logging my food right now either. Same reason. I don't want to have to rely on website everyday to see if what I'm doing is correct of not..

    Cookie: I think you're gonna love the Pump/Combat hybrid. TeamBeachBody.com has a calendar they put out just a week or so ago for that hybrid. Just download that and you're all ready to go.. The last part of your message said Beautiful Day in GA.. That quickly turned around last night, didn't it? There were close to 80,000 people in this area (Middle GA) without power by 9:30 last night. I know they issued 1 tornado warning South of us here, but not sure about any others. Wind got up to gusts of 80mph. It was quite a show for a couple hours. No real damage here, but some decent damage in Macon just North of us.

    CJ: Are you going to start working the day you get off the reset or do you have to wait or ease back into it like the food?

    As for me, got in my second day of Body Beast. This was a legs day. It is a TOUGH workout!! At the end of it, I had serious issues trying to get down the stairs. Legs were very shakey. Last time I did this, I hurt for 4 days after. I'm hoping my after-workout shakes and stuff will help that from happening again this time.

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!!
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    hello Team,

    Just a short note today--school is underway and I need to make sure I don't fall behind. It's hard getting back on track after having a relaxed week with my eldest here.

    Dale-- I say again...I know your body must really be transforming! Every workout is leaving you sore! Are there cardio segments, too? Or is it just primarily weight-lifting?

    Cookie--You're in GA, too? So are Dale and me! Wow! It really is a small world :)

    MzTate: I hear you on the calorie-counting, too. I've been doing that on and off for years and it gets tiresome. I tend to do it when my weight gets away from me. B/C of the Reset, I feel like I want to eliminate most meat from my diet...I'll consider myself "flexitarian". I want to see if eating that way will allow this extra weight to come off w/o much effort.

    Time to finish school w/ the Kiddos. Have a great day, Team!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Dale-- I say again...I know your body must really be transforming! Every workout is leaving you sore! Are there cardio segments, too? Or is it just primarily weight-lifting?

    As much as I hurt, it BETTER be transforming. :)
    There are 6 different workouts for the "Build" phase.. "Chest and Tris," "Legs," "Back and Bis," "Shoulders," "Abs" and "Cardio"
    Abs and Cardio are done the same day. The cardio routine is no joke, but it's quick. And, it is the only cardio there is in the entire 90 days. Once a week with Abs.. I haven't worn my HRM with the cardio, but I'll post the kcal burn on Thursday for it. I am wearing my HRM during all of these just to see what the burn is. Today, on Legs, I got 526 kcal for 44 minutes on the legs routine. So, although it's no Combat or Insanity burn, but not too shabby for a primarily weight lifting program.
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Ah, Dale-I forgot to respond to your question. Week 1 Post-Reset, you can workout every day, but only at 50% of your max effort. Week 2--You go for it :)

    I have to admit...even though Beast seems to be 'guy-centric', I'm feeling like I really want to try it! Do you need anything else other than SelectTechs?
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Got it.. I know you have to be looking forward to getting back to working out.. Good on you for sticking this out though!! Not sure I could have done it.

    Body Beast is very Guy-Centric. 3 guys in each workout. The Beast and two others. One doing, more or less, modifications and another doing the regular stuff so you have someone to mirror when the Beast stops working and keeps talking. I still think the Beast is pretty much a d-bag, but I'm getting used to him. I have 2 females in my group doing Beast with me. One on my schedule and another a week ahead of us. And in my Coach's group, there is another female doing it. So, there are more and more doing it.

    Equipment needed: Weights (which you know) a weight bench (or stability ball) and a bar. They say you need the "EZ Curl" bar, but after doing all the routines, your LMP bar will work just the same. I coulda saved 27 bucks if I had known that. The curves in the EZ curl might help a bit, but to save some cash, the LMP straight bar is fine. The bench, I'm glad I purchased. I got a Bowflex bench that has 4 different positions for the back and it's perfect. VERY sturdy. And considering the moves you do on Leg day and cardio day, it needs to be sturdy. But, weights, bench, and bar with plates. That's what it calls for.

    This is not even in the same hemisphere as Pump. Nowhere even close. But, I am really liking it. And, the results? I can feel them everyday. We'll see what they look like in 30, 60 and 90. :)
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hey guys, so i just downloaded and printed out the LMP/LMC calendar, i can't wait to start did u guys watch the biggest loser season finale , Danni looked smoking hot all i could say was damn girl

    Dale : The weather was nasty, the cable kept going in and out while i was trying to watch the biggest loser :mad: and the lights were also blinking off and on,glad to know u and ur family are all ok

    CJ: U must be so excited it is ur last week of the reset, hope u got the results u were aiming for , let me know ur results , yup it will be 1 year in june since i moved to Lagrange, it's very different from living in New York, and i mean it in a good way, we live in the woods and i definitely love the peace and quiet except for the gun shots during the hunting season :tongue: hope everyone is having a blessed day :flowerforyou:
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Warriors,

    Dale-- Thank you for the low-down on what's needed for weights. Man..."not in the same hemisphere" as LMP? I thought THAT was tough, haha! Too bad the trainer is a jerk, though. Maybe that's just his style to get guys pumped up? :huh:

    Cookie-- I don't have cable, so I miss out on what's playing on TV. I used to watch that show YEARS ago when I still lived in NE...it may have even been season 1. Wow! You're a LONG way from New York! When I first got here, we had to take cabs everywhere and I met a woman from New York. She had lived here for so long--almost 20 years--that she had a souther accent--I thought she was from here, haha. She said she loves it here, too. When I lived in GE, we had a huge meadow and woods behind our house and we could hear the hunters every now and then. My daughter liked to take walks in the woods so I had to make sure I stayed on top of the hunting schedule so she wouldn't go in during that time :)

    Yes, I am so glad the Reset will be over soon, only b/c I'll have a little more flexibility about what I can eat. I am dying to add farina back in (rice cereal). The Reset has gotten me to the point that I eat breakfast now and that's huge for me b/c breakfast used to be coffee. Plus, I really need to get back to my workouts...I feel like my muscles are starting to atrophy!

    *sigh*...gotta do school. Have a great day, Everyone!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Afternoon everyone.. (Almost 1200)
    Yeah, not in the same hemisphere as Pump is the way to put it. I originally had Zip Code, then I typed Area code, then I thought State.. It is so far removed from Pump.. But, that being said, it is a great program. There is some music in the back ground, but you don't really notice it. The option isn't for "Pumped Up Music" or not, it's to have music or not. Period. Nothing is set to music. It's just there to cover all the grunts from the guys curling 70 lb freakin' dumbbells. Nothing is set to music, it's just playing, very low in the background.
    As far as Sagi being a D-Bag.. Yeah, it's more a Guy taunting Guy thing to pump them up and motivate. He does NOT use the Les Mills, Shaun T or Tony Horton way of pumping you up. There are moments that you hear him say "Great job!" "Proud of you guys!" and things like that.. And, to be honest, if you watched other DVD's prior to Chest and Tris you probably wouldn't even notice the douchebaggery. But, since Chest and Tris is the first one on the schedule and I was watching it without working out, I noticed it right off the bat. But, he's really only that bad in that one. And he does just minor stuff in another. The rest he's ok. But it is a Testosterone Fest during the entire workout. This workout was not made with any women in mind at all.

    Lagrange is a nice little area. I used to work in West Point at a Fiberoptic company there for about 4 1/2 years and then at Powetel when they were based there for a year or so.. Lived in Columbus (Fortson) and drove to WP each day. I loved living over there. I used to race at Penton Speedway and would pit crew a couple cars that raced at East Alabama Motorspeedway. Used to always go to Charlie Joseph's and Hog Heaven to eat when we worked in WP. Just nice low key living over there on the West side of the state..

    Well, I have my Furlough briefing in just a few, so I better get ready for it.. Yay for 22 days off with no pay thanks to those Idiots in Washington. <sigh>
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team--

    Dale--Yeah...by your description, Beast is definitely for the guys. I know that a few women are going through it but it's not taking BB by storm like Combat, or Insanity. ** I hope your furlough meeting went okay...as okay as it could be :-/ . Do you have plans for what you'll do w/ your time off?

    I just discovered "Jericho"--what a great show! That was random.

    I'm creeping closer to my goal weight, thanks to the Ultimate Reset. The hardest part I think will actually be re-introducing food at the pace post-Reset that the book suggests, especially since I'm travelling. I'm going to try really hard, though!

    I hope you all are heading into a great Thursday,
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Good morning everyone..

    No, Beast is not going to have the following that Combat or Insanity have, that's for sure.. I think you and Kim both would like it though. Both of you seem to like a real challenge and this is definitely a challange. The new Shaun T program (Focus T25) looks awesome though.. I will be pre-ordering that as soon as they call for it..

    The furlough meeting was fine. Just telling us some of the what-fors and how-comes. There are still some decisions to be made by the base. But, the rumor now is the base will just shut down each Friday of the week. 22 days without pay. 1 day a week, 2 days per pay period for 22 weeks. Whatever. There is nothing we can do to change it, until next election time. So, if I get a 3 day weekend out of it, every single week, then I'm good with that call. For the most part, I'll just take it easy and get ready for the weekend. Since the wife still works and the girls will be in school, it's not like i can really do much of anything. I will take some of the days and get some scuba diving done. There are a few dive spots I can hit and come back within the same day, so I may do that a few times. I didn't get much diving done last year. A coupld dives in the Bahamas and a couple in FL in December and all the hours underwater (albeit in a pool) with the "Vampire Diaries" is all got to do the entire last year. Gotta make up for lost time..

    I haven't seen Jericho. I've seen it advertised during other shows I do watch (Ultimate Fighter, Sons of Anarchy, etc) But never watched it.. The main cop is from "The Shield" back when it was on.

    Congrats.. Only a couple more days!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hello Everyone, so tomorrow is officially my last day of finishing up Combat, i can't believe i made it the whole 60 days , i will be putting up before and after pics on monday , i will be needing help as i don't know how to put up side by side pics, anybody knows how? i also will be putting in for my shirt :blushing: , i will be starting the LMP/LMC on monday

    Dale: I live a couple of blocks from Charlie Joseph's and Hog Heaven , i have been tempted to try their food, but im afraid it's not very healthy

    Hope u guys have a blessed weekend:flowerforyou:
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Team,

    I don't normally post on Saturdays, but I saw that I didnt' post yesterday!?!

    Dale-- I do like physical challenges :) I think my sister actually owns the program. She had just trimmed down and lost more weight when she started Beast and then she began GAINING weight. Even though she knew it was muscle, she didn't want to see that. I'll have to ask her more about it later. I like being muscular (my sis does, too), so I'm not sure that muscle weight would freak me out. It's FAT WEIGHT that I don't like! :tongue: **I'm glad the furlough meeting went as well as could be expected. I'm sorry for everyone that must go through it. I have strong opinions about stuff like that, but I hold it in :grumble: I'm glad that you have a plan to make the best of it when you have time off.

    Cookie-- I can do before/afters side by side. Send your originals to me at "cjem2011@googlemail.com" and I'll take care of them for you. :) I'm doing a hybrid, too! But I won't start mine until mid-April. I travel soon, so I'll have to wait until I come back to start anything.

    Have a great weekend, Team--this week went by quick!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Today is my last workout since i took 2 days off, i have not taken after pics yet due to being bloated , the scale has definitely went up , so i will weigh in on saturday and take my pics then, i think i will start My LMP/LMC on the 1st , hope u guys had a great weekend
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Morning Everyone..
    It's Monday.. Yay. (not)

    Cookie: Congrats on finishing!! Let me know how the hybird is working for you after you start.. Yeah, CJ's and Hog Heaven are not the most nutritious food, but dang, it's good. For people that like the fried pork skins, HH brings a bucket to your table that is straight out of the fryer and still cracklin'. Man, back when I didn't care what I ate, that was some good stuff. Great BBQ there also. CJ's is just another hot dog place, but it is good. Not as good as "Nu-Way" in this area, but still good dogs..

    I was having some serious back issues yesterday. Very tight muscle behind my right shoulder blade and during the day, worked its way around to the front of my chest. It hurt to even take a bigger breath. But, I dug deep last night and did my workout. I worked chest and tris and everything feels much better this morning. Still tender and sore, but I can take a deep a breath and not feel it until right at the deepest part. So, even though working out will make you sore, there are times it will work the sore out of you also.

    CJ: You're DONE, right?? Congrats on completing it!! So, now that you are officially over, what is the plan? I know you are traveling soon, so you'll probably just do whatever tickles your fancy for the time being until you get back? That's what I did waiting to start BB.

    Oh yeah.. Got a question for everyone: Morning or Night workouts? I have been doing all mine at 0400. But, yesterday was busy and I waited until after everyone else went to bed at 9:00 to get mine on. I pretty much enjoyed that and I'm strongly considering changing my routine to the evening.. Pros, Cons and opinons please..

    Hope everyone has a great day..
  • cjem2011
    cjem2011 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Team!

    I want to thank Everyone SO MUCH for being a part of this Combat thread. I sure needed your help and was really grateful for it as I went through Combat. This will be my official last post on this thread. I'll probably start a new thread on BB for my hybrid (LMP/LMC) and I find it difficult to maintain too many threads. I'm also going to see about not stressing over food logs for awhile, so I doubt I'll be on MFD at all.

    If you're not on our FB thread and you'd like to continue with accountability and encouragement/motivation, please friend me on FB at "Cj Working Out" and I'll get you into our Closed/Secret group. It's full of like-minded friends all pursuing the same goal for better health :)

    Cookie--CONGRATS on finishing the program!!! I hope you'll post your pics on our FB thread :)

    Dale-- Ah! So we were having sympathy pains, haha...I'm glad you feel better. I don't like it when my chest feels tight...that happens when I have to do a lot of push-ups. YES!!! I completed the RESET! Thank you for asking! I lost 10 lbs and I'm going to try REALLY hard to reintroduce foods they way they suggest, post-Reset. I really think that even though I've been a hard-core carnivore in the past, my body prefers a vegan-type diet. That's why I need to reintroduce foods slowly...I need to see how I react to things like grains and dairy. I might be changing my meal plans from Primal to vegan!

    I prefer working out at about 2pm. Since I stay at home, this time-frame works for me. It's when I feel most energetic, though I'm thinking that I'll have to start working out in the am when the heat finally rolls in!

    Thank you again, Everyone, for participating! See you on FB or BB!!!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Anyone still here?