Weigh In- March 20th



  • rungirl71
    rungirl71 Posts: 7 Member
    I am at 168.8. Down 1.2 lbs from 03/15/13. Congrats to all the losers! To those that didn't lose: Don't give up! Every success story is filled with momentary setbacks. You can do this!
  • brittpk
    brittpk Posts: 8 Member
    195.6 this morning a 1.6 pound loss. Excited to be apart of this challenge. Good Luck everyone:):smile:
  • beachlover0103
    beachlover0103 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't know if I put down my starting weight but
    3/13: 173
    3/20: 172.5
    lost a 1/2 lb.
    Lost 1" on my waist but my hips stayed the same.
    Started exercising more, so hopefully it will reflect in my weight next week.

    Keep Up the good work everyone!
  • ninakale
    ninakale Posts: 49 Member
    @KARRIANN, Don't feel too bad. I am also up a pound this week. We will really get at this week, ok?!

    3/13: 132
    3/20: 133
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I was hoping for more, but I will take any lbs dropped.

    Challenge SW: 205.4 lbs
    Week 1: 204 lbs

    A one pound loss works for me.
  • AAL94LBB
    AAL94LBB Posts: 77 Member
    SW: 150
    CW: 149
    GW: 140

    Down 1 pound, not a bad start!
  • jhansen39
    jhansen39 Posts: 7 Member
    SW 206
    CW 205
    GW 180

    Down one pound
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Gained two pounds. Been running quite a bit (Did the Shamrock 8K Saturday), but St Patrick's Day Weekend is a be deal around my house. Too much food and beer. Here's to a better week next week!
  • sugah11
    sugah11 Posts: 156 Member
    216.2 been on a plateau since Sunday :-(
  • daneiel
    daneiel Posts: 42 Member
    SW 3/13 153
    Wt 3/20 150
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I am stuck at 200 pounds for the last two weeks. I am SO FRUSTRATED! I just want to be out of the 200s for good. I started changing my way of life ten weeks ago and I have lost 21 pounds total, but this little plateau is really making me angry and in the past this has been the point when I have quit and just gone back to the way I ate before. It does not help that I fell on Monday and landed right on my hip (which I previously had surgery on) and I have been super sore so I am not able to work out. Hopefully I will be able to get some kind of weight loss so I am not a complete failure in this challenge.

    Hang in there! Just cause the scale doesn't budge does not in any way make you a failure. You are making healthier choices and that alone makes you a winner and on the right track. Stay focused on the positives and it will work out! Injuries too, take care of yourself, keep eating healthy and if you can only go for walks, so be it. If not, do some upper body weight lifting, maybe lighter weights, higher reps and less recovery time to get your heart rate up. When I first tore my knee up, I couldn't even walk that first week, so I popped in workout videos, sat in a chair and only did upper body movements...I called it my arm dancing workout :)
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Well chinese food last weekend killed me... Kept under calories all week, and got workouts in, but that gosh dern sodium :grumble:

    Ended up breaking even, but it's only temporary.. Watching sodium next few days and drinking extra water.. so stay tuned :)

    I hear ya, sodium always gets to me! Corned beef here...Saturday and Sunday and Monday. I actually gained 3lbs in 3 days on Tuesday!
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    13/3 - 180lb
    20/3 - 181lb
    Gain of 1lb.
    I am pretty gutted as I never went above my maintenance calories!
    I won't ever be able to eat my maintenance as I will put on weight if I eat all those calories!

    Hang in there :)
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    So what a roller coaster week! By Saturday I was down a pound, then on Tuesday after 3 days of corned beef (salt salt salt!) I gained 3lbs. Drank lots of water and got back on track Monday evening and all day Tuesday and whew still lost.

    Original SW: 142
    SWMar13: 140
    CWMar20: 138.8
    GWfor Challenge: 134
    UltimateGW: 125

    1.2lbs, I will take it! 5lbs to go!

    Great job everyone who lost, even .1lbs is a loss, so don't get discouraged! Onto week two!
  • rbledsoe03
    rbledsoe03 Posts: 12 Member
    down 3.2lbs this week, weighed in this morning at 227.2
  • georgiathick
    georgiathick Posts: 3 Member
    210 Lbs. down 6lbs.
    Great start!!!! Really happy and it is the first day of spring also. I have been getting up early in the morning just to go to my apartments gym and sweating my booty off. So 6 lbs in a week to me seems good. Good luck and best wishes to all of the other members in the challenge.
  • H_G_lucky
    H_G_lucky Posts: 12 Member
    173 down one pound.
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    at 200.8 today - soooo close to being under 200 :smile:
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    Woot! Woot! 2.2 lbs down for me!

    3/13/13 - 177.2
    3/20/13 - 175.0 ON THE DOT BABY!!!
  • duck4over
    duck4over Posts: 5 Member
    175 today...yeah?:ohwell: