Eat More Weigh Less - Support group 2013

sharpei65 Posts: 167 Member
Hi all,

There are no almost 1000 members on this EM2WL board which just shows how sensible people are becoming about how to approach a healthy weight loss. There is a wealth of information and expertise on this board, and I like many others, have spent hours reading and taking on board knowledge to help me on my own personal journey.

A spin off group was set up in January 2013 called EM2WL - Support Group 2013 with the idea of having a more informal discussion where people can share their goals, difficulties and successes. Of course this happens on the main board too, but with almost 1000 members its a bit more difficult to get to know people and have open discussions.

Our Support group has 124 members and is open to anyone who wants to join us.

There are lots of members who post regularly and we try and spur each other on each week and look at different topics to discuss.

I'm still learning and very much at the beginning of my more healthy journey and regularly use the boards and groups to learn more. The support group has introduced me to people who have/had the same goals and challenges and its great to see people's progress.

If you want to join us, just bounce a reply here and we'll pick you up and welcome you into the fold!!

Good luck with your goals, whatever they are.




  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks sharpei65 - just the kind of group I am looking for. I couldn't find the group when I did a search so could you post a link to make it easy to find and join please?
  • sharpei65
    sharpei65 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi there chetthaker! Its a private invite (only because some people choose to open up their diaries, and feel more comfortable doing that with a selected audience)!!

    I'll add you in :-)
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Hi there chetthaker! Its a private invite (only because some people choose to open up their diaries, and feel more comfortable doing that with a selected audience)!!

    I'll add you in :-)

    Thanks - Zoe beat you to it with the invite :-)
  • colleen3115
    colleen3115 Posts: 69 Member
    I would love an invite!
  • luvdogz
    luvdogz Posts: 56 Member
    Can I join please? :-)
  • ldbuster0
    ldbuster0 Posts: 207
    Would love to join. Thanks
  • zhiking
    zhiking Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks Kay for posting this :) - and welcome new members- leave a message here on tread and you will be add to group :drinker:
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I would love to join this support group! Please add me.
  • i would love to join! :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Me too, me too...pretty please...
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    Me too, please!!!!!
  • I would also like to join!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I'll take an invite if open, we could all use motivation and support
  • KarrieLynn81
    KarrieLynn81 Posts: 41 Member
    Oh I so need this!!! I need all the support, motivation and friends I can get to keep me going! If you are still open I would love an invite!
  • kitkatt4
    kitkatt4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love to join in too. I'm just getting started with this way of thinking and am struggling with the initial weight gain.
  • tjincl1
    tjincl1 Posts: 1
    I would love to join!
  • caligulala
    caligulala Posts: 44 Member
    Sign me up!
  • sharpei65
    sharpei65 Posts: 167 Member
    Got you all, invites on the way.......

  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    Me too me too :-) I always need support x
  • andrea_kohlman
    andrea_kohlman Posts: 47 Member
    OK, I need some words of wisdom...I am three full weeks in to a complete reset and for the first time,starting to freak out.
    My pants are uncomfortably tight and I am retaining a ton of water in my legs and middle. Is this normal? Any suggestions how to deal with the water retention? How long does it generally last?