Totally irrational vent...Indulge me

Jbonar Posts: 29 Member
I've been a long time lo cal dieter. A couple months ago I decided to give EM2WL a try as I could not reduce my calories anymore. Most days I was barely netting 1000-1200. I'm a 34yo female, 5'6", 150lbs. I've been working hard to consume 1800-2000 calories per day. I run 3-5 miles about 4-5 days per week, lift weights 2x per week, take a bootcamp class one day and play on volleyball league on my "off" day. I'm sure I should eat more and I'm ever so slowly working on that.

I've been hovering between 149-153lbs for weeks. I was also a daily weigher and have cut back to 2-3x a week. (Baby steps!) Obviously I need to quit making that number the only measure of success. (Thank WW for that obcession!)

Now I have symptoms of ITBS as I am just beginning my half marathon training for a race in June (I usually do one or two of these a year.) :sad: So I'm taking this week off from running and I'm fighting those inner voices telling me that no working out will cause me to gain 20lbs and lose all built up fitness. I know this isn't true but is almost enough to make me cutting the calories again.
Thanks for letting me whine. Just need a pat on the hand.....


  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Okay, pat, pat - it is gonna be okay. First of all, is a knee injury that's been diagnosed?

    Look, you may not receive this well, but this may be a sign from the Universe that you need to stop, take a breath, and finally come to realize that your body will be okay without incessant exercise. YOU will be okay. YOU are more than how your body looks or weighs. You don't need to burn enormous amounts of calories every day, under eat or weigh yourself constantly to feel good about YOU anymore.

    I'll bet you're pretty tired of all that and that's why you're here.

    Lots of us have been where you are - in a non-sustainable pattern - and gotten out of it. Have you calculated your non-exercise TDEE yet and eaten at that level for a while? Have you done the reset? Maybe now is the time - you can keep lifting, rehab your knee and come out on the other side in better shape (mentally, emotionally and physically) than you were going in.

    Friend request me if you want more support!
  • colleen3115
    colleen3115 Posts: 69 Member
    What amanda_gent said +1
  • Jbonar
    Jbonar Posts: 29 Member
    Okay, pat, pat - it is gonna be okay. First of all, is a knee injury that's been diagnosed?

    Unofficially. My sister is a PTA and based on my description of the pain/discomfort, IT Band was her educated guess. I'm trying to rest it before it gets worse.
    Per Scooby my BMR is 1451, TDEE (1-3hrs light) is 1995. Even with an office job, with two kids and a household, I think that a fair activity level.
    I am hoping this forces me into a reset. Thanks again for the kind yet REAL response. :)
  • lilvonne80
    lilvonne80 Posts: 24 Member
    ITBS? if that is the IT band pain try a foam roller, I had the same issue and the foam roller did the trick for me. You have to roll it like twice a day. and before and after every run. Don't panic, Look up how to roll the IT band and work it out.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Okay, pat, pat - it is gonna be okay. First of all, is a knee injury that's been diagnosed?

    Unofficially. My sister is a PTA and based on my description of the pain/discomfort, IT Band was her educated guess. I'm trying to rest it before it gets worse.
    Per Scooby my BMR is 1451, TDEE (1-3hrs light) is 1995. Even with an office job, with two kids and a household, I think that a fair activity level.
    I am hoping this forces me into a reset. Thanks again for the kind yet REAL response. :)

    I would say you are far more than lightly active, with all that running. Maybe that's part of it? I've heard people have had success with get RMR tested, just to be sure. Mind you, this in NOT from experience and I'm not even ready to get to TDEE cut yet, but I've been reading obsessively about this.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I also vote for the foam roller, really helped my IT bands. There are also a lot of stretches that help, but you definitely need to give it some time.

    Hang in there, the scale is definitely not everything.
  • Jbonar
    Jbonar Posts: 29 Member
    A friend is loaning me a foam roller to try tonight. Thanks everyone!

    (Oh and the TDEE of 1995 is what I would be at without all my exercise). So I'm going to eat at that - or try to - during this rest period. Does that sound right? I admit I've been lurking awhile but am still new at this method of actually feeding my body what it needs.