Wk2 March 21-27 What's your plan?

DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
Eating light during the day cause I'm going out for dinner.

Breakfast: Activia yogurt with black berries and flax seed.
Lunch: Steamed asparagus with lemon juice and seasonings with sardines in mustard sauce.
Snack: Sugar free gum to hold off the afternoon snack attack till dinner! >crossing fingers<
Dinner: Half slab ribs, baked beans, mixed salad with bbq sauce dressing.

Did light yoga this morning, then Crunch Fitness Go Go Dance and Firm Sculpt Lower body and abs for lunch. Plan to meet a friend later for a 30 minute walk and then do CathE Upper Body Pyramid weight lifting.


  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    I just plan to stick to the basics of "eat less, exercise more". I lost one pound last week, and the food/diet part is going pretty easily, so if I can just get the exercise in (more more more), I should be alright. Knowing we are weighing in is really a great motivator for me. I would hate to let the group down by not even trying. Good week to all!!
  • chica6578
    chica6578 Posts: 76 Member
    i'm going to watch my sodium intake. I never realized until about a week ago when i posted my very first topic starter how much i really was eating until someone pointed it out. I've been wanting to wake up early to do my strength training, but my TOM crept < is that correct spelling?) up on me and really drained the crap out of me this month for some reason. it does from time to time. but not usually. So im going to force myself up no matter what and do SOMETHING. those are my goals this week.
  • jlg6599
    jlg6599 Posts: 162 Member
    I plan to contiue eating healthy and exercising. I have begun to walk around the building where I work for 45 minutes of my lunch break and I hope to continue that as well. Lastly, I plan to incorporate more strength training into my exercise routine.
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member
    My plan is going great so far. High protein and hard and long workouts. 2 hours today (: 1 hour strength training 1 hour cardio.
  • daneiel
    daneiel Posts: 42 Member
    I plan to continue eating healthy and exercising, increase my jog/run to an hour and twice on do, nothing weekends with a new route. Add a new food to my daily line-up so I am board or deprived. This is about the time were I start going back to my old habits, even though I’m losing weight and making healthily choices. Something in my brain just gives up, but not this time. I will push thought week two of this challenge and month three of my weight loss journey.
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Last week went really well, but today I've just had out of control cravings. My goal is keep up with my walking and add in some jogging, but most importantly, KEEP WITHIN MY MACROS.
  • marksvizz
    marksvizz Posts: 33
    I plan on doing exactly what I've been doing.....watch what I eat and weights and cardio
  • My plan is the same but different.


    No, I want to continue documenting the food I'm eating to track calories. Eventually I want to add walking/running in to my schedule but several reasons are holding me back. The fact that it is -15 degrees out when we are waking up and well the weather. :)

    I will start exercising. Last year I was running and ran a 10K. I will be doing that again by the end of this summer. That's my long term goal.

    So for now, tracking my food, making sure to eat healthy (fruits, veggies, lean meats, fiber), drink lots of water, and indulge in small treats once in a while to keep myself from feeling deprived.
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    My plan is the same but different.


    No, I want to continue documenting the food I'm eating to track calories. Eventually I want to add walking/running in to my schedule but several reasons are holding me back. The fact that it is -15 degrees out when we are waking up and well the weather. :)

    I will start exercising. Last year I was running and ran a 10K. I will be doing that again by the end of this summer. That's my long term goal.

    So for now, tracking my food, making sure to eat healthy (fruits, veggies, lean meats, fiber), drink lots of water, and indulge in small treats once in a while to keep myself from feeling deprived.

    Good plan. I think I'm not running for the same reason lol

    Well since you are working on your fitness and health goals you should be able to do that 10k a bit faster this year.

    As for me I'm going to be pushing myself harder. I have a martial arts test on Tuesday, so I'll be practicing for about 2 hours a night until then. I also plan on adding 1 hour of light martial arts 3 times a week, and working on my agility and streanght in my abs and legs.

    As for weight, I plan on taking it as a reward for working hard and eating well. I was pretty upset about yesterdays weigh in and I shouldn't be. I lost weight and felt great last week. I'll focus on doing the right thing and the scale will come.

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I agree, it's hard to get motivated when it's cold outside. Even bundling up just to go to the gym. That's why I like having some at home DVD workouts. For those just looking for walking, Leslie Sansone has some great walking series out there. Not hard core, but enough to get your heart rate up and take the same amount of steps as in a mile, two, or 3+ as if you were taking a brisk walk. It's been my saving grace, esp in the early days of my knee injury to the ACL.

    Breakfast Carrot, Apple, Orange smoothie with coconut water and flax seed. Hard boiled eggs
    Lunch: Steamed spinach and mushrooms, tuna.
    Dinner: Roasted Greek style salmon with Greek yogurt and fresh mint, side of couscous with asparagus, grape tomatoes, feta cheese.

    I will stay out of the Easter Candy. I will stay out of the Easter Candy. I will stay out of the Easter Candy.

    Workout: Leslie Sansone 2mile Walk Away workout, Crunch Cardio Abs, go for 30 flights of stairs on my Fitbit, 20 minute walk with my Mom.

    Have a fabulous Friday :)
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I definitely need to watch the eating. Also just keep up with my workout plan. Hoping for a better week.
  • Sometimes I think we get so focused on the scale or our weight that we forget to acknowledge all the other little steps that we are doing to become healthier.

    Good luck on your martial arts!! I tried that Tae Kwon Do for three months but 1.5 years later I still have bruises on my legs. I don't do well with contact!! :) LOL
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    Here we are at another weekend. I've said it before, but weekends are tough for me. If I mess up, 9 times out of 10 it will be on a weekend. BUT, last weekend was a good one, and I'm determined to make this one just as good. Hope everyone else has a great weekend!
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Today is an off day, at least food selection wise, but still keeping tabs on my calories. Not going to say what I ate cause I don't want to have anyone tempted who is trying to watch what they eat :) I did make sure to drink plenty of fluids through the day (plan to have a few glasses of wine later with the girls) and had a strawberry smoothie for lunch.

    Workout wise, I did a 3 mile walk workout with Leslie Sansone, a belly dancing dvd and some core work.

    Weekends are toughies, esp when the weather is snowy and cold. One wants to just read a book by the fire munching on cookies and drinking hot cocoas all day...however we can get through it! Good luck weekend warriors :)
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    Heck yes, we can do this! I like the "weekend warriors" Dragonfly! I'm going to try to remember to call myself that every weekend! Sometimes, the weekends are a "battle.":laugh:
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member
    I did good so far this week, but I'm still gaining weight, so IDK yet. I have to change something.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I did good so far this week, but I'm still gaining weight, so IDK yet. I have to change something.

    Are you keeping tabs on your sodium intake? Losing weight is an ongoing struggle cause what can work at one point may no longer work after awhile. I've found for me that I just have to keep tweaking things around. Keep my body wondering what's next :)
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Hope all you weekend warriors did ok, now into the home stretch for Wednesday's weigh in!

    Today for me it's going to be leftovers from the weekend, so stew and balsamic cous cous with feta/tomatoes/asparagus for lunch/dinner. Started off with a banana/grape/apple and fresh mint smoothie with flax seed and coconut water. Probably throw in a salad in there somewhere and lots of water!

    Workout today I'm thinking 1 mile walk Leslie Sansone with my mom (she has emphysema and I've been going over there a few days a week to help her with exercising), belly dancing dvd, CathE upperbody pyramid weights, Crunch Bootcamp:Abs, butt and thighs, go for a 20 minute walk in the winter wonderland and easy Namaste Yoga this evening. I don't do this all at one time btw, some early in the morning, some around lunch time and then late afternoon/'early evening. :)

    Have a great day everyone :)
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Friday and Saturday were so good and then yesterday was just ...suckkkk.

    I don't think I'll be able to exercise outside today and the I could possibly crank out a 30DS if I put the coffee table on top of the couch...

    Any suggestions to getting me back on track to make sure I see a loss on Wednesday?

    Food will be fine today, I'm sure!
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    I plan to continue with the calorie count and the exercising. Hope to add more vegetables. If I can lose just 1 pound on Wednesday's weigh-in, I'll not complain. I need to start switching things up a bit, too, I'm sure. I have really just done the same all along, and I'm sure a change would help. I'll see what I can come up with.

    Everyone hang in there. Wednesday is coming!