In need of some EM2WL "friends"

CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
Hi all;

Ok, this is going to sound pathetic, but can you please be my friend?? :P

In all seriousness, I am struggling to up my caloric intake after years of restriction. I'm terrified of the weight gain, but I know I need this path.

But, it makes it soooo hard when day after day after day, I see completed diaries of people eating 800-1200 calories, and they are dropping weight and excited about their goals. Yay for them, and I KNOW that it's not the right path (that metabolic damage will come to bite them in a few months/years... been there/am there!!!). But it's screwing with my mind. I know I'm stronger than that, but could just really use the extra support to see others with the same goals as me!!!!

A bit about me...

34 years old (w/ 2 daughters, 7 and 5, full time job, crazy busy!)
highest non-pg weight was about 140
lowest weight 114 (profile pic)
CW 124
BF 21-22%
GW 117 and 18% BF

I am less focused on those numbers (still in progress though of getting away from the numbers!) and more on being the super fit me I KNOW I can be!!! I do 2 days HIIT or Tabata training, and 3 days heavy lifting per week. I just picked up the New Rules of Lifting for Women, and am going to head into that this week too.

I am on MFP daily, and log everything. I'm happy to provide support too (though I'm a bit of a newbie with the higher calorie thing! But I'm great at checking in and helping people stay accountable!)


  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Hi...I will send you a friend request. :)

    I was in the same spot as you. Eating very little and consistent workouts....I couldn't figure out why I plateaued and then found this group. I am so glad I did!!! I feel so liberated!!

    The goal is to reset your body so you can eat the maximum amount of calories and still lose weight. I've even proven all of my old beliefs wrong! It doesn't matter when I eat, what I eat it, etc. etc. I have finally found a sustainable way to live and I am excited about it!!

    I was even so confident about this new approach that I was able to quit smoking two months ago cold turkey! I did end up overloading on sugar and have been over my calories every single day for the last two months, but in the last day or two I have been able to get it together....

    Calculate your numbers and trust the process. Any initial gain you have at first will fall off quickly. Remember, did you eat an ADDITIONAL 3500 cals that day? Then it has to be water. Your body will thank you! I felt better immediately and so does almost everyone else :)

    Congrats on finding this group.....soon you will wish you'd found it sooner!! lol
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    Friend request sent! I eat no less than 1900 cals a day :bigsmile:

    Welcome to the EM2WL family!!! :flowerforyou:
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    If anyone wants to add me, I would like that too.
  • Jbonar
    Jbonar Posts: 29 Member
    I added you! :flowerforyou:
    I'm new to this way of thinking/eating. I've been eating below 1500 for many years even through training for half-marathons. I want to be healthier, look better and MOST of all get over my obcession with the scale. I've let it rule my moods for too long (today is one of those days! :sad: )

    Good to find people who understand!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    You can add me :smile:
    No worries about low calories in my diaries, my cut number is 2400-2500.
    I just finished my bulk where my daily numbers were 2800-3000 :love:
    It's good to surround yourself with people on the same path as you, they will understand what you are going through :flowerforyou:
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    I am totally in the same boat! Would love it if you would all add me as well! Would love to surround myself with like-minded people who love to eat and stay healthy at the same time! :)
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I am eating about 2400-2600a day. Feel free to friend me anyone :-)
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I just started about a month ago with the em2lw but I haven't seen a major difference. I should qualify it by saying a week on that I was on vacation at an all inclusive and I did gain 4 lbs. I am struggling with the eat more to lose but trying to come to terms with it. If anyone wants to add me, I will support you anyway I can. It is hard also to be in an office with a guy who is doing weight watchers and losing lots of weight every week. I have used weight watchers in the past but I want to have a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.
  • arsimpson1
    arsimpson1 Posts: 59 Member
    I just added you. I am also in need of EM2WL friends. I don't want any low-cal buddies but people that actually eat and lose.:smile:
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member

    Calculate your numbers and trust the process. Any initial gain you have at first will fall off quickly. Remember, did you eat an ADDITIONAL 3500 cals that day? Then it has to be water. Your body will thank you! I felt better immediately and so does almost everyone else :)

    Funny you say that! I actually find that happens a LOT that I have gains, and then get frustrated 'cuz I look back at my numbers and say things like "but I had a 8000 cal deficit this week WTH?!?!?!!". But, of course, it's not always about the numbers, right? Sometimes our weight just fluctuates, and that needs to be ok (I keep telling myself that!!!).

    Now to work towards NOT having 6000 cal deficits in a week!!!!! And being ok when breaking even results in big gains while my body gets the drift!
  • Jennacita
    Jennacita Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me. But forewarning I'm not active on the forums as much as i am on peoples walls. That said I will be supportive. I eat 1800+. Exercise with DVDs at home.
  • introvert91
    I'm new (to this group) and need friends! I am 21, 5'7'', 140 pounds. At this point I don't really care about my weight, I just want to feel good. I dieted, used unhealthy means to control my weight, and under-ate my entire life up until a year ago and now I am usually above 2,000 every day, even if my only exercise is walking to my university classes. I pretty much only walk and do yoga, but who knows, maybe one of you will inspire me to expand my horizons.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Feel free to add me or Kiki 31prvrbs:-)