March 17 Group?!

kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
I am going to start the 30 day shred March 17!!!
I would love for others to join me! :)


  • joolzknightgray
    joolzknightgray Posts: 4 Member
    I started tonight...I would love to join. It was a good workout.
  • angelajo01
    angelajo01 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm on level one day 9, I'm in for the long haul :smile:
  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    Yaaay! We can all shred together & help keep each other accountable!

    I hope Ill be able to start Monday. :(

    I pulled a muscle in my back at work last Sunday and dr says to lift nothing over 5 lbs. I go back tomorrow to check on the progress. Fingers crossed!
  • dreejay
    dreejay Posts: 18 Member
    Is it too late to join? I've been putting off starting properly - oh, the pain! - but having a group will surely keep me accountable! I'm excited, though, because I love the feeling of committing to a workout.
  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    You can def join!
    I also have kept putting it off. Or ill do it for a couple days then "rest" and I never went back, but this time its different. :)
  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    I started 30 DS today!
    I did it immediately after rolling out of bed. Which I never do. ha It is so hard for me to workout first thing.
    But I did it anyways. I just feel like I cant give it my all when my brain is still in sleep mode.
    Usually I like to workout after work but now that Im doing evening shift thats 11 oclock at night then I cant sleep! or Ill feel to lazy to do it at all.
    Im going to try and continue to do this first thing!
    There is one positive... Im done for the day after that!

    30 DS talk.
    I dont find the moves to be hard, but Woah buddy, they work!
    It took me a minute to get used to the butt kicks.
    I'm not very good at the lunges they have you do with weights. I cant get my leg down very far.

    I need to take my measurements and before & after pictures!
  • dreejay
    dreejay Posts: 18 Member
    YGG! I can't work out first thing in the morning. I know I should get it over with for the day, but I never can. I tend to do it just after dinner, and then I feel like I can relax guilt-free for the evening.

    I found the butt kicks to be super tough on my knees (I was an Irish dancer for years, and my knees/ankles had to be "cracked" before each dance... they're in bad shape now!) and the lunges make me want to hurl. I could do squats for days, but lunges kill me. I actually love the ab work, because she makes you pump it out so fast that I know it's working.

    I HURT today! Are you doing anything else, exercise-wise? I was thinking of doing Leslie Sansone's walking DVD on the days where I don't walk in or out of the city.
  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    You had to crack your knees before your routine?! That sounds wild. haha

    I have been walking for 30 min. on my treadmill. I want to start doing the couch to 5k program. I thought maybe I could do that at night.

    I've seen those walking DVD's and I was curious about them! What all goes on in them? haha
  • angelajo01
    angelajo01 Posts: 67 Member
    L2 D3 today, it's tough but seems to be getting a little easier, I can definitely tell I've lost some inches so far :)
  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    Are the workout in L 2 much harder?

    Im jealous ;) Hopefully I will too! haha
  • angelajo01
    angelajo01 Posts: 67 Member
    It's more challenging, I get winded a lot more doing this level, but I love the way I feel when I'm done so it's really pushing me to complete it.
  • tanialuke
    tanialuke Posts: 36 Member

    I'm on level 2 day 9, but have been there for 4 days!! I've had some stuff going on, but I'm back today. I want to get most of level 3 finished before I go back to work after Easter. That means no days off!