Anyone else looking to get their butt in shape (literally)?

I'm not really looking to lose weight but my butt has always been a problem area for me. It IS where I store fat! I honestly don't mind it's size but it's not an area I'd prefer to be "skinny/fat" in. I'm just looking really tone my thighs and butt and that means consistent exercise and NO JUNK. I am looking for someone to either do this with me or be willing to hold me accountable along the way. I can't do it alone.

I'll prob be alternating doing the p90x workout for glutes and abs with yoga for my back. I'll also be eating no processed foods 6 days a week. I'll take all the help I can get!!!


  • candykisses025
    candykisses025 Posts: 7 Member
    I have the same goals! Have you considered strength training? I'm currently doing lots of barbell/dumbbell squats, lunges, and the leg press and it seems to be working. There's also an iPhone app called "butt workout" (no, really).
  • I have not. I have been doing squats but I think my worry is gaining bulk muscle. I'll have to checkout that app and I may just have to give strength training a try!! Thank you!!
  • LittleMary226
    LittleMary226 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to train my butt as well! Maybe we can follow each other!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    <--- Strength training has gotten me this far and I plan trying this workout tomorrow! (scroll down the page a little once you get there!)
  • HappyBayou
    HappyBayou Posts: 28 Member
    I have the same goals! Have you considered strength training? I'm currently doing lots of barbell/dumbbell squats, lunges, and the leg press and it seems to be working. There's also an iPhone app called "butt workout" (no, really).

    Hahaha! An iPhone app-- I love it! Have you tried it out, and do you recommend it?

    I am extremely unorganized about all of this and am always trying to cram a work out into my erratic schedule. An iPhone app sounds great!
  • Alex12smith
    Alex12smith Posts: 17 Member
    Haha I have been doing the same thing, I've just been trying to do more squats and lunges, and walking up hills.
    Don't worry about gaining too much muscles, womens bodies don't naturally put on bulk muscles, so it's pretty hard for us to 'accidentally' bulk up (this is what I tell my boyfriend, because he's scared when I strength train that I'll get musclier than him - I don't think that's ever going to happen when I only strength train once a week, haha)
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Can I join you lot? Although I'm also looking to lose a dress size, I'm working very hard on my bum / thighs.. it's where I store ALL my fat and when I lose weight, they just get wobbly'er!
    Am doing it with strength training / classes / squats..

    Maybe we could all have a daily target as a minimum? What do yous think? Like, 50-60 squats or lunges? A minute wall-sit or something else along those lines??
  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    I am targeting butt and legs to improve shape and muscle tone.

    Squats, lunges, squats.... Did I mention squats? And some swimming when I can. I would love some buddies who are doing the same!
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I want a big butt and I cannot lie...
    Ok, not a BIG butt. I do want more though, it's just small.
    Overall I want to be curvier and since my parents genes battled it out and I lost, I am doing what I can to make it happen.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    Strength and weights helped so much for me! Especially doing those squats and lunges while holding weights! There is actually a DVD out called Brazilian Butt Lift. My friend has it, it's actually pretty awesome. I'm thinking about getting it! lol
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    brazilian butt is awesome,,, race walking is good.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I'm in the middle of Insanity right now, but once I'm done I plan on starting the Brazillian Butt Lift to get my booty toned and tight.

    The rest of me is tightening up but my butt is apparently more stubborn and needs special attention.
  • jacie87
    jacie87 Posts: 46 Member
    Butt and thighs is where it's at ladies! If anyone wants to set a specific challenge or something of the like, let me know. There's also a group you can search for called @$$-kicking april or something? It has a calendar and everything for specific daily workouts.
  • MisRod17
    MisRod17 Posts: 7 Member
    You won't bulk up if you are consistant with your cardio. Squats, weight training are excellent ways to shape up the butt.
  • Green_eyed_beauty
    Green_eyed_beauty Posts: 101 Member
    I found something that works wonders... incline walking on a treadmill!! I have tried squats & lunges but the incline walking really makes it burn. I do 12-15 degree incline at 3 to 4 mph for 15-20 minutes everyday but the key is to kind of lean on the treadmill so you can really feel it in your glutes.... my pants are falling off of me after 8 weeks of it.

    Also if you a cirlce resistance band, put it around the middle of your calves and side step while keeping the band tight (don't let your follow foot drag) it really works the inner and outer thighs. Great sculpting for the bum!!
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    I would love to be in a group focused on this. I'm not above my target weight, but have eaten my way into flabby butt & thighs & want to undo the damage. A group focused on this would be exactly what I'm looking for.
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    I'm doing Brazilian Butt Lift. It really targets the butt in a way no exercise has for me. I still have another 20 pounds I want to lose, but I don't want to lose my curves, so this has been the perfect workout for me. A few of the discs are really just dance (a lot like Zumba), but the sculpting disc is awesome. In addition, I try to walk-run at a 5% incline on my treadmill a few days a week.
  • chingyland
    chingyland Posts: 3 Member
    I also really enjoy the Brazilian Butt Lift. Nine years of working at my desk job has taken a toll on my booty and it definitely needs a pick me up. After doing Brazilian Butt Lift, I can hardly walk my muscles are so sore. Now if I can just get through the soreness to keep going!
  • joolson45
    joolson45 Posts: 80 Member
    Im in!!!! just started weight trainings...squats and lunges with weights... my problem area is my butt and thighs...if anyone has tips im ll ears...:)
  • ccollins12070
    ccollins12070 Posts: 10 Member
    Just joined the myfitnesspal group "The 30 Day Squat Challenge". Check it out. Starts April 13th.