The complete write up on Spiking!



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    two more days till spike. i am so ready for chocolate eggs and pop tarts for breakfast. reese puffs and oreos, and a ton of sushi.

    Yum except for the sushi! Not sure what I am having yet, other than some of the 22 boxes of pop tarts I bought the other day lol
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Starting Monday...spike days will be on Sunday

    I like it. I have found having the same day every week to spike is best.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Tomorrow morning I start the spike. I am counting down the hours till bedtime! lol
  • NZRose7
    NZRose7 Posts: 21 Member
    Would this plan work if you have an undiognosed thyroid problem? I don't know if I do or not but I haven't been able to loose any weight the last 3 attempts. The last being now. Haven't been able to loose anything in a month! A few years ago when doing the same thing I could easily loose .5 - 2 kg every week! So I'm about to give up again as wk after wk with no loss and no change in measurements, just does my head in and I just want to cry!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Would this plan work if you have an undiognosed thyroid problem? I don't know if I do or not but I haven't been able to loose any weight the last 3 attempts. The last being now. Haven't been able to loose anything in a month! A few years ago when doing the same thing I could easily loose .5 - 2 kg every week! So I'm about to give up again as wk after wk with no loss and no change in measurements, just does my head in and I just want to cry!

    Why not get checked out?

    If your thyroid is not working correctly, this will not fix that. That being said, I have seen people that couldn't lose anything then switched to this kind of setup and their weight loss took off. A couple people come to mind that had been plateaued for months, started this program and they lost 40, 50, 60lbs. Like I stated before, I am not sure anyone understands exactly what is going on here completely, but it can definitely get things moving.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    OK. Here's my plan...As of a week ago, I weighed 179. I'm 39 and would like to get down to 150 by June 11, 2013 (if possible). I started my actual journey June 20, 2010 at 237 lbs. I'm around 5'8 and am a freelance writer and stay at home mom. I aim for workout 6 times a week 60-90 mins. Usually like to burn around 400-500 cal. a time, but this last week only got 250-380 calories per workout :( . I believe my BMR is somewhere around 1580 so if I decrease that it would be 1480. Currently, I've been eating 2000 calories and am usually really hungry on that. I admit at times (dinner and night time after..I don't make the best choices)...but other times I do and I'm still starving. I don't know if you could help me out? I eat some carbs, wished I could cut them out, but love some of them of course. I have autoimmune thyroid issues, but don't blame weight on that...I've lost before on the issue, so I know it could be done. Your thoughts???
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    OK. Here's my plan...As of a week ago, I weighed 179. I'm 39 and would like to get down to 150 by June 11, 2013 (if possible). I started my actual journey June 20, 2010 at 237 lbs. I'm around 5'8 and am a freelance writer and stay at home mom. I aim for workout 6 times a week 60-90 mins. Usually like to burn around 400-500 cal. a time, but this last week only got 250-380 calories per workout :( . I believe my BMR is somewhere around 1580 so if I decrease that it would be 1480. Currently, I've been eating 2000 calories and am usually really hungry on that. I admit at times (dinner and night time after..I don't make the best choices)...but other times I do and I'm still starving. I don't know if you could help me out? I eat some carbs, wished I could cut them out, but love some of them of course. I have autoimmune thyroid issues, but don't blame weight on that...I've lost before on the issue, so I know it could be done. Your thoughts???

    The more you decrease carbs and increase protein, the more satisfied you would be on limited calories. If you eat crap food at night time, specifically high in carbs, you will be starving the next morning because of the swing in blood sugar and rise in insulin. I think if you could eat high protein at night, you would be able to stick to lower calories the following day. Also, be sure to hit around 30gms of fiber per day to help with hunger issues. I always like to use myself as an example. Right now I am a large male at 229lbs and I can go five days in a row right around 1500 calories. If I can do it, you can too.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    So, even if I'm working out a bunch and burning say 500 a day for 6 days, I'm not starving my body either?
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    So, even if I'm working out a bunch and burning say 500 a day for 6 days, I'm not starving my body either?

    With the spike day, you will be fine.
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    My significant other and I are starting p90x next week...I would like to do a spike day...he has IBS and Crohn's his meals are pretty planned should I do the diet plan for the p90x or can I have a spike BMR is roughly 1380... I'm pretty excited that I'll have a partner to motivate me, but he can eat a bunch of crap food and doesn't gain an ounce, sometimes it bothers his stomach and sometimes it doesn't, I eat crap food and I'm bloated for a any advice would be great !! I'm planing on doing doubles for p90x...
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    My significant other and I are starting p90x next week...I would like to do a spike day...he has IBS and Crohn's his meals are pretty planned should I do the diet plan for the p90x or can I have a spike BMR is roughly 1380... I'm pretty excited that I'll have a partner to motivate me, but he can eat a bunch of crap food and doesn't gain an ounce, sometimes it bothers his stomach and sometimes it doesn't, I eat crap food and I'm bloated for a any advice would be great !! I'm planing on doing doubles for p90x...

    There are usually multiple ways to end up at the same destination. Sometimes you just have to choose what you like best. It's only when other things don't work, do you have to do what you have to do. I have seen some people that just could not lose with a straight caloric intake but when they started spiking, the weight came off weekly. So in other words, at this point, do what you want to do. If you spike, do the 1300 on low days and 2600 on spike day. If you run into problems, you can try going 1.5 x on spike day or 2000. As for bloating, what bloats you depends on what you are sensitive to, Some people can handle one thing and not another. Trail and error really.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    this spking sounds perfect for me. I will start this on Saturday. I go grocery shopping on Friday will have good food stocked up so I can do one cheat day a week.