March Check-in



  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Start: Feb 6

    Squats: 45
    Bench: 45
    Rows: 45
    Overhead press: 45
    Deadlift: 45

    Now March 11

    Squats: 105
    Bench: 95
    Rows: 95
    Overhead Press: 70
    Deadlift: 165

    Steadily progressing, although i feel im gonna peak on the overhead press soon. Cant really tell if im seeing any change in my body yet, or if it's just wishful thinking.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Start: Feb 6

    Squats: 45
    Bench: 45
    Rows: 45
    Overhead press: 45
    Deadlift: 45

    Now March 11

    Squats: 105
    Bench: 95
    Rows: 95
    Overhead Press: 70
    Deadlift: 165

    Steadily progressing, although i feel im gonna peak on the overhead press soon. Cant really tell if im seeing any change in my body yet, or if it's just wishful thinking.

    It'll take a few months to notice. For a while you'll gain strength eithout adding size, once that is done and you are moving some weight you'll start to see some changes. Be patient and have fun!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I started in January and am currently doing Stronglifts twice a week

    Currently I weigh 61.2kg
    my 5x5 stats (1x5 for deadlift) are as follows:

    Squats: 1.15
    Bench: 0.70
    Rows: 0.93
    OHP: 0.56
    Deadlift: 1.44
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I started in January and am currently doing Stronglifts twice a week

    Currently I weigh 61.2kg
    my 5x5 stats (1x5 for deadlift) are as follows:

    Squats: 1.15
    Bench: 0.70
    Rows: 0.93
    OHP: 0.56
    Deadlift: 1.44

    stats are as a percentage of my BW if that was not already clear.
  • Rwheltsley
    Rwheltsley Posts: 16 Member
    I just had my 5th session today. I started according to the program, but had to put more weights on for the 2nd than recommended. It wasn't a pride thing or trying to show off, it just felt like I was wasting time doing it empty. I haven't lifted weights much in the past, but I have stayed active with either work or cardio or sports - doing an empty bar just felt really silly for me. If I didn't up the weights I probably wouldn't have stuck with the program because I wasn't feeling challenged. So, I guess I skipped ahead, but I have a friend that's heavy into lifting that has been checking and critiquing my form and helping me out. It's going well and I like that I am at a point now that the weight isn't too much, but it is enough to feel like there is some change happening.

    Squat - 155lb
    Bench -105lb
    Rows- 115lb
    OHP - 70lb
    Deadlift - 185lb

    Bench and rows are starting to get tough, OHP I feel like I still have a few more sessions with before I will really be challenged, and I think squat and deadlift I shouldn't have trouble steadily progressing with - I am getting those sets in without much problem at all.

    My friends that are not familiar with this program suggested that I switch from benchpress with a barbell to presses with dumbbells and less weight. Their reasoning was that they could tell I had the strength to put up the weight, but my stabilizing muscles are lagging behind and need to be better developed before I can start seeing progression with the bench. They say the dumbbell presses will help with the stabilization and when i get back to the higher weights with the barbell it will be easier for me. Anyone else have thoughts? I know that isn't the program - but I find myself agreeing more with the spirit of the program than the actual cut and dry instructions.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    My friends that are not familiar with this program suggested that I switch from benchpress with a barbell to presses with dumbbells and less weight. Their reasoning was that they could tell I had the strength to put up the weight, but my stabilizing muscles are lagging behind and need to be better developed before I can start seeing progression with the bench. They say the dumbbell presses will help with the stabilization and when i get back to the higher weights with the barbell it will be easier for me. Anyone else have thoughts? I know that isn't the program - but I find myself agreeing more with the spirit of the program than the actual cut and dry instructions.

    Good question! I am curious to hear some opinions on this as well
  • winf
    winf Posts: 764 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 is a beginner workout. The "spirit" of the workout is linear progression, and is as old as weighttraining itself - if you want to get stronger you gotta push yourself harder then last time (ie: add weight). If your not an advanced (or at least intermediate) lifter I would recommend to pick either stronglifts or starting strength and follow the program to the letter. They are written to be stupid simple to follow, so that by following it you become a more advanced lifter, and once you become a more advanced lifter you will know better what is working and what is not, and at that point you wont need a beginner program to tell you what you should do. Theres nothing wrong with adding exercises like dumbell flys or other accessoris to help you overcome a plateau and such as long as you continue the principal of linear progression, its just that it is outside the scope of this particular program. You use every muscle you need to bench press by... wait for it... bench pressing. Focus on benching as much as you can by benching, and when you are a more advanced lifter you can work on "training up" any areas that are lacking with isolation exercises, but you should build a solid foundation first. If it makes you feel better the barbell rows and overhead press will build your triceps, back and shoulders wich will also help increase your bench. The program, as written, is a whole body workout, it works all your major muscle groups and they all work together to make all the other lifts stronger. There is nothing special about strong lifts, this kind of routine has been around a lot longer than probably any of us here have been alive, and it will get the job done if you follow it, but if you stick with it long enough there will come a day when it dont get the job done any longer, and that would be the time to start making changes. Stick with what works untill it doesn't.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I leave for vacation this morning, so no weights for at last a week.

    My closing numbers for March:

    Squat 340
    Bench 190
    Dead 375
    Press 130
    Row 165
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    My friends that are not familiar with this program suggested that I switch from benchpress with a barbell to presses with dumbbells and less weight. Their reasoning was that they could tell I had the strength to put up the weight, but my stabilizing muscles are lagging behind and need to be better developed before I can start seeing progression with the bench. They say the dumbbell presses will help with the stabilization and when i get back to the higher weights with the barbell it will be easier for me. Anyone else have thoughts? I know that isn't the program - but I find myself agreeing more with the spirit of the program than the actual cut and dry instructions.

    Ignore them. Medhi has had questions on this several times and always says to use the bar and not dumbbells.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi all,

    I started at the beginning of the month. Now on week four. I started out at the empty bar for all exercises except the deadlift of course, but I did raise the bench press amount a bit after week two because I'm already a fairly strong bench presser.

    Squats: 90
    OHP: 65
    DL: 135
    BP: 85
    BR: 85

    Definitely seeing some changes to my body. My legs are much stronger, especially the hamstrings and the inner thigh. My shoulders have always been wimpy but they are already feeling bigger. Deadlifts and rows are hammering the back in a good way.

    I'm trying to get quite low when I do squats. I find this really seems to help with any sort of knee strain.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    My friends that are not familiar with this program suggested that I switch from benchpress with a barbell to presses with dumbbells and less weight. Their reasoning was that they could tell I had the strength to put up the weight, but my stabilizing muscles are lagging behind and need to be better developed before I can start seeing progression with the bench. They say the dumbbell presses will help with the stabilization and when i get back to the higher weights with the barbell it will be easier for me. Anyone else have thoughts? I know that isn't the program - but I find myself agreeing more with the spirit of the program than the actual cut and dry instructions.

    Ignore them. Medhi has had questions on this several times and always says to use the bar and not dumbbells.
    Yup. You're actually better off using the barbell to strengthen your stabilizer muscles - try to keep the bar level. When you use dumbbells you can never do this properly.