insanity sucks

rmaglathlin Posts: 20 Member
anyone else just totally unimpressed by this whole insanity thing? i have 3 weeks left, and i'll finish it because i committed to it, but i don't see any results. nothing on the scale, in my measurements, and i still can't really do pushups. i suppose i am a little stronger and faster at the exercises that are on the videos but who cares? how functional is being able to do squat pushups? the workouts are totally boring and its starting to get really difficult to force myself to do them, not because i don't want to work out (i love exercising, i exercised 6-7 days/wk before i started insanity) but because they aren't fun.

does anyone else feel this wy? i can't imagine starting this stupid thing over!

and, yes, i have been following the diet plan...


  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    It's almost impossible to not see results during insanity. What was your calorie intake like? Perhaps you were eating too much/too little. Whatever you do, don't give up. The major results really come within the last two weeks. Keep pushing
  • rmaglathlin
    rmaglathlin Posts: 20 Member
    fair enough...perhaps there are SOME results. my husband keeps telling me there have been, but i can't tell if he's being honest or trying to make me feel better. my calorie intake for the first month was 1800-2000/day, which resulted in 1500 net calories (once i subtracted the calories burned in the workouts, i use a heart rate monitor so i know what they are exactly). i think that is too high, so i dropped my NET calorie goal to 1300/day. i did that last wednesday. that still results in me actually eating 1800-2000 calories/day, since these later workouts have me burning between 500-800 calories/workout. i have had 1 or 2 nights out where i have gone over my calorie goals, but thats it. if i wasn't doing insanity, these goals, according to MFP, should result in at least a 1lb/week loss.

    now, granted, i have not been super careful about the macronutrient breakdown. i have been shooting for 40:30:30 daily (carbs:protein:fat) but don't always hit it. i can't really believe that is the issue.

    maybe i am being too hard on myself though. i wanted REAL results. not middling results. not an inch or two. i wanted a six pack. i wanted 15% body fat. i wanted to look like the damn people in the video. thats not happening. thats not what im seeing. i guess what i am seeing is a modest toning and slimming. its just not that dramatic.

    i'm going to stick with it and i'll post before and after pics in three weeks when its all over. i was just wondering if anyone else was getting frustrated. figured this was the best place to vent :)
  • jfryberger
    jfryberger Posts: 8 Member
    don't feel bad about ranting, I was thinking I was the only one. I am considering quitting I am so frusterated. . I even turned off the dvd today during my first day of month 2 and went and did the eliptical machine instead. I feel as if I am starting over on day one after the recovery week, also I have gained 4 lbs, lost only 2" total and feel very bored and unmotivated. I don't think I can commit to an hour a day with so little results in the first 30 days. I have been trying to follow the diet plan but feel so little in the way of results. My calorie intake was around 1400 a day. I upped it to 1600/day last week.
    plus side is I can atleast do push-ups now and I have seen a great improvement in my shoulder/arm strength. I archery hunt and I can easily pull poundage on my bow that I struggled with last fall.
  • like has been said before, the vast majority of results come in month 2 and especially in the last 2 weeks. and the scale really is a horrible way to track your progress in month 1. chances are you built some muscle and retained water which might lead to you even gaining weight. this will all come off in month 2 and more, at least it did for me. Provided you watch your calorie intake obviously.
    What you should be seeing by now is overall increased strength and fitness and a tighter and more toned body and it seems like your husband does see those changes. if i were you i would push through the rest of the programme and then post before/after pics.

    After doing insanity twice now i can almost guarantee that anyone who doesn't see real results after the FULL programme has
    a) not followed the diet guidelines properly. By leaps and bounds the #1 reason imo. ie If you stay 200kcals below your maintenance for 6 days/week and then go over by 1200kcal on the 7th day (easy to do with junk food, alcohol on the weekend) you won't lose weight.
    b) not followed the workout schedule properly. i.e. skipped workouts, extra rest days
    c) not pushed hard enough during the workouts, i.e. took extended breaks, pressed pause
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    I'm totally in the same boat.

    People said results come in the first few weeks, then in month two. I have three weeks left and still have yet to see something happen. I like feeling stronger, but I would like to look better too. WHEN DOES THAT START???

    I am a healthy eater with a supremely picky husband and a tight budget. I kept to my normal diet, which now includes practically 0 alcohol.

    I'm not going to quit, but these last three weeks better show MIRACLES.