What are Your Hot Flashes Like?



  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    Nightime flashes all ways wake me up....back of shirt being wet........ and I notice i've kicked off all covers....now fan stays on and I keep two bottles of water by my bed

    I put the lunch box gel packs on my wrists during the day and it helps to cool down.....a lady told me about this trick and it works
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    When i get a hot flash my skin stings to the point where it feels like a chemical burn. I get red blotches all over my upper chest, face and neck. I've discovered what triggers mine so I'm able to avoid it most of the time. For me red wine sets it off, spicy foods and sudden exposure to extreme heat. So if I open the oven to remove something I have to wait a few minutes before I reach in to get the food out other wise the sudden blast of heat sets off my hot flashes.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I haven't experienced daytime flashes yet.

    I wake up in the night soaking wet and freezing cold. So cold that I don't want to get out of bed to dry off. This hasn't become a recurring thing yet.

  • rchilders217
    Mine had slowed down some after 5 years. I actually started having pre-menopausal hot flashes when I hit my early 40's. In the summer of 2008 I was done with my period but the hot flashes hit full force. My husband would be covered with blankets and shivering while I would be uncovered and sweating. Some nights I would have to wake him up so I could change the sheets because I had sweated so bad and soaked the sheets. I still do get hot flashes on occasion but they are nothing like they used to be. When I get too hot in the bed, I just get up and sleep on the couch because there is a ceiling fan right above the couch!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I haven't experienced daytime flashes yet.

    I wake up in the night soaking wet and freezing cold. So cold that I don't want to get out of bed to dry off. This hasn't become a recurring thing yet.


    I used to get night sweats really bad for a couple of years and then they just stopped. I had to put a bath towel down on my side of the bed so I wouldn't soak through to the mattress. Would wake up freezing because I was soaked in sweat. I hope I never have them again. Day time hot flashes are bad enough. At least those I know what to avoid so I don't get them as much.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I have some but not all of alot of the symptoms listed here. I wake up at least 6 times throughout the night - but I wake up before I have them. I'll wake up thirsty and drink some water -I now keep 2 32 oz mason jars with water next to my bed. After I drink the water the hot flash comes on full force -covers off - then on cause of the cold chill. I'm starting to get them more frequently during the day too.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    My day time ones go like this: hmm, I feel...different. Holy cow I'm hot, and now nauseous, am I getting sick? Wow, shaky. And then gone.
    They start in my chest and go up and down and make me quite oogy feeling.

    My night time ones I just get roasting "throw the covers off NOW" hot, and yes, creepy crawly skin.

    Then later freezing cold.

    Daytime ones are (so far) somewhat rare. (like 1 a month). The night time ones every few nights.

    Mine are just like this, but I get them several times EVERY DAMN DAY and NIGHT! And this has been going on for YEARS! I take Paraxotine, which does help, but doesn't get rid of them completely. I can't to HRT because I've had too many issues with hormones. Sleeping with a fan blowing on me has been the best help for the night flashes.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Interesting that you ask this question. I came here tonight to search out information on other's hot flashes experiences, so this is very timely.

    Last night, for the second time in my life, I woke during the night and was dripping with sweat. I thought I woke up to use the bathroom, so off I tottered to use the bathroom, noticing that I was dripping everywhere that my skin touched my skin, and when I crawled back into bed it was wet from my sweating! I had no trouble falling back to sleep, at least. I'm not getting any flashes during the day because it's winter right now and cold here, but I have had one or two while exercising. They start in my head/chest and go outwards from there in a tingly/whooshing feeling and last maybe 20 seconds before they stop. I get them if I'm warm, so summer is when they really kick in.
    For what it's worth, winter doesn't stop mine. I recently got up and walked out into the cold because of a hot flash.

    I've done that, too - wearing very little! Fortunately, we live on 4 acres, so I don't think I alarm the neighbors too much!