K... gonna try this... again.

I won't lie guys. I've been struggling with this for almost 7 years now. Prior to my son being born I weighed in at around 180lbs. Seven years later I'm stuck at 260lbs. It's insanity. I've tried several times and things always seem to go well the first couple months and then it just stops. The motivation just disapears. Every single time. I don't know what it is.

I have two boys now and I can't keep up. My family deserves better than what they are getting from me. I'm so disapointed in myself for getting to this point but most of all for not being able to have the necessary fortitude to fix it. I used to be angry at myself but now I'm just sad for myself.

Reading some of your posts has once again activated that "I have to start doing this now" feeling in me and that's what I'm doing. I'm not starting tommorow. I am starting now. This is going to be a huge test for me as I'm sure all you know since you have and/or are going through the same thing.

My subject line states that "I'm gonna try this again" but it should read "I'm gonna do this". Failure is no longer an option. I'm better than what I see in the mirror everyday.




  • wolfjj79
    wolfjj79 Posts: 29 Member
    Great to hear! This is a good site and a good forum for keeping that motivation going. I tend to have the same issue that you stated, high motivation for a while and then notthin. I'm actually just getting back into it after a month or so of not doing anything, i.e. calorie counting or exercising. However, thanks to the time I'd spent here before that I have been able to keep my weight within 2 or 3 lbs of when I stopped.

    I also was @ ~260 lbs before I started with MFP last August and now I'm down to ~230 lbs. If I can do it, as a computer guy that sits all day long, then you and anyone else can too!

    I have to give some credit for that to MFP and everyone here that has helped keep me going. I just need to get back into it again.

    Good luck to you and add me as a friend if you want!
  • FitGoal165
    I was not 260 lbs or but 192 lbs on a 5'5" frame is not good. You can do this. Stay focused and don't let frustration or impatience set in and you can get to your goal. My philosophy is to try and take one positive step towards my goal everyday (it doesn't always work out that way though). Good luck!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Here are a few of my key tips that keep me focused and going:
    - FInd something to focus on (but not the scale). I like to challenge myself to new highs on calories per workout. I stayed an extra 15 minutes today to ensure I busted 1000 calories. I bought a new HRM (couldn't find my old one) to make sure I'm getting good data.

    - Log your food (even on days you screw up). Yes, it is a pain in the butt, but it really does make a ton of difference. I have the MFP app on my phone and iPad. I am a pretty consistent eater, so that makes it easier to quickly record what I just ate.

    - Get your water in (and do it over the day, not all in the morning or catch up at night).

    - Try to recognize something you did well each day. Mine was hitting a 1000 + calorie workout today.

    - You can burn fat and gain muscle at the same time. However, it is often easier to focus on one at a time. I've had good success working on cycles (6 weeks fat burn, 6 weeks muscle building).

    - Plan cheat days, if you need them. Sometimes people hit plateaus and try to overburn/undereat their way out, when having a good cheat day is often the best thing to shake the body up.

    - Above all, have fun! Life is too short to punish yourself for something that is fully in your power to fix.
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member

    Welcome (back?) to the group. I guess in my case, success breeds success. I get my motivation by seeing results and my "I will lose something each week" determination pushes me and keeps me on track, even after a rough weekend. I've only been doing this for 12 weeks, but I got off to a good start, and I just kept it going. I weigh myself every Friday morning and I can't wait until the next one. Find some low calorie meals that work for you and stick with them as much as you can. Once you start seeing the lbs come off and you get into a routine, it gets easier.

    Another thing that keeps me going is keeping my eye on the prize. Although I originally said 200 by summer and I'm looking further, the fact that I know there is a definite finish line for this, really helps. I'm losing weight by eating less, but I know that once I get to 185 or 180 or whatever the number is that I'm looking for, I'll be able to raise my daily calorie target for that second phase.

    It sounds like you have your reasons for weight loss. Maybe you should write them down and review them every time you want to snack with something you shouldn't. Don't make your diet too strict. I usually allow myself a steak or something every now and then. And while I cut down on my beer, I didn't stop it all together. I do miss my potatoes though.

    I really liked one thing you said. "I'm not starting tommorow. I am starting now."

    One last suggestion. Get a "Before Pic" taken and get the wife to measure you. I didn't measure until I lost my first 8 lbs, so could only guess what the original measurements were. And the best "before" pic I had was last November, although I weighed about the same.

    Myself or Dale or someone has been starting a weekly "Check-in" thread each Friday. Stop by and check in each week.

    Good luck
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    im with you mate. this about my 4th time restarting. 1st time i did really well and knocked of 12kg. since then ive put it back on and tried a 3 more times to start again.

    this is the time.
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    I've started and stopped so many times I can't even remember. But it doesn't matter how many times you failed. All that matters is this time.