Week One Challenge



  • goldied01
    goldied01 Posts: 149 Member
    I promise to do two days of strength training to add to the 45 min. alternate fast/slow walk I've been doing on my treadmill 5 times a week.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I promise to do some kind of exercise for 20 minutes every day this week.
  • I promise to work out at least 30 minutes a day. Doing either 0 to 5K or Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Yesterday I did JM and today the 0 to 5K. I work out for an hour with a personal trainer on Fridays.
  • Chucksteakswife
    Chucksteakswife Posts: 52 Member
    I promise to do some sort of high intensity cardio 2xs this week and strength training / ab work 2xs this week
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    I promise to work out everyday for a minimum of 30 minutes a day with two days being at brand new exercise classes.
  • Charbyte
    Charbyte Posts: 18 Member
    day 4 of 1st week - finished my workout Turbo Jam - Cardio Party. I noticed this morning walking from the train that my butt and thigh muscles are noticeable tender. ouch.
  • melodypender
    melodypender Posts: 18 Member
    I promise to work out at least 5 days a week 60 minutes a day to include cardio and strength training
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    not doing well with this challenge. i havent worked out on day :( i need to get on it but i cant get my head in it! i need a partner! i need something to make working out fun. when im on the elliptical all i can think about is how much time i have left. ive tried music i just count the # of songs. ive tried watching tv nothing seems to help. what do you do how do you get your mind off the time and on something else i put a picture of a Hawaiian theme up in front of the elliptical because im in a challenge and winner gets a cruise! HELLPP want to get my butt in gear but cant motivate myself
  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    For the rest of the week i promise to go for a 20 min walk
  • Charbyte
    Charbyte Posts: 18 Member
    continuing with week 1. finished my work out for the day
    Turbo Jam - 20 Minute Workout
    Turbo Jam - Turbo Sculpt

    So far I have not missed a workout. that is absolutely unheard of!
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    I commit to the following for not only this week but for the remainder of this challenge:

    ~ No soda (I'm a month soda free!)
    ~ At least 1 20+ minute walk with the dog
    ~ Up my water intake, it's getting better but still not as good as it could be
    ~ Do the flippin' Burpees that my trainer gave me as homework.
    ~ Hit the gym for at least 30 minutes at least 3 days a week.

    So far this week....

    ~I'm still soda free!
    ~Water I'm struggling with but I will get the minimum in today for sure
    ~ Have been on 1 39 minute walk with my dog

    Good luck everyone!
  • mumofsix
    mumofsix Posts: 28 Member
    I promise to work out (either a dvd or the gym) at least 5 days a week and to try and up my water intake daily
  • cfbjj1124
    cfbjj1124 Posts: 20
    I promise to hit the gym or a dvd 6 days a week. Also promising NO fast food!!!!! Increasing my water intake as well!!!
  • bethieb
    bethieb Posts: 24 Member
    Love this. Love a challenge. I train every day of the week anyway at the least 30 minutes every day but often more. I was a little discouraged this morning when I weighed myself and had had a gain despite being really good and having the odd chocolate/candy but have been working out like mad. I can only guess that its my time of the month as it is due next week and I often gain before and during. All I can do is continue to workout the way I am and I will record my weight honestly on Monday.

    Well I would like to make a few promises to myself. I promise to only have chocolate/candy once a week as it is my biggest weakness. I promise to train every day at least 20 mins either walking, Zumba, 30DS or strength training. One step at a time. If I can get out of the habit of having chocolate in the evening I'm flying. xx
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm down ! :D
  • Glassgal01
    Glassgal01 Posts: 140 Member
    I promise to myself to workout for 20 min the morning before work, and Longer when I'm off.
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    I promise to stick with the 30 day shred everyday till the end (20 days left! ^_^ ) before committing myself to turbofire!