Setting Realistic Expectations on Keto

kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
This has been a topic that I've had floating around for a while. I've seen the occasional post from someone who had lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks and then had "stalled" for a week. Why aren't they losing the big numbers? Or another one, where they were targeting to lose 10 pounds a month, and they keto calculator only had them eating 900 calories a day.

When I first started Low Carb - and then later, Keto - I saw all of these amazing stories of people who had lost huge amounts of weight in a short period of time. I was a lurker on the Keto subreddit.

Let's look at some of the current highlights over there.
Down 100 pounds since end of August 2012 (7 months!) --- 14 pounds a month!
30 pounds gone! (since January 24th -- 2 months) -- 15 pounds a month!
18 pounds gone ~ 1.5 months of keto! -- 12 pounds a month!!!

These are all from the last 24 hours.

And when I started my journey, I started mapping out my weight loss based on these reports. Wow! I can be down to goal weight by next summer (90 pounds in 9 months). I'll lose 10 pounds a month - that'll be great!

And then reality hit. Except for that first month, I didn't lose 10 pounds per month. I felt like a failure. I was losing a measly 1.5 pounds a week. My weight loss felt like a crawl. I kept hoping that it would start shifting into high gear like so many others experience, but that's not what happened to me. I think this is the stage for many people where they decide it's not worth it - they aren't losing like those other people, they feel down, and decide it's not worth it. They must be doing something wrong, and it's time to throw in the towel.

I was bummed. Again, I felt like I was failing on this. All I seemed to see were these super-awesome results with people losing at much faster rates. Then I stopped, and decided that maybe 1.5 pounds a week would be ok - still better then I did on Weight Watchers, after all (and I get bacon!). I started re-mapping my weight loss based on losing 10 pounds every 2 months. Nothing changed in my keto plans - just my expectations. And when I repeatedly hit that 10 pounds every 2 months (vs failing to hit 10 pounds every 1 month) it went from feeling like I was a failure to a huge success. Month after month has passed, and I've been able to maintain that.

Now it's 6 1/2 months later, and I'm still losing, on average 1.5 pounds per week. I'm down 43 pounds. I'm pretty damn proud of that, and I still feel so positive about keto -- I know I can sustain this all the way until I hit my goal.

What's the point? Well, we see a lot about the big numbers. A lot of times those big numbers are men, or those that are young (teens or twenties), or have a lot more to lose. Or maybe they are just more dedicated - who knows? Our bodies are different, and it just might be a slower journey for some of us. But if the program is working for you, don't feel like you're failing because you're not seeing those big numbers too; don't be tempted to quit because your numbers aren't as big. Reset those expectations based on what you are doing. For example, when I got to Onederland, I reset my spreadsheet (yes I have a spreadsheet that projects my weight loss into the future) so it showed a loss of 1.25 pounds a week instead of 1.5 pounds a week - just in case I started slowing as I lost. Make it so you will feel like a success on this journey, and not a failure. Because just taking the journey, you ARE a success.


  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks so much, I have been doing 'lower carb' and am getting interested in Keto - doing some lurking with this group and just joined it today. I have very much been feeling like a failure because I have a friend doing a 'medifast-like' program and is losing fast, where I am low-carbing on my own and lost 4 pounds right away, and now have been 'stalled'. I really appreciate your post, I am going to re-evaluate my goals and look more into Keto, and be happy with any progress - slow and steady is fine with me.
  • chirpinggalaxy
    Thank you. I really appreciate you talking about this. I'm still a new Keto-er and feel so bummed when I don't lose magical numbers. Yes, I do have a lot to lose, but I didn't pack it on overnight, so I can't expect to lose it overnight.

    I am doing this for the weight loss, but more than that, I feel better on low-carb/keto. That's enough to make me stick to it.
  • flyingpiriposa
    flyingpiriposa Posts: 5 Member
    This is an excellent reminder and one lesson I learnt while being on keto. The idea behind keto works pretty good, not only to lose weight but because it has other beneficial side effects that other diets don't.

    However, it is true that the image of the keto diet it is a little bit idealized and the relation between the diet and how quickly people can lose weight it is emphasized excessively. On the other hand, not everyone's ready to make a change in their life style and stick to keto only to lose weight. After that they want to go back to their old food habits, which might not be possible if someone wants to maintain its weight.

    There are many aspects of keto that I enjoy, but dropping weight fast hasn't been one of them. Of course I had my moment of glory the first week but after that I stalled for 4 weeks. Also, it hast taken more than a month to recover my energy (another aspect that it is highlighted among ketoers: I feel so alive! All my energy is back!)... finally the shark week for women can be a really pain in the *kitten*, and this is also not broadly mentioned in the FAQ or among ketoers (thank god we have xxketo!).

    All and all, I like the diet and I have stick to it (not cheated once) since I started it. Slow it is also good, it is just not as fast as I was expecting. And like you mentioned, expectations can be quiet tricky.
    Keto on!
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    Thank you for posting this, it really does open my eyes on my current expectations.
    I guess I hit the "I'm in my twenties" and "I have a lot to lose" brackets, so I have established higher expectations from the get go.

    My goal is to lose around 10lbs a month, but I'm happy with anything that I lose really. And focus a lot of NSV's like inches lost and pant sizes.
    I try not to stay too focused on the numbers, just like someone posted before, It took a long time to put on the weight, it's going to take a long time to take it off. I also keep in mind that, anything I lose will be more then I've ever lost before.

    And I focus on all the positive things I've gained from being on Keto.
    I have more energy, don't feel hungry or starved, feel healthier, feel happier, I just feel, more like me. I :heart: keto! :love:
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you so much for this post. I started at 175 Jan. 1, 2013, and dropped 15 pounds within the first month, and then really haven't lost any weight since. I *am* losing inches and feeling stronger and more vibrant every week. But it can be extremely discouraging when that number on the scale doesn't budge. I tend to have mini-freak outs and worry that what I'm doing isn't working. Knowing others experience this helps reassure me that it's all part of the process.

    Side note: Just this week I tried increasing my fat intake, consuming Bulletproof Coffee in the morning, and eating a bit more calories (I was under 1200 most days and have been around 1400 every day this week so far). To soon to tell for sure, but I have seen the number on the scale drop a few pounds already this week, and I'm only on Day 4.
  • GloMash710
    GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
    Great post! Like you I had an awesome first month (25lb loss) but I was also starting at 285lbs on a 5'2 frame. Great reminder to focus on our successes and realign our expectations to something more realistic. This is exactly the kind of mindset that will get me to 6 months. Congrats on your success!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Great post. It made me go back and average out my monthly losses. I started keto and have been strict keto since the beginning of May 2012. That first month I lost 23 lbs. The second month, June, I lost 4 lbs. Since then I have averaged 7 lbs a month.

    So, why do I do keto if it doesn't cause me to lose 23 pounds every month? Because without being in keto I don't lose any at all.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    Something I noticed about a lot of those r/keto posts is their age. I am 37 (38 in July) and I suffer from PCOS. The insulin resistence makes it harder for me to lose weight; so my losses are slower compared to them. My age also plays a part in it. I see a lot of those huge numbers (mind you, not all, but a lot) are teens and those in their 20s.

    Another factor at play is a lot of those losers are men. As much as it sucks, we know that whole thing about them losing faster. And lastly, the major factor is the amount of weight those folks have to lose in the first place. The larger you are, usually (pending any medical conditions) the weight comes off faster - and more of it.

    If the scale is moving in the right direction and you feel good overall - then their is no reason to worry about how fast the scale moves. You are doing it the right way by learning the program and not wanting a quick fix (there are a lot of those on r/keto). Slow and steady wins the race and has a higher statistical rate of keeping it off long term.
  • Pschmitt1
    Pschmitt1 Posts: 2 Member
    Good post. My experience is similar, higher lost initially than a slower but pretty steady loss each month. So not all men lose weight quickly or easily. I tend to hit a new low every week or two, then spend a few days going back up before I settle at the new lower weight. Each month is lower than the last though. Stay calm and keto on!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I tend to hit a new low every week or two, then spend a few days going back up before I settle at the new lower weight. Each month is lower than the last though. Stay calm and keto on!
    My experience as well.
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks for the reminder! I knew my weight loss would slow but I was getting really bummed this month at only 1.5 lbs so far for the month. In reflection I realize that the weeks I travel I typically don't lose (I travel for my job). When at home I can control my food and activity levels more. So high travel months are low and home months are typically higher. I am still averaging about 5lbs / month. Which is okay with me.

    I have to set goals based on what is normal for my body to achieve and not what I want to lose by x date. 10 lbs in a month is just not going to happen for me 6 months in and only 25 lbs from my goal weight.

    I used the keto weight loss calculator from reddit and have set new goals that are truly achievable. I am a firm believer in always reevaluating and updating goals as needed. These may not end up being my final ones but I will cross that bridge when I get there.

    Keto has changed my life. I finally feel like I am in control!! No cravings, high energy, steady mood, clear skin, better hair! I need to stay focused on these things and let the weight loss happen as it will. I know I can do this and keto is the right lifestyle for me!!

    Thanks for all your advice and inspiration. It is my friends on MFP that keep me going!!
  • Bill_from_Philly
    Awesome awesome post. I was one of those people who was losing a steady 10 a month but the closer I got to my goal the more it slowed got me a little down at times but I stayed with it because of all the other benefits. People need to remember that the weight didn't go on overnight, and it won't leave overnight but that by staying the course the body will drop the weight. Weight loss isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.
  • sunryse00
    sunryse00 Posts: 36 Member
    know I can sustain this all the way until I hit my goal.

    Great post and I agree with everything you said except this^. It's not about sustaining this style of eating until you reach goal, it's about sustaining it for life. IF you go back to eating the way you did before the weight loss chances are the weight plus more will come back. While the weight loss is great I'm trying to focus more on making this a lifetime style of eating so I can keep every pound off I lose.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    know I can sustain this all the way until I hit my goal.

    Great post and I agree with everything you said except this^. It's not about sustaining this style of eating until you reach goal, it's about sustaining it for life. IF you go back to eating the way you did before the weight loss chances are the weight plus more will come back. While the weight loss is great I'm trying to focus more on making this a lifetime style of eating so I can keep every pound off I lose.

    Actually, I meant it as written. Maintenance for me will not be the same program that I am doing now. It also won't be the low fat Standard American Diet BS.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Great post and I totally agree. I've totally fallen off the wagon but will be back there come Monday! I always have a big water loss the first couple of weeks (around 5lb a week) then it settles in to 1-2lbs a week. I know I could lose something similar just on calorie restriction but I would feel so deprived and hungry all the time, constantly battling cravings and thinking about what I cannot have. I don't get this problem on keto.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you so much for this post. It is nice to know I am not alone in the slower losing bracket. The first 4 days I lost 5lbs, regained 4 the following 4 days and freaked out. Luckily there are amazing ppl on here that talked me through it and referred me to some great sources. I upped my fat to 80-85% and stuck to my cal limit. I since have dropped the 4 plus another lb and tomorrow will be my 2 wk mark. Sometimes I get frustrated that I wasted time trying to figure out what works for me but then again it's important information that will help me along the way. I also am going to continue keto b/c I feel amazing. No more all day fatigue and the need to rest. My house is cleaner, the dishes are done and lunches packed every night. Another bonus is I can go fasted for a long time. I drink two bpc in the am and let me tell you that is an amazing preworkout energizer. Most importantly, my cravings are gone! I can pack cookies in lunches w.out crying to myself how badly I want one. Even this week is pre shark week (lol whoever came up w/ this) and I just ate more fat bombs and almonds to satisfy the sweet/salty tooth that is inevitable. Normally I would fail miserably and go from one thing to another like an escaped hostage at a buffet.

    LIke we have all heard, it's a marathon not a sprint!
  • JanetLynnJudy
    JanetLynnJudy Posts: 173 Member
    I started my weight loss journey Memorial Day 2011. We didn't start a low carbohydrate diet until a few months into 2012.

    I've changed my diet, workout plan, etc. several times in that time period and the for almost the entire first year I didn't track my weight very often (my start weight is based off of a weight from a doctor visit prior to me starting in which I realized I had gained almost 50 pounds in just a few years time on top of the fact that I was overweight prior to that).

    Here's my weight loss breakdown for the past few months.

    December - lost 5.8 pounds
    January - lost about 7 pounds
    February - lost 3.1 pounds
    March - lost 5.8 pounds

    Average 5.4 lost per month.

    I feel like what I am doing now is working for me. So far in April I have lost 5.4 pounds and we are only halfway through the month.

    I just hit 100 pounds lost this morning.

    I used an online duration calculator just now to see how long that really took.

    Duration calculation results

    From and including: Monday, May 30, 2011
    To and including: Saturday, April 13, 2013

    It is 685 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

    Or 1 year, 10 months, 15 days including the end date
    Alternative time units
    685 days can be converted to one of these units:

    59,184,000 seconds
    986,400 minutes
    16,440 hours
    97 weeks (rounded down)

    That's how long it took me to lose 100 pounds and as you can see, it wasn't 10 pounds a month.

    One thing that has helped me to get through this (and I've said this before) was to understand that I didn't have to wait to be the person I wanted to be. If the guilt I was holding on to was because I was ashamed that I didn't eat right and exercise I could change that right this second. I could become the person I truly wanted to be right now. Other people may not be about to see the physical result now, but they could see the effort and more importantly, I could see the effort. I could start to let go of those bad feelings about myself.
  • chirpinggalaxy
    I just came back to this topic and read it again. Once again, I thank you. It's really helping me see the big picture when I'm feeling lost and discouraged.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Hey Kyanca,
    CONGRATS on hitting a major milestone today! That is amazing! I'm so happy for you!
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    I think this needs a bump:)