March 31st - for those still shredding!

Morning all,

Away today so unable to "Jillian" this morning and it felt pretty strange!

Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone well who is still in the process of completing the shred and if you are doing it today in between eating Easter eggs then good on you! :bigsmile:

Back tomorrow for my final day. :drinker:


  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Rest day for me today as well. Everything hurts after yesterday's Tabata workout. How is that possible? It's only 4 minutes!!!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Morning all...and Happy Easter! Even though I'd finished 30 DS a couple days ago I thought I'd just say "Hi" and let you know I've had a "delayed" benefit from the program. Today I found I'd dropped another 3 lbs., so a total of 5 over the last month. This was in addition to dropping one size in building some strength and have begun to develop some muscle. It's all good, so thanks to all of you for keeping me motivated and to Jillian for kicking butt! (a more toned one, too!) :laugh:

    Now that I depend on her to keep me working at it...I'll do each level once, every other day, during the week and use Ripped in 30 and mix in some of her BFBM to keep improving tone and strength. And I plan to build in 1-2 days a week for rest and recovery, as she suggests.

    HINT: It would be nice to continue this thread or a new one for've all made me get off my (now less) ample fanny on those days that were tough. We could give helpful hints and results about whatever programs we decide to follow up with.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: to all of you!
  • Naamah18
    Naamah18 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks Allergic for kicking off our posts each day to help keep us all energized!

    Finished Day 8 of Level 2 today. I can't believe how much more I have to go, but hoping Level 3 is a nice change. I hope some others who are still shredding will keep up with posting. I will be away the next two days, but will be back either Tuesday night or Wednesday.

    Keep up the good shreddin' everybody!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    Took two days off due to work and a shoulder that was bothering me. Level 3, Day four done. Shoulder only mildly achy now, so that was good. By my calculations/schedule, I should be done next Sunday or Monday.
  • Mrsjaybob
    Mrsjaybob Posts: 156 Member
    Level 3 Day 3 done. Have to share my Non-Scale Victory - hopefully I'll be able to communicate this in a way that someone will understand....
    Ok, I have these gray running tights, they have a wide - 2 inch or so - elastic waist band and sit a bit below my belly button. I wore them when I first started my 30DS adventure and had to keep pulling them back up. I'd do jumping jacks and they would slide down to sit below my belly pudge. I wore them today, expecting to have to keep pulling them up and, guess what? Nope, no sliding down below the pudge! I guess that means the pudge has less of an ability to coerce the waist band to fall! Yay me!

    Struggle with the lunge jump things, walking push ups, forearm up and down things - no strength in my left arm AT ALL! Superman's still kill my back. Lots of work to do, but so happy for small successes!
  • EasyKeeper8
    EasyKeeper8 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 3 day 9!!!! Squeezed it in before heading off to Easter feast. Was pretty good food-wise, but glad I worked out! ????

    See you tomorrow for a final report! Taking Tuesday off then starting body revolution! Im definitely interested in staying accountable with everyone!

    Are we going to start a new JM thread, or joining the existing all things Jillian group?
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Level 3 Day 3 done. Have to share my Non-Scale Victory - hopefully I'll be able to communicate this in a way that someone will understand....
    Ok, I have these gray running tights, they have a wide - 2 inch or so - elastic waist band and sit a bit below my belly button. I wore them when I first started my 30DS adventure and had to keep pulling them back up. I'd do jumping jacks and they would slide down to sit below my belly pudge. I wore them today, expecting to have to keep pulling them up and, guess what? Nope, no sliding down below the pudge! I guess that means the pudge has less of an ability to coerce the waist band to fall! Yay me!

    Struggle with the lunge jump things, walking push ups, forearm up and down things - no strength in my left arm AT ALL! Superman's still kill my back. Lots of work to do, but so happy for small successes!

    This sounds excellent - I remember my excitement when my pants fell off during a walk outside :) I didn't even care if someone noticed! :)