introduce yourself



  • summer21forever
    summer21forever Posts: 61 Member
    My name is Summer and I am a proud mommy of Keegan my 2 1/2 month old. I am a stay at home mom for the moment and I co-sleep with my son. We practice feeding on demand and I pump about once a day (usually in the early morning). He is my first and only child, though I do have a step daughter who is 8. My husband and I have been married for 4 1/2 years now and we had been trying to become pregnant the whole time. When I graduated from college at the beginning of this year I found out the very next day that I was pregnant.

    When I had Keegan I thought breast feeding was going to be easy because my sister had such an easy time with it, well I was very very wrong. Keegan had a hard time latching I was not producing enough. So for about the first month we did formula and breast milk. I am happy to say that we only breast feed now and the latching problems are gone except when he is really tired.

    I gained 65 pounds with Keegan and after I had him my weight went down to 30lbs to 197. My goal is to get down to 150 which I haven't been in about a year and a half. I'm really glad that there are groups like this out there.
  • summer21forever
    summer21forever Posts: 61 Member
    Well I'm willing to help support you in your weight loss jouney. I know how hard it is to have no support.
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather! I'm a SAHM to Patrick, who will be 2 in April, and Ella, who was born 1/1/13 :) While Patrick no longer sleeps with us (well, most of the time), Ella definitely does. We are nursing on-demand and supplementing with formula (she had blood sugar issues, so we are supplementing until we're out of the red zone).

    I only gained 10lbs with Ella, but I was already 30lbs overweight to begin with. I'd really like to get down to a healthy weight and get into shape so I will be able to keep up with my kids. Because 2 under 2 is hard, haha.
  • hmnoyce
    HI, my name is Honesty and I'm currently new to the group. I have a 3 year old and 9 month old preemie. I am actually down to pre-pregnancy weight but I was overweight to begin with. I would love some motivation from some like minded mommas. :) Feel free to add me. I use my app on my phone mostly and am not sure where to find my groups yet, if it's possible.
  • NicoleDurso
    NicoleDurso Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there! I'm a bf, bedsharing, cloth diapering, baby wearing mama of a 7 month old. Didn't see a ton of weigh loss from breastfeeding, so now I'm on day 9 of the Insanity workout. So far no affect on supply, but I'm hungry as a horse! Please consider adding me if you would like a friend for support. I'm on MFP every day.
  • blackrabbits
    Hi, I'm Jennifer, a 36 year old military wife and SAHM of six kids ages 8, 7, 5, 4, 20 months and 5 months. I EBF my little one, and prior to MFP, any change in calories resulted in a drop in milk supply. I have been on here for a week and so far so good with my milk :) Just looking to connect with other moms for support in losing this baby weight. Feel free to add me :)
  • fittiefoodiemommy
    fittiefoodiemommy Posts: 22 Member
    Hello all! I'm a SAHM mama of 2 little boys, ages 2.5 & 6 months! I exclusively breast feed my little one (weaned my first at 18 months due to pregnancy-induced soreness) and co-sleep with both! On and off cloth diaper'er (exclusively CD'ed my first until he was 15 months), home birther, baby wearer, no vax, future homeschooler - all around pretty crunchy mom! :D Looking for active, like-minded MFP friends so please feel free to add me!
  • aarroyo0529
    aarroyo0529 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Anita I am 31yrs old and mother of 2, after gaining 70lbs with my first child I had a long struggle to loose the weight. He was a 10.7lbs boy but that was 6yrs ago and I still had 40lbs from my pregnancy. When I joined MFP, I was desperate to loose weight, I had just lost 20lbs and I got pregnant again! I was very excited, but I wanted to loose all 40 before getting pregnant just to make sure everything was fine. This time I gained 40lbs and yet a 10.1lbs baby girl! She is 7 weeks now and I am breastfeeding exclusively but I want to loose weight and not compromise my milk production and her health. I hope this group can help :)
  • aarroyo0529
    aarroyo0529 Posts: 46 Member
    Anyone that wants to use each other for motivation please add me :bigsmile:
  • babyfat1234
    babyfat1234 Posts: 2 Member
    I am Amber and have 3 boys, 12 yo, 2 yo, and 3 mo. I gained 50 lbs with son #1 and lost it , 70 with son #2 and lost it then came #3, gained 70 with him also. I am eating paleo and exercising moderately, long walks and some strength training at home, like push-ups and squats. I am 32 and moved from SoCal to Boston Area 5 years ago.
  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    Hey mamas, I'm Laura, 29 and mommy to two boys, a 2 year old and brand spankin' new 1 week old :) I exclusively breastfed my first to 22 months (and co-slept for most of that as well) and I plan on doing the same with my second baby. So far we're off to a very good start! I got into the best shape of my life before this second baby, and I can't WAIT to get back to my workouts in a few weeks and getting into even better shape than before! I plan on doing a lot of HIIT and am excited to start Stronglifts 5x5. Add me if you'd like, the more motivation and support I can get the better =)
  • DarthPato
    Hi! I'm new to the group.

    Little about us...I am a 31yr-old crunchy mom who homeschools, bed shares, baby wears, non-vax, makes my own cleaners, cloth wipes (but no cloth diapers....yeah it is weird lol), does as much holistic as possible, and practices baby lead weaning and allows my kids to self wean.

    I have four beautiful blessings ages 12, 6, 2, and 11m. I have always struggled with my weight. I lost over 60lbs after #3 and then gained 70+lbs with #4 DESPITE being on a strict calorie goal and exercising everyday. What can I do?

    My son still nurses on demand, but has slowed a bit and so I'm starting to lose a little weight. I never lose much while nursing. Lame.

    Glad to be here!
  • holliloveseli
    Hi all. I'm Holli. I'm 30 years old, happily married for 9 years. I'm from Maine but I'm active duty Navy and currently stationed in Virginia until I get out this summer. My son is 14 months old, still BF like a baby, haha. We bed share and cloth diaper as well. I NEED to lose 20 lbs to pass my PT test in 10 weeks, but would like to lose 40, total.

    Feel free to add me.
  • KatieKakes1413
    Hi everyone. My name is Kaitlin. I have three children 2, 7 & 8. I had no issue dropping weight after the oldest 2, however my 2 year old is still an avid breast feeder, so instead of losing weight like I did with her brothers, I am retaining weight. Literally have not lost or gained a single pound in 18 months. Yay :( Husband is not very nice about it either, so I figure it's time to stop reminiscing on how I'll snap back like I did with the other two and actually do something about it. Does anyone know how many calories to add so that your body doesn't retain weight or think it's starving? I tried to 1400 calorie deal for months, lots of milk, still no loss. I think I'm either under eating or all of my major calories are liquid. Any tips?
  • cbbkf13
    cbbkf13 Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm Krystina. I have a 20 month old son. I work full time but nurse on demand through the night and on weekends. We cosleep part time (as needed) in his double floor bed now. Best idea ever! since going back to work I've gained a further 10 pounds and it keeps going up :( I'm hoping that tracking my food intake will help. I can't fit in much more exercise (I do classes ideally twice a week at work), at home it's impossible as I'm an easy target for playtime (and no energy left once he's nursed down to bed thanks to the sleepy nursing hormones!).
    I want to have another baby, I honestly thought it would have happened by now but with my weight putting me into the "obese" BMI range I'm not surprised. I'd love to lose 10 pounds this spring and be down 20 by the end of summer to put me at my pre-pregnancy weight. From there I want to keep going down another 25 pounds to hit my "ideal" weight. Eventually though realistically that final goal won't happen until I'm done making and baking baby(ies).
  • catfulford
    catfulford Posts: 62 Member
    HI! Im Catherine and I am a first time mom to my little bug Bryce who is almost 8 weeks old. I am exclusively breastfeeding and co-sleeping half the night. I lost all my pregnancy weight and some immediately after he was born. The thing I want to improve is my stamina and tone everything up. :)
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    hi there Im Tammy and I am from Minnesota and I am a mommy to five wounderfull kids and married to my love of my life for sixteen years. I am currently bf my six month old son . first baby that has bf this long and I am very proud of us both . I work part time and I am a full time mommy . my kids ages are 15,12,9,3,6 months. I lost all my baby weight from my three year old and my 6 month old right away after birth . but I still have all the weight I have put on for 12 years now. I want to loose 100 pounds don't know how to get past thirty pounds is the most I have lost in my life and I want to learn to do more.
  • m0n0fx
    m0n0fx Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm 35, mommy to 4 kids (7,6,4,1). I'm still nursing my 14 month old, but now that he is eating meals/snacks, drinking a daily cup of coconut milk - I am hoping to focus some on losing some of this accumulated baby weight. Since my 3rd child my metabolism seems to be very slow, all the things I used to do to easily lose weight don't seem to work anymore and I have been stuck at 170-172 for a long time now. My goal is to get down to 140. Glad to find this group, friend me if you'd like :smile: