Weigh ins on Monday.

rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
You don't ever have to post your weight but remember today's weight for next Monday so we can see how the progress is!!


  • chrisilouhoo
    chrisilouhoo Posts: 73 Member
    great idea.
    I'm part of a monthly group already but I think three months provides the forward-thinking I could use when choosing between cake or a walk....

    my weigh-ins on already on monday and I was 210 on the dot this morning so my July 3rd goal would be 180.

    04/01 210

    see you next week!
  • Bubblevixen
    Bubblevixen Posts: 78 Member
    ah i have my weigh ins on a Sunday... keeps me from over-indulging at the weekend. So I'll post that weight today :D

    01/04/13 - 184.2 lbs
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    That works for sure!! This is about you and your journey :)
    So if something doesn't work modify it to succeed :D
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    So achievable!
    I'm trying hard to make better decisions as well. A walk is so much more beneficial than cake any day
  • Swanie76
    Swanie76 Posts: 75 Member
    I am also doing a challenge for April, However this is long term and in the end we all have to think long term.

  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    It's exactly long term. It's for the rest of our lives.
    This three month challenge is to help people boost their journey in the right direction or for people like myself get off a plateau.
  • JenniferLynx
    JenniferLynx Posts: 8 Member
    4/1/13 - 225.5lbs
    Challenge Goal - 195.5lbs
  • mamashel
    mamashel Posts: 17 Member
    I too would love to join this challenge. I would like to meet the 30 lbs loss goal, but I will not beat myself up if I do not. I have spent to much of my life being self-critical and that only sends me to eat. I'm 44 years young and have carried an extra 70 lbs for far too long.

    Let's do this!!!!

    Weight 4/1/13: 212.4
    Challenge weight: 182.4
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome mamashel!!
    No need to beat yourself up over it! Any loss is a gain in my books.
    30 pounds is achievable but I'd even be happy with twenty, fifteen even! A loss is a gain never forget that ;)
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    Oh yeah! My
    Start weight is 201 (2 pound Easter gain ????)
    Challenge weight is 171
  • dymplz8
    dymplz8 Posts: 4
    My Challenge Goal by July 1 will be 210, which isn't exactly 30lbs but giving myself a goal that I feel is more reasonable since I'm just starting my journey today, however if I hit 30 I will be estatic :)
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    Strive for your personal goal be happy with anything :)
    That's how I see it
  • JTS_go
    JTS_go Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in, and my birthday is on July 21, so this will be a nice treat for that month.

    CW: 189.6
    ChallengeGW: 159.6
    LongtermGW: 135-140

    We can do this!
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome welcome
    :) another July birthday!! Awesome!
  • CJMommyof2
    CJMommyof2 Posts: 49 Member
    I can't weigh in until I am off work this afternoon but will post then. Hope that is ok.
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    Sure is cnsfam4!!
    Post when you can!
  • chrisilouhoo
    chrisilouhoo Posts: 73 Member
    I'm in, and my birthday is on July 21, so this will be a nice treat for that month.

    CW: 189.6
    ChallengeGW: 159.6
    LongtermGW: 135-140

    We can do this!

    We share a birthday!
  • cryptogirl
    cryptogirl Posts: 35 Member
    I will post my losses each Monday and I know we can make it to goal! Any suggestions on exercise equipment to have at home? Considering getting something like a rower...It is so hard fitting in time to excerise with kids to watch so I can't just take off for a run or a walk.
  • JTS_go
    JTS_go Posts: 65 Member
    That is cool, Chris(ilouhoo)!

    Cryptogirl -- I leased one of the WaterRower machines for a while. It's very good for low-impact if that's what you want. The only way to increase the intensity of the workout is to up the pace because, like real rowing, you're always pushing the same amount of water. It also makes a nice splashing sound. If you consider this model, though, see if you can find somewhere to try one out.

    I recently got a New Balance stepper from Target for home because it's what a personal trainer I used to use had me do for warmups. I don't like the bouncing up and down of jumping jacks or jogging in place. As Dolly Parton said when asked why she didn't become a ballerina, which was her childhood dream, "I'd black both my eyes."

    For cardio you can't beat a simple jump rope.

    I mostly use a few simple free weights and a mat now. With that and some stairs you can get a good workout just using your body weight. I do wall-sits, step-ups, calf raises, squats, lunges, biceps curls, triceps kick-backs, and planks in my current workout.
  • ptreasures
    This is perfect. I am hoping to be down 35-40 by August 4th when the hubby and I are hitting the beaches of Hawaii, so 30 by July 3rd will get me almost there with another month for the last 5 -10.

    SW: 175.5
    Challenge GW: 145.5
    Overall Goal weight: 135-140

    @ Cryptogirl - I have 4 kids that I have to do workouts around. We have a bowflex and treadmill, but right now I am doing Insanity. I just finished Jillian's Body Revolution 2 weeks ago too and it was great. I would say get whatever you think will motivate you to get on and workout.