Just Need to Vent & Advice

I just need to vent & I know this is the one place that people will understand how I am feeling. I have been following my calorie totals to a T. Some days I am even under, but not so much that it puts me in starvation mode. I am not losing weight......I am GAINING weight. The doctors told me at one point that my metabolism has stopped working. I do take a low dose thyroid pill & just had blood work saying everything was normal. Maybe I need to see an endocronologist? I have heard they do more extensive testing. Any exercise I try to do ends up backfiring so I end up laying up for 3 or 4 days. I took all this into account when making my profile. I put sedatary & no exercise so that my allowed calories would allow for that. That way if I was having a bad day it wouldnt derail my efforts. Even when I do get some exercise in I dont eat the calories back by more that 50. My husband suggested maybe I need to take them lower to balance things out? I eat 1400 a day now. I am an insomniac so I set my profile to count 12AM-12PM, 12PM-12AM. This is what I read alot of people that work nights do. Is it possible this is my problem? Am I wasting my time since my body wont cooperate? Honestly thats how I feel. Nothing I do works so why even bother. Doctors say "Lose weight & you will feel better". Then in the next breath say "Oh but your metabolism doesnt work & we cant fix it". :explode: Then they offer the "magic" solution, "Why dont you just have a gastric bypass". Yeah right, like everyone just has that kind of money lying around. My best friend had one & honestly I dont think I would want to live that way. I realize its great for some & Im not knocking their choice, I just dont feel its for me. Of course I would never say never. Plus all the extra money for the plastic surgery afterwards is more money I dont have.

Can anyone offer suggestions that work for them? Walking would be great but I have a crushed nerve in my back so standing for that long is not something I can do. Surgery isnt an option because of my weight & the fibro makes it very painful. I saw an infomercial for Tai Cheng ( http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/tai-cheng-workout.do?code=BDL_TC_TAICHENG ). Has anyone used this? It is expensive & I dont want to waste more money on something else that doesnt work.

Any advice about what others do would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to listen & letting me rant, I appreciate it :happy:


  • tazzy_toon
    tazzy_toon Posts: 17 Member
    It's difficult finding a right balance with fibromyalgia. I am still learning myself. I try to eat the right foods when eating my cal's but sometimes I choose the wrong foods and it slows down my wieght loss. I too am always getting my blood checked for thyroid or surgar issues, but nothing ever shows up.
    I don't think you are wasting your time. But when our bodies are so out of whack, sometimes it takes awhile for it to get with the program. lol. Not sleeping is difficult, it makes our metablisms more sluggish, but the way I see it, as long as I am trying and staying as consistant as possible, things at the very least, won't get worse (ie, you may not lose weight, but you aren't gaining either), but with perseverance, i believe it will get better.
    Don't give up, you are on the right track!

    Add me as a friend if you'd like.