Blundetto crew - meet and greet and imporant tracking info

MissJen84 Posts: 109 Member
Welcome everyone! Let's do a little meet and greet here, so we can get to know everyone. Tell me a little bit about yourself and please go ahead and add everyone on the team to your friends list ,so we can try to motivate each other. Here is the list of everyone on the team:


Spacecurly and Pseudonymous were added today after a couple members were whacked and I suspect Erin_W2012 to be placed with us soon!

I can not provide updates on everyones status through out the day and due to my work, so the solution I came up with is this. (yes I totally ripped off another crew, but that is what the mob does right!?!) Click on the link ---> and it should take you to a sreadsheet with everyones name and info on it. The password to edit it is Blundetto. You should be able to enter your own challenge details in there. I tested it on my cell phone and I was able to view it just fine. Hopefully this will help keep me organized and will give you a clue how everyone is doing during the day if you want to check in. I will try to check in 2-3 times a day and send messages as needed to help keep everyone motivated. At the end of the day I will report everything to The Don. So if you have any problems with the spread sheet, or any questions shoot me an email, or if you would rather just email me your status I can update the sheet for you. I just thought having a centralized location would make things easier on everyone. Again welcome to the crew and keep up the good work! I would hate to have to WHACK you!!! Hahaha!

Capo AKA MissJen84


  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Hi there,
    I think I just start introducing me.
    My name is Michaela I am a german girl living in the netherlands, thereforemy diary is in 3 languages.
    It is currently 11.30 am here and I really hope the challenges get posted soon, over the next couple of days I have nightshift, so I hope keeping up with the challenges is no problem!

    May I ask what your goals for this month are?
    Mine is to stay within the cals every day and l shoot for an 6 lbs loss!
  • Super_Mama
    Super_Mama Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am so excited to take this challenge with you all, so far I have found it very inspiring, motivating and fun, so thanks!

    I live in the Washington DC area, and am a full time working mother of four, ranging in age from 5-10 years old. I was headed down a nice path of heathiness until last October when I lost my way, for a variety of reasons. Now I am ready to be back on track, am signed up for my first irongirl triathalon in September and am hoping to complete my first marathon in October. I am hoping being on MFP, and working with you all on these challenges will help keep me on the road to success!
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning Blundetto crew! I'm Holly from Houston. I'm excited to take this challenge with y'all! It sounds like it'll be a month full of healthy surprises. That's exactly what my routine needs, a shake up! :)
  • DaisyDi65
    DaisyDi65 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Gang! I am Diane from Northern Kentucky. I am a single mom of a teenage boy who will be heading to college this fall. I love to have fun but realize I am at the point in my life where it will only be me. Time to get in shape and get healthy! Curly asked about the goals (love your name, I have many curls as well). My Goal by May 24 (high school graduation) is to lose 45 pounds. This is only 12 more from where I am!

    Let's kick some booty!!

    Dumb question for my overseas friends....What is a stone? I see it referred to sometimes.
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    Hey gals. My name is Joanne from Ottawa Canada. I need to jostle things up a bit so this will be fun.....I have my first granddaughter scheduled to arrive the first week of May and my goal has always been the same get down to a reasonable weight prior to her arrival so that I can do all the necessary running around...LOL....

    I have two daughters 22 and 20 (youngest is going to be a mom) and it is very important to me that they see me succeed at this and become the person I know I can be.

    I love to support and chat so if anyone feels that they need a bit of a high five, or a kick, email me.....
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hello My Fellow Mobsters!!!

    My name is Mia and I am from Fort Worth, Texas.
    My starting weight on here was 295 and I am now rocking it in the mid to low 270's.
    I am a single white female working 8-5 mon-fri for a company that helps people with special needs.

    I have no children but I do have the most adorable baby brother in the world. He just turned three and he makes the sun shine.

    I am super goofy and ridiculous and will try and be your greatest cheerleader! Let's kick those other teams hindquarters!!!! RAWR!!!!
  • pkrichar
    pkrichar Posts: 228 Member
    Hi crew. I'm Pam from Wisconsin. Married with four legged children. I somehow let my weight get to 250, lost 50 pounds then last year had a very stressful situation where I put back on 29 this so far lost 22 of those. Why is it so easy to put on and so hard to take off? My ultimate goal is to get down to 165 and maintain that weight and then possbily reevaluate.
  • Super_Mama
    Super_Mama Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for setting this up MissJen! Unfortunately I get a spinning "transfering" icon when I go to the page and cant actually see the page. Is anyone else having issues? I did my 150 crunches but cant seem to log them in anywhere. Thanks! SM
  • sarahp4769
    sarahp4769 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi gang! Im Sarah from England. Im really enjoying this challenge so far...although my stomach and arms are sore today! I am aiming to get to 150lbs, although that's dependant upon how I feel. I have just started a weight lifting programme NROLFW and love it. Im hoping that this challenge will help with some weight loss and keep me motivated!

    Ps - Denise a stone is 14lbs.
  • Super_Mama
    Super_Mama Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for setting this up MissJen! Unfortunately I get a spinning "transfering" icon when I go to the page and cant actually see the page. Is anyone else having issues? I did my 150 crunches but cant seem to log them in anywhere. Thanks! SM

    If it helps anyone else -- I was able to access the site using Chrome as a browser. It didnt want to load in Mozilla Firefox.

    Thanks again for keeping us on track MissJen!
  • sarahp4769
    sarahp4769 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi gang! Im Sarah from England. Im really enjoying this challenge so far...although my stomach and arms are sore today! I am aiming to get to 150lbs, although that's dependant upon how I feel. I have just started a weight lifting programme NROLFW and love it. Im hoping that this challenge will help with some weight loss and keep me motivated!

    Ps - Denise a stone is 14lbs.

    sorry Diane, oh u can tell I have had a long day at work!!!
  • MissJen84
    MissJen84 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm Jen, which I'm sure you all have figured out by now! LOL I'm 28, 6ft tall single woman from Texas( DFW area)... On the spreadsheet I get the transfering seems stuck sometimes, usually if you will refresh it the page will load. If you cant edit it, look on the bottom left corner. Click on unlock and enter the password Blundetto, If you still have problems with the spreadsheet please just email me your challenge info to my email.

    It looks like this will be be our crew for April!


    Thanks again for all your hard work, and if you need anything, or have questions please just shoot me an email! :-)
  • Salty510
    Salty510 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Crew!

    I'm Jody. I was born and raised in California and I'm currently living in New Zealand. I've got 2 children, 3 1/2 and a little over 1.

    My goal for this month is to see this challenge through. I have a nasty habit of not finishing things I start.

    I've just started a blog

    I'm hoping to get to know you all better. Have a great month. We can rock this!!!
  • DeniseMCronin
    DeniseMCronin Posts: 27 Member
    I'm Denise, I'm in Cork, Ireland. I have PCOS that I never managed & it spiraled out of control. I ended up with Type 2 Diabetes & weighed 172Kg /374 lbs. I started working on my weight myself last year & managed to get down 42lbs but then hit a brick wall & started gaining the weight back. But went the route of a personal trainer in Jan & I have lost 56lbs since then. It would appear that blood tests have revealed that I have reversed most of the secondary problems associated with Diabetes & the fast blood sugar results are vastly improved.
    I have to check each day with my PT to see if any the challenges would negatively impact on ha workouts so I may have to skip one once in a while.
    I am doing this via an app & I don't have access (that I'm aware of) to the spreadsheet, is this a problem?

    Glad to be on board,

  • KatieSChaisemom
    KatieSChaisemom Posts: 79 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I was just added to this crew today. I am a 24 almost 25 year old mom of an 18 month old and a wife. I currently am going to school to be a nurse, i'm in my pre-requisites now. So, if anyone gets shot just let me know LOL. I have been up and down all my life. I have been obese and I have been almost underweight. Right now I am in the obese portion of my life and my goals are to work my way through to a healthy fit body.