

  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Today has been crazy. Last night's dinner was amazing but we all know it puts me over calories. I'm hoping that I will still have the deficit by the end of the week. Hopefully that will work out for me.

    Work has been so hard and next week isn't looking any better. I'm glad you are here so I can whine to you guys. Thanks for listening
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Hello ladoes!

    Today I ate about 5000 cals. Not kidding. I feel like a whale! But back on track tomorrow! No chocolate :) but I will eat plenty of salads!!! I Hope everyone had a fantastic easter!!!
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Good afternoon all! 2 more days until weigh in!
    I hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend! We might need another 10 day challenge lol I totally messed up my diet over the Holiday
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    Hi April 1st yay when do we get on the scale .any woo sitting in car going to next destination good eating day so fare bit day hasn't gone as planned .never dose so slow going . Its sunny out 70 out so all good
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Ladies I know that we are almost there so I thought that I would invite you over to the 300 ab challenge that I am going to do this month. It involves 1 day on and 1 day of rest. I would love to see you there.

    Who's excited about weighing in Wednesday morning? Can't wait to see if this has helped at all.
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Let us know what your challenge entails, I am up for it.

    2 days..Wooo hoo, The past two days I feel like I have been eating to much but I know I'll be better tomorrow. You ladies have done sooooo well and I am so proud of you!!!

    Have a great day tomorrow :)

    Until next time, goodnight
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!!

    Tomorrow is day 10! I will happily be stepping my bum on the scale early morning to see what the damage is. I don't expect to have lost any weight, but if I maintained I will be happy! I REALLY want to have another challenge like this. Maybe one for the month *weight in once a week* and see how we can do with an entire month challenge? Let me know what you ladies think :)

    Baby is draining my energy today! But I am determined to at least do some squats, leg lifts and calf raises :)

    Hope everyones day is going well!!!

    Smknitter, I would LOVE to join the ab challenge, but I will have to sit this one out :( sorry love.
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    I hope that everyone is still sleeping but since works calls my name here I am. This was a great challenge. Thanks for motivating and keeping me in line. I lost four pounds in ten days. I can't believe it! You guys rock, I'm sure that stress had a little bit to do with it, but I will take the victory.

    The ab challenge I am doing has its own group Abs of Steel in April. If you want to come over
  • HSam1121
    HSam1121 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in!!
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    Today was our final day of the 10 day challenge WHOOHOO! ! ! I have seen some amazing losses, WOW is all I can say! You ladies are ROCKIN!

    I lost 1.6 lbs during this 10 day challenge which I am STOKED about. My goal was to maintain and I LOST! Back down to 217.4. My next Prenatal appointment is April 18th (for my regular Dr) and I am hoping to at least maintain this weight until then! After that appointment I will officially be in my 3rd trimester so I expect to gain some weight then, but want to keep it under control! I will post a 30 day challenge on my profile if anyone would like to join! ! ! :) I hope to see you there!

    Thank you Dawn for creating this challenge! It was amazing and we should all be VERY proud of ourselves for sticking to it :)

    Love ya all ladies!

  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    So MFP wouldent let me add to the post, so I will just do a new entry. Dawn asked if we had cheated at all and what worked for us and what didn't..So here I go :)

    I did NOT step on the scale (with the exception of my Drs office, but even then did not find out my weight) until TODAY! That was a huge step for me because I am used to weighing in daily!

    One of the big things that DID work for me was not to "cut out" foods. I can't give up my PB&J. The bread isnt good, nor the jelly, hell net even the peanutbutter really. But I cut it down to once a day instead of twice, but did not give it up. Same for my avocados. I like them A LOT and they are very high in fats and cals, but I just ate a half of one instead of a whole one.

    My downfall was Easter, I was well over 5000 cals.. YIKES but it was worth it!

    I hope everyone had a fantastic 10 days! Again a HUGE thanks to Dawn for putting this together! You inspired to me keep going and to really work at what I want :)

    So ladies, I have started a NEW challenge, it is a 30 day challenge starting Tomorrow and the final day is May 3rd. Here are the guidelines!

    *We weight in on SUNDAY! and post our weight or message me how much you lost that week
    *Create your own personal goals! What every you want to do/ lose/ eat/ not eat in April.
    *You can message me with your SW for April and your GW for May 3rd as well as your food goals and exercise goals
    *Your weights will NOT be posted, but rather every Sunday I will post how much each of us lost and how much we lost as a team. Ex. Gril 1: -3 lbs Girl 2: -1 lb, Girl 3: -6 lbs TOTAL LOSS for week 1 : -10 lbs.
    *I will post everyone's progress and goals on MY BLOG so we can access it at any time *some of the ladies who are joining this are not part of our Cali board*
    *We start TOMORROW :)

    I hope all you lovely ladies will join me :) So far we have 6 girls signed up *including me* I hope to see you there!

  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    I am in for the 30 day challenge. I will try to follow it as much as possible.
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    Today was our final day of the 10 day challenge WHOOHOO! ! ! I have seen some amazing losses, WOW is all I can say! You ladies are ROCKIN!

    I lost 1.6 lbs during this 10 day challenge which I am STOKED about. My goal was to maintain and I LOST! Back down to 217.4. My next Prenatal appointment is April 18th (for my regular Dr) and I am hoping to at least maintain this weight until then! After that appointment I will officially be in my 3rd trimester so I expect to gain some weight then, but want to keep it under control! I will post a 30 day challenge on my profile if anyone would like to join! ! ! :) I hope to see you there!

    Thank you Dawn for creating this challenge! It was amazing and we should all be VERY proud of ourselves for sticking to it :)

    Love ya all ladies!


    You did suuuuper good. It has been awesome doing this group with you, you are so outgoing and bring a lot to the challenge!!
    Thank you :) Cant wait to do the 30 days :)

  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    I wanted to thank everyone for all of their support while doing this challenge. Not everyone posted in the group but they did post on the feed daily. Congrats to everyone, we ALL lost weight!!!.

    I have to admit, I thought I was going to lose more weight than 1 pound..I do have hypothyroid but I had been doing so well. Easter was not the best of days for me, got a little carried away with the wine...oops...I did exercise almost daily.

    It probably does not help that I have been stressing out over some health issues that have arose, I still keep my head up and keep going.

    By the way, my son gave back the scale, I was so happy, until.....I only lost that one pound. It's ok though, I know some weeks are slower than others.

    My plan now is to start a new exercise routine, one that I enjoy. Maybe some Zumba :) I love to giggle, giggle....

    Can't wait to do another challenge with you ladies,

  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    So MFP wouldent let me add to the post, so I will just do a new entry. Dawn asked if we had cheated at all and what worked for us and what didn't..So here I go :)

    I did NOT step on the scale (with the exception of my Drs office, but even then did not find out my weight) until TODAY! That was a huge step for me because I am used to weighing in daily!

    One of the big things that DID work for me was not to "cut out" foods. I can't give up my PB&J. The bread isnt good, nor the jelly, hell net even the peanutbutter really. But I cut it down to once a day instead of twice, but did not give it up. Same for my avocados. I like them A LOT and they are very high in fats and cals, but I just ate a half of one instead of a whole one.

    My downfall was Easter, I was well over 5000 cals.. YIKES but it was worth it!

    I hope everyone had a fantastic 10 days! Again a HUGE thanks to Dawn for putting this together! You inspired to me keep going and to really work at what I want :)

    So ladies, I have started a NEW challenge, it is a 30 day challenge starting Tomorrow and the final day is May 3rd. Here are the guidelines!

    *We weight in on SUNDAY! and post our weight or message me how much you lost that week
    *Create your own personal goals! What every you want to do/ lose/ eat/ not eat in April.
    *You can message me with your SW for April and your GW for May 3rd as well as your food goals and exercise goals
    *Your weights will NOT be posted, but rather every Sunday I will post how much each of us lost and how much we lost as a team. Ex. Gril 1: -3 lbs Girl 2: -1 lb, Girl 3: -6 lbs TOTAL LOSS for week 1 : -10 lbs.
    *I will post everyone's progress and goals on MY BLOG so we can access it at any time *some of the ladies who are joining this are not part of our Cali board*
    *We start TOMORROW :)

    I hope all you lovely ladies will join me :) So far we have 6 girls signed up *including me* I hope to see you there!


    What's the blog, or do you mean the feed? I for sure will Join :)
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member

    You did AMAZING!!! Who cares if it is only a pound that you lost! It is still a loss! You are so inspirational as are many of the lovely ladies on here. Be proud of yourself and THANK YOU for putting together this 10 day challenge :) It was so much fun!

    I hope so see many members from the Cali board on the 30 day challenge :)

    Love you all!