Knee tips

Jillathia Posts: 12 Member
Hi! Any tips for me? I tried this program 3 months ago and I got to the start of Week 3 before I had to stop because my knees hurt so much. I really, really, really want to do this. So I have taken good care of them for 3 months and today is gorgeous with blue skies and clear roads. I really want to try again.

Any helpful stretches and other tips? I do have very good running shoes.


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Slow down. Exercise your hips and glutes.
  • Jillathia
    Jillathia Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome link. Thanks!!
  • nyroeon
    nyroeon Posts: 14
    wow, am I you from the past? I got to week 3 and had to promptly stop because of knee pain. I am now attempting to continue the c25k program on the elliptical, but it's just not the same...
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Keep an eye on how much you extend your knees. Knee pain is a sign of many form issues:

    Do you hyper extend in your stride?
    Are you landing mid foot or do you heel strike?

    Also, sometimes it is just down right lack of strength and prior use of the knee in such a way. When you run you actually use different muscles than when your walk, and if those muscles are extremely weak they can cause pain.
  • newfie_74
    newfie_74 Posts: 11 Member
    I am all of you! LOL

    I got to week 3 last year and had to stop and get pain meds for a busted knee. My marathon-running friends said I need to strength-train along with running.

    So, now I'm on W6D3 and alternate running/strength training/rest days. I'm totally off schedule in terms of the "official" C25K program, but that doesn't matter. I'm stronger and my knees thank me :)