Week 1 Challenge 4/5/13-4/12/13

cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
Welcome to Christina's Weekly Health Challenge!

This week we will start it off easy.....Your challenge for week one is to eat a "real" fruit and or vegetable with every meal.

Let me be clear on the rules for this one; a "real" fruit or vegetable is one from the produce section of your super market that you have to cut up yourself. If an item is prepackaged aka prepacked fruit bowls or dried fruits with added sugars or in a can it does not count as a "real" fruit or vegetable. so be sure to post what fruits and vegetables you have decided to add or ideas on how to add them to every meal! Enjoy!


  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    Looks like I need to do some grocery shopping.
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    I am going to do mine tomorrow morning :)
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    I ate a banana before I knew about the challenge :)
  • Breakfast: sliced strawberries
    Lunch: whole orange
    Dinner: Lettuce, spinach, onions, tomatoes
    Snacks: Carrot sticks
    I find it's easier to incorporate veggies in if I sit down a couple times a week and "prep" them all in one day. Then just grab them when needed.
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    Had a banana with breakfaat

    Great job food lady!
  • onebookwonder
    onebookwonder Posts: 17 Member
    Yay! This seems simple enough for me to try without getting discouraged! I also ate a banana for breakfast before knowing about the challenge, so I'm off to a great start, although I didn't bring enough fruit with me for lunch today (just jarred applesauce that doesn't count). In any event, I did buy a lot of fruit yesterday in an effort to get back on track with my health goals, so I shouldn't have any problem having natural fruit with each of my meals for this week.

    I plan on trying some new things by incorporating fruit into each of my meals, like cubing an apple over my rice, mashing a banana into cauliflower, or adding some cherry tomatoes to my salad because afterall, tomatoes are a fruit! :P

    Wishing everyone the best on the challenge this week!
  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    Banana for Breakfast
    Banana for Lunch (had to double up because I haven't made it to the store)
    Dinner will be a Giant Salad (Cucumber, tomato, radish, Romaine, Kale, Spinach and some Mandarin oranges.
  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    Yay! This seems simple enough for me to try without getting discouraged! I also ate a banana for breakfast before knowing about the challenge, so I'm off to a great start, although I didn't bring enough fruit with me for lunch today (just jarred applesauce that doesn't count). In any event, I did buy a lot of fruit yesterday in an effort to get back on track with my health goals, so I shouldn't have any problem having natural fruit with each of my meals for this week.

    I plan on trying some new things by incorporating fruit into each of my meals, like cubing an apple over my rice, mashing a banana into cauliflower, or adding some cherry tomatoes to my salad because afterall, tomatoes are a fruit! :P

    Wishing everyone the best on the challenge this week!

    WELCOME ABOARD! And best of luck to you as well!
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    Yay! This seems simple enough for me to try without getting discouraged! I also ate a banana for breakfast before knowing about the challenge, so I'm off to a great start, although I didn't bring enough fruit with me for lunch today (just jarred applesauce that doesn't count). In any event, I did buy a lot of fruit yesterday in an effort to get back on track with my health goals, so I shouldn't have any problem having natural fruit with each of my meals for this week.

    I plan on trying some new things by incorporating fruit into each of my meals, like cubing an apple over my rice, mashing a banana into cauliflower, or adding some cherry tomatoes to my salad because afterall, tomatoes are a fruit! :P

    Wishing everyone the best on the challenge this week!

    Amazing start! Welcome to the group!

    Sounds like everyone is off to a wonderful start! Feel free to Invite your friends and its never too late to join!
  • Are you waniting us to post the fruits/veggies we are eating daily? Hope so, cause I did! LOL!
    BFast: blackberries (our Schnucks ran a 10 for 10 this week on these...yum!)
    Lunch: Orange - bit of spinach and cucs on sandwich
    Snack: Strawberries
    Dinner: Lettuce, spinach
    Snack: grapes

    I'm so glad summer is coming and I'll be able to get fresher/cheaper produce! Not to mention the veggies coming out of my garden! YUM!!!!
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to poat your daily fresh produce here give others ideas how to incorporate them into their diets.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and ate lots of fresh produce!
  • mbouf94
    mbouf94 Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry, didn't have time to join the group until today and this week has been crazy hectic working the Women's World Hockey Championships. I eat the food that's provided to me for snacks and meals at the volunteer lounge of the games. I have eaten a real fruit or vegetable with almost every single meal though.

    I'll be part of next challenge more (or I will continue this challenge next week with the next challenge as well).

    Sunday: With lunch yesterday I had cucumber, tomato, lettuce, green pepper. For dinner last night I had steamed green beans and 1/4 cut up red pepper. I had an apple as a snack. Didn't have fruit/veggie with breakfast or with my afternoon snack.

    This morning I feel very sick and have barely been able to keep food down. I had some 'burnt' toast with some butter to help my stomach.
  • Some easy ways to add some more fresh produce into your day:
    Omelettes - great stuffed with peppers, mushrooms, onions, spinach and/or tomatoes
    Same goes for scrambled eggs (and if you only do whites like I do, it gives you a ton of flavor!)
    Or even throw veggies onto a breakfast sandwich

    Having a sandwich? Lettuce and tomatoes are nice toppers, but try adding thinly sliced cucs and spinach to it also. Avacados are nice too.
    Salads (of course) spend a couple afternoons cutting up stuff and then it's easy to throw together a yummy, fresh salad. I always grill extra chicken breasts when I'm grilling for a quick protein on my salads. (And yes, cut them up too when you are prepping your veggies, more likely to use it if it's ready for you!)

    Again, salads are my "go to" veggie!
    Skinnytaste.com has a tasty recipe for twice baked broc potatoes. You add fresh cauliflower to these when you mash them, no one knows the difference! (my hubby WONT' eat caul and he loves these! LOL!)
    Baking boneless chicken breasts for dinner? Try slitting them open and tossing some veggies in them before you bake them. Gives the chicken a ton of flavor and you get some extra veggies.

    Just a few ideas..Like I said, I keep fresh, prepared veggies in containers in my fridge. Makes it very easy to divert yourself from a "bad snack" when you have something fresh and ready right in the fridge that you can just grab and munch on. (carrot sticks, celery sticks, caul, broc, cucs, radishes, etc)
  • kiwi6685
    kiwi6685 Posts: 19 Member
    I just joined and it looks like I have some grocery shopping to do myself! I love challenges, they can really motivate me! I have already joined a no late night snacking challenge and a April weight loss challenge, super excited!
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    Great ideas for easy adds!

    How is everyone doing! I bought bananas for the week for breakfast fast as I'm getting the kids off to school. Lunch and dinner have been mainly vegetables love my bell peppers! And love adding fresh veggies to my eggs so yummy today I did chices spinach and tomatoes :)