Day 5 - Abs of steel challenge

messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
So the exercises that we'll be doing today are Superman/Banana, crunch toe touch, plank donkey kicks, Frog press & Side plank hip dips.

Please warm up before performing any exercise (Jog or do some vinyasa rotations) & always remember to cool down/ stretch after every routine.

Make sure to look at the videos if you are not sure or new to the exercise.

1. Superman/Banana. [You hold for 5 seconds then switch. 1 superman (5 secs) & 1 banana (5 secs) = 1 count (10 secs)]

2. Crunch Toe Touch. [Medicine ball or weight are opyional]

3. Plank Donkey Kicks [10 per side]

4. Frog press.

5. Side plank hip dips. [10 per side ]

Remember it's 20 of each to give a total of 100. Then the circuit is repeated twice again to give a total of 300.

Try to take 5-10 second breaks only after each set of 20 is done.

Good Luck You Guys!!! Don't give up ever. And if you feel like giving up, remember why you started. Finish Strong!!


  • briteyes1002
    briteyes1002 Posts: 313 Member
    Im looking forward to these today. I have never done some of them and interested in how they will feel.. lol
  • My abs are burning!
  • flanary888
    flanary888 Posts: 158 Member
    Love today's line up! I am going to try and get some in here at work.... as long as no one catches me! LOL!
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 97 Member
    My abs are killilng me from all the other exercises. This should be intresting! Hurting all over :)
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    Done. But, owwwwch! Those side planks were the worst exercise I have ever done :(
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    "Good Luck You Guys!!! Don't give up ever. And if you feel like giving up, remember why you started. Finish Strong!!"

    This helped me actually do them right away!

    I think I liked the plank ones best.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    Looking forward to it!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    Done! Side planks are such a killer!!
  • AmieRPowell
    AmieRPowell Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined today thanks to my mom; miles apart but we can still work out together :-) Met my weight loss goal yesterday.. NOW TIME TO TONE!
  • ScullyKel
    ScullyKel Posts: 69
    all done.... OOOOOWWWW!!!! That means its' workin right? :laugh:
  • Didn't quite get through all of these - actually about a third - but a 100 ab exercises is a good start (this is my first day on the challenge) My boyfriend (former military) even agreed to take the challenge with me!!! Yea for BOTH of us getting in shape!!!
  • Done! Wow ab burn!
  • Smorsb
    Smorsb Posts: 104 Member
    Done and abs are burning!
  • Marlene_33
    Marlene_33 Posts: 211 Member
    Done! :smile:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,741 Member
    DONE! :tongue:
  • marielaem
    marielaem Posts: 202 Member
    Had to resort to sit ups instead of planks - right arm still in brace!
  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
    Finished these last night but only did 40 Banana/Superman's instead of the 60.
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    The banana superman was just annoying! Rolling back and forth! Grrr! But this killed! I did extra donkey kicks, frogs and side planks, because they didn't stress me enough, but I definitely got the heart rate up! HRM was average 134 with a max of 158. Wahey! Looking forward to rest day tomorrow! :)
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    Day 5 finally done! Onto day 7 I go!!!
  • sarahbw22
    sarahbw22 Posts: 130 Member
    I did this yesterday (I'm a couple days behind, but trying to catch up on off days) and had to adjust slightly. I couldn't do those side planks, so I did normal planks. And for the last set of banana/superman's, I didn't roll over in between each count. I did all the bananas first and then all the supermans. I didn't plan properly and rolling on/off my yoga mat was very uncomfortable. It did get my heart rate up though!!