Week 1!! Day 1!



  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    Fit Test Results:

    Switch Kicks: 124

    Power Jacks: 60

    Power Knees: 96

    Power Jumps: 36

    Globe Jumps: 11

    Suicide Jumps: 15

    Push-Up Jacks: 19

    Low Plank Oblique: 64

    I decided to do Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit after the fit test. I agree with you mixer_2012 the push up circuit made me want to cry as well. I did 1-2 push-ups instead of 4. The pace was way too fast for me.

    This DVD is already living up to it's name. I have a love/hate relationship with Shaun T forming.
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Week 1 Day 4 CARDIO RECOVERY!! (Thank Goodness!!)

    Hey everyone! I just finished cardio recovery and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it! I know it's just a recovery workout but it's still quite intense. I was actually able to do the whole thing which was a real confidence boost. I think the exercises in this one hit all the right places and I really do feel much better after having done it. Another surprising thing was that after the workouts the past two day, I thought for sure I was going to wake up sore as hell this morning, but.....that wasn't the case! Sure, getting out of bed was a bit hard on the muscles, but after a few minutes of walking around I was fine. I find that's a real difference from a lot of workout programs I've done before. Even running too much two days in a row leaves me super sore on day 3. I guess Shaun T really does know what he's doing LOL! Good luck to everyone on Day 4! Keep up the great work ;)

    ps: I'm scared for tomorrow...Pure Cardio...uhh isn't that what we've been doing?! :P
  • Mixer_2012
    Mixer_2012 Posts: 11 Member
    LOL! 2 is great! I agree it was alittle fast. I felt like I was moving in mud - I need to get lighter on my feet. Like 20 lbs lighter! :smile:
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Day 4 (((CARDIO RECOVERY)))

    The stretching was well deserved!

    I see you guys logging and getting it done, makes me proud! :smooched:
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member

    ps: I'm scared for tomorrow...Pure Cardio...uhh isn't that what we've been doing?! :P

    Hahaha! I feel the same way. I don't know what to expect. I guess we shall see eh? I haven't done the recovery workout yet because I've been doing homework with friends literally all day since I woke up. Can't wait to get home and do it though. Sitting on my a** is making me stiff..
  • danele85
    danele85 Posts: 21 Member
    I actually thought the recovery was quite diffucult. Not as flexible as I used to be - thinking on Sunday (Rest Day) I might try and do some yoga and increase my flexibility - I have P90x Yoga but its 1.5 hours long. So might try with that and see how I get on. Looking forward to pure cardio tonight! :-s
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    Just completed Day 3 - Cardio Power and Resistance and I am already sore. Looking forward to tomorrow's Cardio Recovery.
  • Mixer_2012
    Mixer_2012 Posts: 11 Member
    I completed the Cardio Power and Resistance last night - going to complete Cardio Recovery tonight. One thing I have noticed is that my calves are really sore, maybe from the jumping and being more on my toes.

    Anyone else have the same issue?
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    I completed the Cardio Power and Resistance last night - going to complete Cardio Recovery tonight. One thing I have noticed is that my calves are really sore, maybe from the jumping and being more on my toes.

    Anyone else have the same issue?

    The muscles in my calves are usually sore after I workout and when I wake up. It gets better the more I move and get on with my day. It's natural that they are a bit sore since we are working them so hard. For me though it's very slight and not at all painful.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Yeah my calf's were a bit sore too. They're okay now though. I guess cause I warmed em up. I can not believe we are on Day 5 of Insanity already! It's like what?! I just completed the Pure Cardio workout and I must say that was easier than Plyo and Cardio Power.. Don't get me wrong it was tough just not as tough as I thought it would be. I feel good. I decided to get a jog/walk in today since I'm up to it. Just want to say that everyone is doing a great job! Keep it up! :drinker:
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey! Just finished Pure Cardio as well. I must agree Shalla, I liked it way better than Plyo and Cardio Power. It's intense and insane but it's fun. It was also nice to see the trainers struggling with it...and Shaun T being scared of it lol! Those Level 2 drills are killers though!

    One more day to complete week 1!! :D
  • danele85
    danele85 Posts: 21 Member
    I can't believe you both thought that was easier! Well done both. I think at one point I thought I may throw up! The drills are so difficult wth no rest period. Looking forward to completing week 1 - when are people weighing in/measuring up?
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Don't get me wrong...it wasn't easy, I just enjoyed it more than the other two workouts. I was dying doing 15 minutes with no breaks but I stopped a few times just like the trainers did to catch my breath/drink/stretch out my muscles. As for weighing in, I'm in a challenge where we weigh in on Mondays so I'll do it then. Measurements will be done every two weeks on the same day I do the fit test.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    LOL it wasn't real easy just easier than the other ones we've done so far. I'm also looking forward to our official 1 week of Insanity! As far as weighing in.. I would like to weigh in every two weeks but I can't always count on that because of course we all have our TOM so I guess we'll see. Measurements about the same I suppose.
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    Just completed Day 4 - Cardio Recovery. I did a spinning class first so I really enjoyed the stretching afterwards.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Day 6 of Insanity COMPLETE! I'm so proud of myself for how hard I worked today on Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I did way better than the first time. I sweated more. Took less breaks. I did more of the ins and outs, the oblique work where you bring your legs in and out then in on the other side. Did more of the circuit where we do the pushups and runs. I'm all around satisfied! I'm starting to really like how my arms are getting stronger already. I was on my arms way more this time around. I'm excited for our rest day tomorrow. I'm still going to workout just so I stay active.

    I have a question for you guys. Are you eating 5 times a day? Do you feel like you are constantly hungry? LOL, because let me tell you ever since Day 2 I'm always hungry. Since I don't have much of anything that I usually like to eat like eggs which I do multiple things with; with Tuna, chicken breasts in a can etc. I have found myself just throwing stuff together like last night I couldn't find anything to really eat so I thawed out a chicken breast and a few pieces of shrimp. Took out some spaghetti sauce and shredded colby jack cheese. Pan fried the chicken in a little water, threw the shrimp in then the sauce and cheese. It was so good! I was like why didn't I do this sooner? LOL, It probably would be good with Pasta too but I don't like eating Pasta like ever... Okay I need to go shower now I'm sweating over my keyboard.
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Just finished Day 6! My body is definitely getting stronger and more used to these workouts. Plyo was much easier the second time around. Like Shalla, I found myself resting waaayyy less and being able to do more of the moves. The push-ups still go way too fast but I was able to push harder with the in-and-outs and the side to side oblique work. It's great to see such improvement in so little time :D Looking forward to a day off from Insanity tomorrow!

    @Shalla I do feel I am more hungry sometimes which sucks because it means I'm eating a bit more than before. But it's week one so I'm justifying it as my body getting used to being pushed hard. I'm still under my cal goal everyday so it's all good.

    I was wondering if anyone else is noticing water retention (at least I hope that's what it is). Especially the first day or two, I felt so swollen in my belly, arms, legs. I feel less swollen now but still a bit bloated in the belly. I think there will be a gain on the scale which I guess is normal considering I just started a new program. What do you guys think/what has your experience been?

    Enjoy your weekend guys!! WE ARE DONE WEEK 1 :D:D:D
  • danele85
    danele85 Posts: 21 Member
    Insanity on a Saturday night we must be mad!! Well done all for completing week 1 - it feels so good knowing the first week is over! I agree with you both I felt like I could push harder this time round and took less rest periods. Looking forward to a day off, thinking of doing yoga tomorrow to keep myself active but still enjoy the rest from insanity.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend all and feel good that week 1 insanity is complete, see you all for week 2!

    Lets bring it!!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Hmm, yeah I think that's normal. I have a few friends on here that does insanity and said that they gained weight but it should melt off in the second month. I'm bloated but I'm not sure if it's because of Insanity or TOM maybe a little of both? LOL. Cheers to the freaking weekend! Haha
  • Alright great job everyone!! Bout to start Day6 workout!!! Hope I make it through.......