
myriddian Posts: 186 Member
I've decided to register for the Melbourne Stampede event which is in Wandin (5 min from home)

Anyone else looked at it or done it before? I've never done any obstacle event before but should be a lot of fun Also it's not until October so I have plenty of time to train :)

Any advice, feedback, opinions on these sorts of events?


  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I'm doing it this year for the first time too but in Brisbane. Sooo excited. Are you doing 5km or 10km?
  • myriddian
    myriddian Posts: 186 Member
    I've chosen 5k as I can run (at a zombielike ramble) for that amount of time where as 10k i'd be stuffed.
  • I'd like to but I'm waiting for the kids event to come to Melbourne so I can do it with them.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I'm aiming for the 10km. I figure I could do the 5km now without too many dramas so I figure I should aim high!
  • candirose69
    candirose69 Posts: 149
    I wanna do the melb oen this year!! but i dont have a group :(