OK, time for Yearly Post of the Date/surgery/how you felt.



  • dolphintattoo
    dolphintattoo Posts: 33 Member
    Jan 31, 2013 so just 3 1/2 weeks ago I had the Lap Band.

    I toyed with the idea for years but then last Oct I just decided I needed to do it because everything else has failed and I have never been able to lose weight and was near 300lbs. So far recovery has been fine, no real issues.

    I chose the lap band because it was the least invasive and reversible should I need it to be and it's kinder to pregnancy if we are ever blessed again. I will admit it's a lot harder than I thought it would be to overcome my emotional eating even after years of therapy for it. I am not yet filled so the band isn't doing much to control my hunger and I am on a "mushy" diet (was on liquids for 2 weeks) and it's hard to imagine what life will be like going to the movies and not getting a giant bucket of popcorn or holidays without huge plates of food but I am trying to take one day at a time.

    I am down about 17lbs since starting the liquid pre-op diet, I have actually gained 6lbs in the last week I had lost once already, not sure why but am following the doctor's diet.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Don't worry about gaining a few pounds right after surgery. I gained 8 pounds in the three days after surgery, and hadn't eaten a thing.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Gastric sleeve July 6, 2012
    I feel so much better already both physically and emotionally.
    The weight loss is not as much as I expected, but that is due to me cheating.
    I do believe that the Doctor was correct in suggesting Bypass as a better option.
    Still, I am very happy with my choice and would do it again.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    1. Date and the surgery you chose. August 4, 2011

    2. How you are feeling about your choice - considering your choice & what you know now, do you think you would have picked another method (i.e. sleeve or dieting et al). - Best thing I have ever done!! Would do it again multiple times over. I am no longer diabetic and I no longer have sleep apnea.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    1. Date and the surgery you chose. -- -- June 28, 2012 - LapBand

    2. How you are feeling about your choice - considering your choice & what you know now, do you think you would have picked another method (i.e. sleeve or dieting et al). -

    I did some research - had 5 friends who had either the band or GBP. I chose to have the LApBand as it was less invasive and talking with the two friends who had that - I just thought it would be a better choice. 3 days after surgery I was in the ER. My diaphragm had swollen so bad I couldn't breathe. Pain reliever and rest - I was better. But my system for some reason had an issue with whey protein. It bloated me so as I was trying to get in liquids, protein shake - I was not drinking water and staying hydrated. So on July 9th I ended up in the ER dehydrated. So in two weeks I had been in the hospital twice after surgery. Both times they considered keeping me overnight. Both times I was able to come home. I lost 15 pounds in those two weeks. Would I do it all over again - You betcha!!!

    I have tried to lose weight all my life - having tried all the diets and fads. I can lose the weight to some extent but have trouble with the keeping it off part. I love my new weight loss tool and find it is a good tool to have. I avoided diabetes, no longer suffer from sleep apnea with oxygen, joints are loving life, reduced my BP med in half, no longer have gastric reflux.

    YES I would have this done again!!
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I had RNY on 11/21/11. I feel great about my choice. If I could do it over I would! The only difference I might make would be to possibly choose the sleeve. I have a neurological disorder and Tylenol does not do anything for pain for me. There are other medications I can take so its ok.
    Other then that, I am so happy with my decision! I went from a size 24 to a size 2 in about 9 months, I can run (and actually like it), and I learned how to change my eating habits.
    Oh, another thing I would do differently is I would not experiment with food. I now learned what bad foods I can and can not eat without getting sick. I can't eat a bite of chocolate molten cake without getting sick to my stomach but I can eat a package of airhead candy. I wish I never tried these things because now it makes it harder for me to stick to my goals and plan.
  • Butlavie
    Butlavie Posts: 46 Member
    Date and the surgery you chose.
    May 12 2012 I had the RNY

    2. How you are feeling about your choice - considering your choice & what you know now, do you think you would have picked another method (i.e. sleeve or dieting et al).

    I am so happy about my choice..no more diabetes, and the pressure on my CPap machine has been reduced. I started out almost at 300 lbs now Im 179 in a sz 14-16. My weight has slowed but I am more energetic and workout now with out a problem.
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    March 13, 2012 RNY (gastric bypass surgery)

    Absolutely THRILLED with the choice. Wish I would have done it 10 years ago.

    I work my *kitten* off, though! I exercise 5 days a week for 60+ minutes. This is only a tool and I'm using it for all that it is worth!

    My total loss includes the 64 pounds I lost during the 6 month "hoop jumping" waiting period.

    I was pre-diabetic, on high blood pressure medicine, in pain and tears walking 1/4 of the way around the block, needed a cart to lean on at the grocery store, extreme GERD which resulted in Barrett's Esophagus, SEVERE sleep apnea. Not sure why I didn't die in my sleep.

    My blood pressure is perfect, as is all of my bloodwork, GERD and sleep apnea is cured. I have run two 5Ks since the surgery and jump around like a cardio freak to TaeBo and TurboJam.

    I run up and down stairs to do laundry. I used to do 3 or 4 loads and wait to put things away upstairs. Now, I go up every single load, even to just put a pair of socks away. My energy level and endurance is through the roof!!! The family can't keep up with me walking through the mall or grocery store. LOL

    Pre-op I was busting out of size 28 pants and wearing 4X shirts. I currently wear medium shirts, my size 8 pants are very loose and I wear size small workout pants.

    No going back!!!

  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you! For me and others who will be having gastric surgery, this would be invaluable information.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    1) Jan 16, 2012 - Gastric Bypass

    2) I've lost 139lbs and am feeling great. I wouldn't do anything different about it. I am so much better physically.... reflux that was just horrible all the time painful is gone, bloodpressure and heart rate (that while wasn't yet dangerous) that was creeping up has gone down, my feet and knees and back are in so much less pain, my sleep apnea is gone.... just, so much.

    I'm working on the last 31lbs to goal and, of course, it's slowed down a lot. Like I say when I was 20lbs heavier still: If I never lose the rest and just stay maintaining I would be totally happy. I'm aiming to lose it, but I'm just so pleased with how things are so far! :)
  • GabriellaMaria
    GabriellaMaria Posts: 150 Member
    have the RNY on May 15th 2012.

    I have never felt better and other then one good cry over my hair thinning out and a couple of emotional moments when I had a hormone surge It has been an amazing journey that I would not hesitate to do over again. No more diabetes, no more getting out of breath using the stairs or getting dressed. Lower cholesterol, able to run 5k and play with my kids until they are tired. BEST SEX I'VE HAD IN YEARS.

    Today 2-16-13 I reached a normal BMI and my surgical goal weight. Tomorrow my husband and I will have a long talk about how much more to try to lose if any.

    wow you!!, congrats to you, very inspiring story!!
  • GabriellaMaria
    GabriellaMaria Posts: 150 Member
    well, had my bypass done on 07/11/2008...and never looked back...
    i feel i am one of the longest time wise since i had it done.
    reasons for getting it done=was eating myself to death, literally!!! am still obsessed with food, cant eat a meal of normal proportions, but unfortunatly i CAN eat rubbish food again....so other band/bypass peeps, beware!!
    have just re motivated myself to getting fitter, and losing my regained weight, thyroid allowing....also....healthy walk at lunchtime was a disaster, as i fell and tore my ankle ligaments in november-still cant walk properly!!!
    starting weight-121 kilos
    lost 42 kilos
    currently 93 kilos(yeah, i did put a bit on, eh!!)
    goal 65 kilos
    total to lose at the mo- 28
    total overall to lose- 70 kilos!!!
    things i have learned so far- no one can do it for you, its up to you to make the change!!!
  • SummerMM1
    SummerMM1 Posts: 94 Member
    12-26-2010- LapBand

    I actually didn't really lose and gained back plus 5lbs, so I told everyone it wasn't worth it. BUT I didn't go see my Dr. for 2 years and come to find out there was no restriction in my band at all. So I went back to my doctor last week and talk to him and got back on track. He filled me up fuller than I have ever been on Monday and I am feeling it. I have been on a liquid, puree and now soft diet. So it is like I just had the surgery, I am really starting over. I have already lost weight and I am motivated more than ever to stay working with the doctor and do it right this time. So it is really a tool and if you don't use it right it won't help you. (slap on the forehead DUH) Sometimes it takes that slap LOL. So as of Monday I am happy. Just feel hungry all the time but I think that is because I can't eat very much at a time. It is something I am not use to, (use to eating meals that feel me up till next meal, ie over-stuffing myself) but I know I will get use to it and it will be beneficial.
  • TabbyTabz
    TabbyTabz Posts: 11 Member
    I had RNY on 2-21-12

    When I started my journey I was 470 lbs and wearing a size 6-7xl in both tops and bottoms. I am very proud to say that I currently weigh 249 lbs ( that's 221 lbs lost ) I wear a size 1x shirt and in leggings I wear a size 14/16 and in jeans a size 20 ( real jeans that zip and button and do not stretch.. for anyone that has been as large as I was you know how much of a big deal that is and how amazing it feels )

    I have no more constant pain or shortness of breath. I was home bound at the start and suffer from severe agoraphobia so that added an additional challenge to my journey. I started with only doing water therapy twice a week after 2 weeks I was hooked and joined a nearby gym that has a pool and daily aquatic classes. I took a 1 hour class daily . the first class was the hardest for me because my anxiety level was high being with new people but I was lucky to find an amazing supportive group at this gym that has cheered me on every step of the way it is like an extended part of my family. I loved it so much i ended up spending 2-4 hours daily in the pool

    This November that just passed I decided that it was time to step things up more so I spoke to the personal trainer Lennox and we made arrangements to begin training the next day. I tried with him 1 hr twice a week but in total I currently workout 2 -4 hours a day 5 days a week. and I love it I never thought in a million years I would love the gym and working out. In fact I love it so much I have talked to my trainer about once I hit my goal weight if he would help me become a certified trainer myself so that I can help others on their journey and share my journey with them.

    I have zero regrets about my choice for RNY it was the best choice that I have made for myself in a very long time. I have my days that i miss being that girl that could eat anything but usually that's during pms when i am wanting to eat everything and anything...( gotta love mother nature for that curse lol ) I do struggle with 2 common issues that many weight loss surgery patients have and that is my mind/eyes haven't caught up to my body so if i look in a mirror i still see that 470 girl I don't see the 249lbs girl just yet but I know that I will in time. and the other issue is the excess skin that once I hit my goal will be removed. Not all have it removed but for me personally I feel that my journey would not be completed if i did not take those steps as well.

    Any of you can feel free to add me or ask any questions you might have and I will answer them the best that I can :smile:

    You are all doing amazing Good luck on your journey and keep up the hard work it def pays off in the end.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    September 4, 2012, I had RNY surgery. I spent the next 3 months having the WORST time with liquids. I was in and out of the lab at the hospital for fluids so often that they knew me by name. I ended up being put on parenteral nutrition, and that lasted another 6 weeks. But once I got past the issue of playing "let's stump the professionals with an unsolvable problem" everything has been fine. Better than fine even! Because I was on the nutrition, I gained back about half of what I had lost to that point, so when I finally went off of it, it was much like starting from surgery all over again (only without those pesky restrictions of liquid only, and no healing incisions)! In total, I have lost almost 80 pounds in the 7 months since surgery. Considering the ~30lbs that I had put on while on the supplements, that is pretty amazing. My doctor and I do not know if I will get to the "typical" milestones at the same time as others due to the differences that I had. But I am definitely using my time wisely and learning how to eat right, and how to totally minimize the bad stuff while remembering how delicious food can be that is good for me too!
    Would I do it again? Absolutely!!! Even with the liquid problem and the PICC line and the nightly bag of nutrients. I love taking walks with my family and I played basketball during the parent-student game at my daughter's school a few weeks ago! Didn't gain any skills as I lost the weight, but it was fun!!! :laugh:
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    I have not yet had any surgery, but I am in the process of approval for gastric bypass. I will hopefully have surgery by the end of May.

    Main reason I'm posting... I read every comment on here and I have got to say each and every single one of you is truly inspirational! I know very few people who have had the surgery so I come here for support. You all have done awesome and I can't wait to share my life-changing story with all of you!
  • 51teresa
    51teresa Posts: 4 Member
    Gastric Sleeve 12/28/2012. I am overjoyed with my progress so far. I have my energy back and feel strong again! and this is not even 4 months out. The day of surgery was tough for the first 3 postop hours, after that it was much better than I imagined. The pre-op diet practice paid off, by the time the holiday weekend was over I was walking all over the neighborhood with little or no discomfort. :happy:
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    RNY Gastric bypass Oct 2010. I lost all my weight in the first nine months and have been at my current weight for 32 months. I am back logging here to try to gain control and lose the last 30 pounds that will put me in normal weight. I did not come this far to still be obese. My surgeons and dietician say that i exceeded their goal weight.. THEY SAID MY GOAL WEIGHT WAS NOT REALISTIC. I am healthy strong, have had few complications,a few malabsorption issues like calcium, but that seems to be under control. The current theory is that i am not eating enough, hmmmmmm. Any one else have this issue. Age and hormones work against me!
  • Kayde34
    Kayde34 Posts: 4 Member
    I had RNY 4-30-12! Best decision of my life! I feel great! Ive went from a size 24 to a size 12. I am 30 lbs away from were Id like to be. I use to be out of breath, acid reflex, high cholesterol, depression and borderline diabetic. I never wanted to be social, it was too much work trying to find something to wear. Nothing I put on made me feel good. Happiness has to come from the inside. Love yourself I am so glad I gave myself this gift of living life again. Thank you my angel my surgeon. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. :)
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    RNY Gastric bypass Oct 2010. I lost all my weight in the first nine months and have been at my current weight for 32 months. I am back logging here to try to gain control and lose the last 30 pounds that will put me in normal weight. I did not come this far to still be obese. My surgeons and dietician say that i exceeded their goal weight.. THEY SAID MY GOAL WEIGHT WAS NOT REALISTIC. I am healthy strong, have had few complications,a few malabsorption issues like calcium, but that seems to be under control. The current theory is that i am not eating enough, hmmmmmm. Any one else have this issue. Age and hormones work against me!

    How old are you? I'm 46. My age has not worked against me. I have maintained a 22 BMI for over 3 years now.