FitBit or BodyMedia tweaking to use EM2WL method

heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
Curious as to how much interest out there to actually use the TDEE Deficit method, but because you have a FitBit or BMF, and sync it, you'd like to just tweak the MFP settings to reflect that method?

The spreadsheet I have touches barely on using the devices, mainly just to come up with a TDEE value and then take deficit on it, while eating the same daily.

But doesn't help if your week is variable or iffy on workouts, or you just want to eat back the extra when it applies.

You could select sedentary level and 15% off, but how do you set everything up to be as automatic as possible?

And what if the better estimated Katch BMR is very different than the FitBit/BMF Harris BMR, or MFP Mifflin BMR that they use, can you tweak things?

So I wanted to include a tab in the spreadsheet for seeing what may need to be tweaked to get better TDEE readout first.
Like if Katch BMR is 100-400 less than Harris, your TDEE value is inflated by even more. 15-20% could be little to no deficit in reality.

Then what can be changed on MFP to basically doing eat back method? What activity level, what logging, ect.

And still give advice on Deficit % and macro setup.

If you think that would be useful, let me know. It'll take some time so don't want to start it if no interest.


  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    Personally I would find it beneficial if it isn't too much trouble for you and if others have an interest in it.
  • twostepsforward
    twostepsforward Posts: 113 Member
    This is why I bought a fitbit! To use it to get compare with the numbers on your sheet! A new tab spelling it out would be great!
  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
    I would love it! Thank you in advance for taking the time to do it!
  • Noni2863
    Noni2863 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes please!
    ALL help is greatly appreciated - thank you!

    I am halfway (hopefully!) thru my first ever metabolism reset and I am blinding myself with HUGE "eat" numbers without feeling that I have a complete grasp of too high/low and just right?!

    I have tried every TDEE calculator I can find and my averages across them all are:
    TDEE (moderate exercise - 305 ave) 2245
    TDEE (Sedentary/ight exercise) 1940
    BMR 1450

    However I have also found that I really need to keep logging my exercise as this a real motivator for me - altho' doing this just confuses me every day - do I eat 2350, but only if I hit the daily exercise of 305; less if I don't? Can I still save up cals for weekends and if so, what weekly net value am I aiming for - 1940 or 2350.
    Have I managed to confuse you too yet??

    On the plus side - 5wks and my measurements have only increased by 0.5in. Too scared to stand on the scales though.

    So again - thank you for all your spreadsheet work. It is great to work with formulas that someone else has created - it gives me confidence that I have got the right end of the stick.
  • colleen3115
    colleen3115 Posts: 69 Member
    Yes. Please!
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    I think that would be great!
  • carolinesparkle
    carolinesparkle Posts: 60 Member
    Yes please! Am hoping to be getting a new FitBit and was wondering how it would work with using the spreadsheet
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Probably off topic but when I use Katch with my bf% it is extremely close to my fitbit tdee. Although I know my daily activity probably ups my actual exercise hrs. I like to use mine daily as my days can be very irregular from 2100 to 2700. I'm using it as a mini reset at moment and its going all well. But when I cut yes I had to keep working out my deficit. Had it set to -250 cals and would sync/check towards my dinner time to what I had to tweak to that 250 cal deficit.

    So if you have the time etc I would definitely use it.

    Many thanks
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Probably off topic but when I use Katch with my bf% it is extremely close to my fitbit tdee. Although I know my daily activity probably ups my actual exercise hrs. I like to use mine daily as my days can be very irregular from 2100 to 2700. I'm using it as a mini reset at moment and its going all well. But when I cut yes I had to keep working out my deficit. Had it set to -250 cals and would sync/check towards my dinner time to what I had to tweak to that 250 cal deficit.

    So if you have the time etc I would definitely use it.

    Many thanks

    Wow - your Katch BMR matches the FitBit TDEE figure?

    That sound almost impossible, usually the Harris BMR FitBit would be using is inflated over Katch, unless you have a great amount of LBM compared to others your age,weight, height. And that would have to be a lot.
  • Shrynkabelle
    Shrynkabelle Posts: 32 Member
    I'd be very interested, too. Just starting out, but my FitBit is out of sync now with the adjusted goals on MFP!

    And I'm still not sure whether I should be eating the exercise calories back or not....
  • soobeth
    soobeth Posts: 8 Member
    Yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes! I would love it if you could do this, I'm on Day 4 of EM2WL, and this is the only thing I've got holding me back! When my fitbit says I've only burned so many, and my TDEE says another, I get confused which figure I need to follow, and usually end up cutting too severely. It's really bugging me, so I think a revised tab for a spreadsheet would be wonderful!
  • Fiesty1006
    Fiesty1006 Posts: 95 Member
    Absolutely. You already helped me out with this. (Thank you SOOOO MUCH!!). I think others would love to have that information as well. Your spreadsheet is already so helpful. :-)
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Curious as to how much interest out there to actually use the TDEE Deficit method, but because you have a FitBit or BMF, and sync it, you'd like to just tweak the MFP settings to reflect that method?

    The spreadsheet I have touches barely on using the devices, mainly just to come up with a TDEE value and then take deficit on it, while eating the same daily.

    But doesn't help if your week is variable or iffy on workouts, or you just want to eat back the extra when it applies.

    You could select sedentary level and 15% off, but how do you set everything up to be as automatic as possible?

    And what if the better estimated Katch BMR is very different than the FitBit/BMF Harris BMR, or MFP Mifflin BMR that they use, can you tweak things?

    So I wanted to include a tab in the spreadsheet for seeing what may need to be tweaked to get better TDEE readout first.
    Like if Katch BMR is 100-400 less than Harris, your TDEE value is inflated by even more. 15-20% could be little to no deficit in reality.

    Then what can be changed on MFP to basically doing eat back method? What activity level, what logging, ect.

    And still give advice on Deficit % and macro setup.

    If you think that would be useful, let me know. It'll take some time so don't want to start it if no interest.

    I've actually helped a couple people figure this out. It isn't very hard to do, but most people don't seem to understand how to get it set up accurately so you aren't eating too much or too little. I think it would be very helpful!
  • tinkerbell42381
    tinkerbell42381 Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, please :flowerforyou:
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Ill stick to mine way then as by your reply you seem to doubt my facts. Yes I'm short & above my bmi and 40 but have low bf. I have eaten according to my fitbit for 4 weeks and the scales have remained the same. So supposedly if they were inflated I should have put on unless my body has totally stalled which will not be the case.

    You do a great job here but for me personally on this topic from what I've seen we will disagree.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ill stick to mine way then as by your reply you seem to doubt my facts. Yes I'm short & above my bmi and 40 but have low bf. I have eaten according to my fitbit for 4 weeks and the scales have remained the same. So supposedly if they were inflated I should have put on unless my body has totally stalled which will not be the case.

    You do a great job here but for me personally on this topic from what I've seen we will disagree.

    I know it's more a misunderstanding. You are likely not using the same terms as what they are normally used for.

    You stated your Katch BMR - that which you would burn sleeping all day, almost matches what your FitBit shows is your TDEE - that which you burn on all activity all day.

    Katch BMR can of course be used as the foundation of a TDEE calculation, but that is no longer the Katch BMR then. It is a TDEE.

    FitBit TDEE of course has as its foundation a BMR figure, specifically the Harris BMR. But that is not TDEE but BMR then.

    So two totally separate things. One would almost never be close to the other, or it means something is calculated way off.

    Or you are lying in bed sleeping all day.

    Or you have very little bodyfat and massive amount of LBM.

    Neither of which usually apply, hence my disbelief and doubting what was intended to be shared.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    that would be lovely. :)
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    When I said katch originally I never said bmr but i did forget to say TDEE. So for me the Katch TDEE according to scooby calc = my average fitbit TDEE . 2354/2400 good enough for me. Just adding to clear up the misunderstanding :). I'm sure your information will be used by many :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, done with the addition, so this is only a TEST version of the spreadsheet. The normal one will be updated after changes from recommendations are made.

    FitBit / BodyMedia tab.

    Assumes working knowledge of what BMR and TDEE is, and how to get those figures from your device's account.
    For changes in those accounts, assumes you know where to make them. I'm not going to try to keep up-to-date on 3rd party site.

    You can just view and read through the tab right now if desired, and give me feedback.
    Or you can download your copy, change the stats, and work your way through it and see how stuff changes.

    3 options for 2 methods I've seen ones asking about.

    The inclusion of RMR is merely to get that option somewhere, it's obviously not totally related to the devices, hence it being optional.

    But it does all require you to use a BF% estimate on the Simple Setup tab.

    I may change that to support no BF%, just the better Mifflin estimate.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks Haybales! I put your numbers to work and we'll see how it goes!

    I particularly appreciate the NET number, because that's what i always struggle with.