Week 2!! (Day 8 - Day 14)



  • danele85
    danele85 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not sure whether I'm getting worse or I'm pushing harder and therefore the workout appears to be working me more, I am sweating so bad afterwards and my limbs and body aches.

    Come on week 2 - nearly through it.

    Looking forward to recovery tomorrow, doesn't seem like that long ago that it was recovery last time.

    These workouts are flying past.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    ^^ Agreed. They are flying by fast. I was going to say the warm-up is seeming more difficult now LOL. Plyo was good today. I pushed harder. I would stop for a couple of secs then try to do more. I almost made it through the 2nd circuit non-stop. The first one I did with no problem (no breaks). The third one I was like "ahhh just gotta keep moving". Overall I think I did good. Sweating is always a motivator for me when I'm working out. I had to keep moving certain ways on the floor because it was too wet in the spot. We're rocking this out! 10 days down!
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    Wow, Day 9 Pure Cardio was no joke. I think I was pushing myself a lot harder than the first time I did it last week. I am dripping with sweat. It feels so good :)
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    Day 10 is behind us!!! I'm so glad today is Cardio Recovery...it seems like Shaun T knew exactly when I'd need a little break :smile:

    We're almost half way throught the 2nd week!!! Let's dig deeper and push through!!!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Everyone is doing an amazing job! Day 11 of Insanity complete for me! Had to get it in a bit earlier today because I'll be at school for the rest of the day. I feel really good now that I've done the stretch. It was needed. Hope everyone has a great day despite the weather.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Despite the weather? Girl it's about to be in the 80s here in DC woop! :tongue:


    Keep logging guys and keep pushing.

    (I haven't been able to check in with everyone like I want to because of school, but i'm off today so let me see how everyone is doing.)
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Just finished Cardio Recovery. Felt good to stretch it out and take a little break today. On to Cardio Power and Resistance (my least favorite) tomorrow. I'm excited to try a new workout later in the week (Cardio Abs). I read that it's killer to do Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs one after the other...I'll likely do them together if I can manage it. What are you guys planning on doing?

    Good luck on Day 11 everyone!!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Despite the weather? Girl it's about to be in the 80s here in DC woop! :tongue:

    Oh so not fair! It's not good to tease people LOL. Its rainy and cold here in Wisconsin. Truly some bull**** LOL. We're expecting some snow this week too. Yeah, it's suppose to be rainy and warm not cold and snowing! Winter seriously doesn't want to leave this year. Lucky us.
    What are you guys planning on doing?

    I'm not going to double up on any of the Insanity workouts unless it's on the schedule. Some days I do something outside of Insanity itself. So I'll continue to do that. I'm also excited to do a new workout this week. Shaun T is all about abs so I know this is going to be a tough one. I got a taste of his ab workouts in Hip-Hop Abs and it was intense.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    Just finished Cardio Recovery. Felt good to stretch it out and take a little break today. On to Cardio Power and Resistance (my least favorite) tomorrow. I'm excited to try a new workout later in the week (Cardio Abs). I read that it's killer to do Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs one after the other...I'll likely do them together if I can manage it. What are you guys planning on doing?

    Good luck on Day 11 everyone!!

    LOL every time I tell my husband what the next day workout is we both say something to effect of "that one sucks"...but we say that for every single work out. So I know what you're saying about Cardio Power and Resistance. At this moment, knowing I have to do it tomorrow, it is my least favorite too :smile:

    In regards to your question, when hubby and I tried this our first time around, we did do Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs back to back. The thing we used to hate was that either the warm up or the beginning of the actual work out has ab exercises involving jumping. We're looking at each other thinkin Shaun T must be crazy to think we can jump up and down after Pure Cardio, so I tended to either skip the jumping or just lower the impact...

    You also have to remember the people on the DVD are "fresh" when they're doing the Cardio Abs video, so I'd say if you plan on doing them back to back don't pay any attention to them...I never do anyway :wink:
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    @Shalla there are two scheduled back to back on day 13 :)
    LOL every time I tell my husband what the next day workout is we both say something to effect of "that one sucks"...but we say that for every single work out. So I know what you're saying about Cardio Power and Resistance. At this moment, knowing I have to do it tomorrow, it is my least favorite too :smile:

    Haha! I get what you mean about the next workout being the one you hate most but I actually do like it the least. I enjoy plyo and my current favourite is pure cardio. I know, I must be crazy :P
    You also have to remember the people on the DVD are "fresh" when they're doing the Cardio Abs video, so I'd say if you plan on doing them back to back don't pay any attention to them...I never do anyway :wink:

    Good point! I'll definitely keep that in mind. I also know some people tend to skip a lot of the warm-up for Cardio Abs since technically they are "warmed up". It's my first time so we'll see :)
  • danele85
    danele85 Posts: 21 Member
    Well - I'm going to say it but that was a....'nice'....workout, I must be mad thinking any work out is nice, but after all the cardio jumping about its nice to something a little more controlled. I must say I'm looking forewaard to the ab workout, I'm probably going to try do them back to back and get them out the way.

    I think we're al doing amazing, well done guys.

    And the weather is cold and raining here in the UK!!! :(
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Ok Shalla I wont rub this awesome weather in your face any more lol
    Glad you guys enjoyed it I prefer cardio than stretching, this feels like rest day "I did it" but for me I find it boring. :sad:

    :drinker: yay full speed ahead. Fit Test in 4 days!!
  • good morning everyone! It is rainy and much cooler here today. I am glad that week 2 is just about over two work outs to go. I have to admit i am a little discouraged that I have not lost any weight:sad: :sad: I have been working my tail off in these workouts and still have not seen any results but sore knees. I have to admit my left knee has been giving me trouble but I am working through it. (not because of Insanity) I did lose inches from thighs and hips I guess I can be happy about that. Maybe I need to decrease calorie intake. What do you all think??

    I also got my Wednesday and Thursday mixed up this week. but still got the work outs done. I did my recovery on Wednesday vs on Thursday anywho Im sure that is not the reason I am not losing. Are you all losing weight yet? Are you following the eating plan? I am doing clean eating but I am only eating about 3-4 times a day.

    Oh just though yall should know my sister inlaw is on Beachbody.com flash ad for Ten Minute trainer! How cool is that! When I first saw her in the infomercial I was like "whoa that looks like sis" and it was. lol her results are real! She and her husband are now coaches for Beach Body.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    I have to admit i am a little discouraged that I have not lost any weight:sad: :sad: I have been working my tail off in these workouts and still have not seen any results but sore knees. I have to admit my left knee has been giving me trouble but I am working through it. (not because of Insanity) I did lose inches from thighs and hips I guess I can be happy about that. Maybe I need to decrease calorie intake. What do you all think??
    Well I personally think losing inches is way better than losing weight, the weight will go later. Get of that scale, the scale only calculate weight loss not muscle gain and inch loss. I am not weighting till Mon. I am horrible with diet so all i'll say is burn more than you take in. Ps My right knee gives me trouble at times so I too have to watch my movements.
    I also got my Wednesday and Thursday mixed up this week. but still got the work outs done. I did my recovery on Wednesday vs on Thursday anywho Im sure that is not the reason I am not losing. Are you all losing weight yet? Are you following the eating plan? I am doing clean eating but I am only eating about 3-4 times a day.
    I need you to stop focusing on losing and focus more on getting fit. If you follow the workout and eat clean you will see changes and the weight will eventually start falling off. Most people have said they started seeing results in the 2nd month and close to the end. I need to work on my eating, I don't follow the plan, food is always my downfall so I have to work on than.
    Oh just though yall should know my sister inlaw is on Beachbody.com flash ad for Ten Minute trainer! How cool is that! her results are real! She and her husband are now coaches for Beach Body.
    That's pretty cool and i'm happy to know those coaches are regular everyday people who got fit with the workout! Just keep working hard and stay off the scale. It's "get fit" not "get light"
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    It's Friday (((CARDIO POWER & RESISTANCE)))

    No matter where you are in the program get it done guys!:glasses:
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    I have to admit i am a little discouraged that I have not lost any weight:sad: :sad: I have been working my tail off in these workouts and still have not seen any results but sore knees. I have to admit my left knee has been giving me trouble but I am working through it. (not because of Insanity) I did lose inches from thighs and hips I guess I can be happy about that. Maybe I need to decrease calorie intake. What do you all think??
    Well I personally think losing inches is way better than losing weight, the weight will go later. Get of that scale, the scale only calculate weight loss not muscle gain and inch loss. I am not weighting till Mon. I am horrible with diet so all i'll say is burn more than you take in. Ps My right knee gives me trouble at times so I too have to watch my movements.
    I also got my Wednesday and Thursday mixed up this week. but still got the work outs done. I did my recovery on Wednesday vs on Thursday anywho Im sure that is not the reason I am not losing. Are you all losing weight yet? Are you following the eating plan? I am doing clean eating but I am only eating about 3-4 times a day.
    I need you to stop focusing on losing and focus more on getting fit. If you follow the workout and eat clean you will see changes and the weight will eventually start falling off. Most people have said they started seeing results in the 2nd month and close to the end. I need to work on my eating, I don't follow the plan, food is always my downfall so I have to work on than.

    I totally agree. You shouldn't be scale dependent. Don't get discouraged because your not losing lbs. Many things could be going on in the body that we have no idea about. Fat turning into muscle, inches lost, BMI going down, Fat % going down. All of these things are much more important than the number on the scale. Remember muscle weighs more than fat.

    I'm also not following the eating plan. I'm just trying to eat the best I can. I haven't weighed myself in weeks. Even before I started Insanity. I'm not worried about anything. Just give you best in all areas and you will see results. Just have to be patient with your body. The body is going to do what it wants. We just have to be good to it and in return it'll be good to us.

    I also, have knee problems. A few years ago I tore a legiment and it hasn't been the same since. That's not what's bothering me though it's my Hip Flexor on my left side that won't stop hurting. So I can't do all the jumping like I want to.

  • thanks for that pep talk! lol Lets get it!
  • WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Day 12 Cardio Power and Resistance COMPLETE! I feel really good because even though my hip flexor is hurting I did so many of the Power Jumps. It was refreshing for me. Feel like I became a live again. Ahhh, such a great feeling! Still a bit confused on the foot movement for the moving push-ups. I say in-and-out to try to remind myself. Almost 2 weeks done!
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    I did day 10 Plyometric Cardio Circuit but I was not happy about it. I really lacked the energy to keep up with the circuit today. I did it but not with as much excitement as the other days. Hopefully having a recovery day tomorrow will help recharge me.