Anybody going through a reset?



  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    Good for you for upping!

    You should try to continue to up every 2 weeks so you can properly fuel your body. If you're having a hard time stomaching all the extra food you should look to high cal options, so you don't have to eat as much volume.

    I know it feels odd picking up the full fat yoghurt, or peanut butter, or olive oil, but it will really help to get the cals (and the fat!) into your diet. Plus a little drizzle of oil onto a salad or something will boost your calories by 100 or so :)

    Great job so far - keep it up!

    Thank you! And thank you, everyone!!

    I can't have peanut butter (sad, because I do like it), but I'm trying to get in more almond butter. Yum!
    I'm Vegan, so I don't have the dairy option, but I'm adding in more avocado, olives and olive oil, coconut milk.....aaaaaand sometimes coconut milk ice cream (usually the no sugar added, because I do think it's still important to limit sugars).
    It a process, but I'm trying to get those calories up there, even if the road is a bit longer :-)
  • alleekat
    alleekat Posts: 40 Member
    Also allekat, I noticed the same thing about sweat! Also, I've been tracking my body temperature and it's up from hovering around 95 to about 97.8. I can only imagine that's a good thing! I was keeping track because for awhile I thought I was showing hypothyroid symptoms. I think now it was actually under eating that was the culprit.

    I WAS showing hypothyroid symptoms, and, when tested, I showed borderline low T3. I believe now, and also after additional research, that it was just my body trying to compensate for the ridiculously low amount of calories it was getting.
    My T3 has gone up (better, but not perfect) without medication, and then, yeah, the sweating and increased temps. YAY for not freezing all the time!!!
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    Going through reset plus having to deal with TOM doesn't go well together!! So hate how I feel right now! And I really hope I will fell and look better once my period is over!!!!!!!!
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Going through reset plus having to deal with TOM doesn't go well together!! So hate how I feel right now! And I really hope I will fell and look better once my period is over!!!!!!!!

    I know keeping busy and active helps with any symptoms I encounter. Hope you feel better
  • I started mine during TOM and it was awful!! Stay with it, once you get past those days you will feel loads better.
    Drinking a ton of water really does help.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    Hi everyone:

    Update from me: Some days I meet my calories okay but some days I still struggle. Eating often and planning ahead helps. I've had some tummy upset recently that made it hard to eat. I do notice that I'm not gaining weight and don't feel bloated. Which makes me wonder if I am eating enough. I eat closely to what my Fitbit tracks. I was only under by 100 calories for the whole week last week. But I'm down about a half pound overall.

    Is it normal to not gain weight on a reset? Am I doing it wrong? As long as I'm delaying weight loss for a reset, I want to do this right so I don't mind gaining a few pounds. I really want this to work and work WELL.

    Glad to have support on the journey! Hope you are all doing well on your resets!

  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi everyone:

    Update from me: Some days I meet my calories okay but some days I still struggle. Eating often and planning ahead helps. I've had some tummy upset recently that made it hard to eat. I do notice that I'm not gaining weight and don't feel bloated. Which makes me wonder if I am eating enough. I eat closely to what my Fitbit tracks. I was only under by 100 calories for the whole week last week. But I'm down about a half pound overall.

    Is it normal to not gain weight on a reset? Am I doing it wrong? As long as I'm delaying weight loss for a reset, I want to do this right so I don't mind gaining a few pounds. I really want this to work and work WELL.

    Glad to have support on the journey! Hope you are all doing well on your resets!

    Hi Betty

    I know I've read some people do not gain but not gaining after about 2 weeks may be an indicator that your tdee is higher. I would wait another week to see if you lose anymore weight and say you lose 1 lb over those two weeks your tdee is 250 calories higher than what youve eaten.