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  • BNance509
    BNance509 Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Brandy

    How much do you weigh: 372lbs

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 100lbs

    What are your goals along this journey?: To lose weight & get in better health. Eat better & get more exercise.

    Will you be committed?: Yes I want to be able to walk up my stairs without my knees hurting. Wake up in the morning feeling good not hurting.

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Chocolate, Cheese & Bread

    Random fact about yourself ? I love to paint & do crafts.
  • pambo1999
    pambo1999 Posts: 31 Member
    Name: Pam
    How much do you weigh: 171.2#
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 10-15
    What are your goals along this journey?: to make better choices, to exercise more, and to learn new things about myself and my limits to help push me.
    Will you be committed?: 100%
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Chocolate, pasta, sweets
    Random fact about yourself ? I am in the University of Texas Medical Books, due to an abnormality that I was born with.
  • Name: Tricia

    How much do you weigh: 250

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 100 in total but for this challenge I would like to be down 40

    What are your goals along this journey?: to be healthier and to feel better about myself

    Will you be committed?: For sure!

    What is your weakness (food wise)? craving junk at night

    Random fact about yourself ? I work from home doing hair and making jewelry.
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Name: Pam
    How much do you weigh: 225
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 75
    What are your goals along this journey?: To lose weight and become healthier
    Will you be committed?: Definitely!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? anything sweet
    Random fact about yourself ? I am a RN, mother of 4 and love the outdoors.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I've never done something like this before..

    Name: Kassie
    How much do you weigh: 193
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 43 (thought I'm more focused on pant sizes. I'd like to get to a size 8)
    What are your goals along this journey?: Work out consistently in the morning and lifting 3x out of the week
    Will you be committed?: I will definitely try my best
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Doritos
    Random fact about yourself ? I have a crochet/knitting business
  • felicia128
    felicia128 Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Felicia
    How much do you weigh: 297.8
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 150
    What are your goals along this journey?: To become healthier and more fit
    Will you be committed?: Definitely!!!!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? chocolate, chips (junk food in general)
    Random fact about yourself ? Hmm...I'm a university student ! :)
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Name: Alison

    How much do you weigh: 200 pounds

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 25 pounds

    What are your goals along this journey?: To lose weight, continue exercising even after my half marathon on May 4, and learn to live a healthier lifestyle

    Will you be committed?: Definitely!

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Taco Bell...and pizza!

    Random fact about yourself ? I'm in graduate school and teach dance to little kids as a second job :)
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Name: Dee

    How much do you weigh: 252 **(corrected weight)**

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 102

    What are your goals along this journey?: better health, walk without being winded, energy to play with my grandson. To learn to use food for fuel - food to live not live for food!

    Will you be committed?: yes!! Tired of being tired, got to get focused

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Soda, sweets and bread - really anything. I eat when stressed or bored and I migrate to the carbs at those times.

    Random fact about yourself ? I married my high school sweetheart and have been married 33 years.
  • jl20whyd
    jl20whyd Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Jessica
    How much do you weigh: 243
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: To start off 43
    What are your goals along this journey?: Really teach myself to eat properly and excerice more often.
    Will you be committed?: Yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? ice cream
    Random fact about yourself? I've hated chocolate since I was 10...if only I could get myself to dislike all the other sweets!
  • Renibee
    Renibee Posts: 55 Member
    Name: Renisa

    How much do you weigh: 226.2lbs

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 56lbs

    What are your goals along this journey?: To get my body healthy and fit and my BMI below 30.

    Will you be committed?: Definitely

    What is your weakness (food wise)?: bread, cheese, pizza, anything sweet.

    Random fact about yourself ?: I recently joined MFP and this is my third group challenge...
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,666 Member
    Name: Malea

    How much do you weigh: 182
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: in total about 30 (I want to be at 150-155), for the challenge I think about 15 lbs.
    What are your goals along this journey?: long term: getting more healthy, fit and confident about myself, short term: getting off the plateau I am currently on.
    Will you be committed?: Yes!
    What is your weakness (food wise)?: Ice cream, especially in summer...
    Random fact about yourself?: I am a bookworm, and I like being outside - so naturally, reading outside is one of the things I like most.
  • psugrl23
    psugrl23 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Valerie
    How much do you weigh: 202.0
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 50lbs... then I will see if I would like to lose anymore
    What are your goals along this journey?: to be able to play with my kids without getting out of breath, keep going to the gym, tracking my food, get into a healthy BMI
    Will you be committed?: YES
    What is your weakness (food wise)? fast food
    Random fact about yourself ? I have 3 kids (7 year old boy and twin girls who are almost 2). I am addicted to ZUMBA
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    Name: Susie Johnson
    How much do you weigh: 215
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 50
    What are your goals along this journey?: lose weight, fit into those smaller sizes hanging in my closet. Exercise at least four time a week.
    Will you be committed?: yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Cheese!!
    Random fact about yourself - loud talker; two boys 7 & 3; married my college sweetheart; pets are one dog, four horses, and one goat; I am a yo to dieter.... Up and down :(

    I was on yellow team!
  • gailh112712
    gailh112712 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Gail
    How much do you weigh: 198.6
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 63.5 - 73.5 total; 25 lbs by the end of the challenge
    What are your goals along this journey?: Become healthier and being able to finish my half marathon in October under 3 hrs
    Will you be committed?: YES!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Fresh bread, chocolate, sweets
    Random fact about yourself ? Green is my favorite color
  • debk68
    debk68 Posts: 140 Member
    Name: Deb
    How much do you weigh:218
    How many lbs would you like to lose?:total 70
    What are your goals along this journey?: to stay focused on eating healthy and not giving in to stupid snacks
    Will you be committed?: YES
    What is your weakness (food wise)? bread
    Random fact about yourself ? I work as a lunch lady.
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Name: Tess
    How much do you weigh: 240
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 41 (for now)
    What are your goals along this journey?: Stay focused, form better habits and maintain them.
    Will you be committed?: Yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Cookies & Starbucks
    Random fact about yourself ? I :heart: educating about car-seats and breastfeeding
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Name: Laura
    How much do you weigh: 179lbs
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 24lbs
    What are your goals along this journey?: to become healthier and stronger
    Will you be committed?: YES!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Salty snack foods (especially ChexMix)
    Random fact about yourself ? I'm a certified EMT
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    There is still time to sign up .... I am extremely busy till Saturday so bear with me new members I will put you in your teams on Saturday
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    Name: Donna
    How much do you weigh: 252
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 100-125
    What are your goals along this journey?: This year want to do 6 5ks, and/or fun runs, did 3 last year trying to double
    Will you be committed?: yes
    What is your weakness (food wise) no specific food, boredom and/or depression
    Random fact about yourself ? couldn't think of one so asked my hubby lol he said I'm a straight shooter, I will go with that.
  • laraburkhalter
    laraburkhalter Posts: 85 Member
    Name: Lara

    How much do you weigh:219

    How many lbs would you like to lose? 70lbs

    What are your goals along this journey? I neeed to start making better food choices .I really want to start eating smarter while exercising. I find that challenges always help keep me motivated to lose weight.

    Will you be committed?yes, I will be committed

    What is your weakness (food wise)?I am a chip junky

    Random fact about yourself - I'm 5'10. Loveto run!I have a family with two beautiful children.I am very competitive
  • PerlaRubi2013
    PerlaRubi2013 Posts: 110 Member
    Name: Perla

    How much do you weigh: 191.8

    How many lbs would you like to lose? 50lbs

    What are your goals along this journey? I would love to get to my goal weight! To feel confident about myself and to be able to buy any clothes without the hassle of "lets see if it fits"

    Will you be committed? Absolutelty

    What is your weakness (foodwise)? I cant really think of a weakness as long as I think ahead of what I'm going to eat I'll be okay!

    Random fact about yourself- I love Zumba and for the first time in my life I'm being successful at losing weight the right way! ;)
  • Name: Carole (jellybelly1986)

    How much do you weigh: 218.6

    How many lbs would you like to lose? 30lbs

    What are your goals along this journey? I need to loose weight to make my knee condition better.

    Will you be committed? 110%

    What is your weakness (foodwise)? Snacking in general, I work as a community carer so its food on the go! Also KETCHUP! and Tea with 2 sugars!

    Random fact about yourself- I love gardening and I cannot weight till its fresh veg time again!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    last 24 hours to sign in :-)
  • DeniseMarSi
    DeniseMarSi Posts: 68 Member
    201.0 lbs

    My short term goals are to get out of the 200's and to drink more water. My long term goals are to stay in a healthy BMi avoid diabetes and to be able to keep my knees healthy for skiing and other activities.

    I will be committed!!

    My weakness is lack of time management, stress eating, and ice cream

    Random fact: I tried dr oz detox and although it was not something I could do really discovered that I like cucumber kale and pineapple shake!!
  • SweetEli1003
    SweetEli1003 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my name is Elissa

    How much do you weigh: 268 lbs after losing 7 lbs my first week...YIPEE!:bigsmile:
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 118 lbs
    What are your goals along this journey?: To make exercise a regular part of my life and take control of food instead of it controlling me
    Will you be committed?: Most Definitely!!!!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Starchy foods!!
    Random fact about yourself ? I'm a reality tv junkie......please don't hold it against me. :blushing:

    Really looking forward to doing this.
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member

    >How much do you weigh:
    144 LB (Height: 5'5", Age: 41)

    >How many lbs would you like to lose?:
    20 LB

    >What are your goals along this journey?:
    To feel better about myself

    >Will you be committed?:
    I certainly hope so. Today I am. One day at a time.

    >What is your weakness (food wise)?
    Ice Cream, Pastries, and Chocolate

    >Random fact about yourself?
    I like to play banjo. :)
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    woah! found this just in time!

    Name: Taylor

    How much do you weigh: 207 (age 19, 5'4")

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 40

    What are your goals along this journey?: to increase my cardio. My school friends run in between classes and I just can't keep up.

    Will you be committed?: I will do my best, it's easier when you have people to back you this group :)

    What is your weakness (food wise)?: chips!

    Random fact about yourself ?: I am a student majoring in nursing. I just started my two week break inbetween my semesters and thought this would be a great time to kick my butt into action!
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Tirre'

    How much do you weigh: 201.5

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 81.5

    What are your goals along this journey?: To be comfortable. I have been single for so long and refuse to even attempt dating cause I first need to be happy with myself. I know weight isn't everything but it sure weighs heavy on my self esteem.

    Will you be committed?: Very! I have already loss 35 since Feb 4th and plan to keep it up. I only "fall off the wagon" on holidays and get right back on the next day.

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Carbs... The sweet variety :)

    Random fact about yourself ? I have traveled all over the world (I was a military brat)
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    Zumba is so much fun! I usually go three times a week but haven't in a couple weeks :(
  • ald031
    ald031 Posts: 11 Member
    Name: Amanda
    How much do you weigh: 241.0
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 90 total and 60 before September
    What are your goals along this journey?: To shed excess fat and tone my body from pregnancy.
    Will you be committed?: Absolutely!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Cheese and sweets
    Random fact about yourself ? I'm currently nursing a 3 month baby
    THIS CHALLENGE ITS OPEN FOR EVERYONE FROM EVERYWHERE but If coming from recently canceled@ The Mfp Biggest Loser Spring Edition@ - your team ? - I will try to keep you together - but can't promise! (I was in orange team)