Paleo for IBS

qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
I want to start eating right partly to get my IBS under control. I was talking with a coworker who is Paleo about it and he recomended me doing it. It makes sense, considering I cannot have any dairy, pasta, ethnic foods, greese, onions, and several other non-paleo foods. The past 3 days I have been eating paleo and my IBS has been doing well. No flares! Then, tonight, my husband made pasta. I went ahead and ate a bowl because I've been doing so well. BIG MISTAKE. I am in so much pain! I cannot have pasta at all! So, tomorrow, it will be back to paleo. My 3 year old is also having digestive problems (chronic dirreha) from her diet, so I have cut dairy out of her diet completley and I've been giving her what I am eating. My husband isn't on board so my 3 year old and I are doing this together.


  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    After seeing the fantastic results you will achieve, I'm sure your husband will soon be on board :smile:
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I have IBS and Paleo has made a 180 in my digestive issues, never in pain, never bloated, no more constipation, no more diahrea , feel like myself again, and when I do cheat and have that diary or bread, I feel horrible, not worth it!!! I also take ALign probiotic once a day, I just love feeling normal again!!! :bigsmile:
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    While I don't have ibs,I have severe digestion issues and eating like this has been a life saver..going back to any of the old food is not worth it for me..I hope you continue to feel well.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I am not full on Paleo but I'm thinking that I should, I just need to take the plunge. I'm probably about 75% Paleo. I have noticed that it has caused my IBS symptoms to disappear which is wonderful. I do notice that when I start eating like I used to I get terribly sick, so I'm hoping to fully transition soon enough. My husband seems to be on board because when my stomach gets angry we are typically house bound because I either need a restroom or am in so much pain I can't stand. It really interferes with a lot. Thanks for posting this and giving me the extra kick to fully transition!

    Jenna, do you find the probiotics helpful? I've been toying with the idea. I currently am taking digestive enzymes and I *think* they work.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I am not full on Paleo but I'm thinking that I should, I just need to take the plunge. I'm probably about 75% Paleo. I have noticed that it has caused my IBS symptoms to disappear which is wonderful. I do notice that when I start eating like I used to I get terribly sick, so I'm hoping to fully transition soon enough. My husband seems to be on board because when my stomach gets angry we are typically house bound because I either need a restroom or am in so much pain I can't stand. It really interferes with a lot. Thanks for posting this and giving me the extra kick to fully transition!

    Jenna, do you find the probiotics helpful? I've been toying with the idea. I currently am taking digestive enzymes and I *think* they work.

    Yes I highly recommend it, it take about a week to kick in and get your system used to them, ( so the first week you may feel like its not working but keep taking them) Align is about 30 for 4 weeks worth where I live, but totally worth every cent for me , I was taking digestive enzymes too but found they were not doing anything spectacular to help with my symptoms.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    That's good to know. Thanks!
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I don't have IBS, but I do have Crohns, and Paleo helps, I feel better (but still not good usually lol) when I am grain/dairy/corn free. And eating *mostly* Paleo has helped my son who also has some pretty serious digestive issues himself. Pain, diarrhea, etc. Hes been (knock on wood) healthy and symptom free for almost 5 months now. He does eat rice, but hes 100% dairy/soy/gluten/corn free.
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    Wow, it's good to know it helps others with IBS. I went to work today and instead of grabbing coffee (a big trigger food for me), I made a cup of hot tea. My first thought was I didn't have any stomach pains at all today. I've also had no dirreha! That is big for me! I did have some alfrado sauce tonight with my chicken. I didn't do the noodles. But I am having some cramps so I know that will be it for the sauce.
  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    Well, Paleo mostly helped my IBS except that I have another component- fructose malabsorption (found in a lot of IBS sufferers). Look that up and see what you think. Returning to Paleo this spring after a few years off it brought my symptoms back severely (that is why I went off the wagon in the first place) and further research led me to FM, and now that I am Paleo PLUS following FODMAPs to eliminate fructose/ fructans/ polyols, I feel immensely better and lost inches of bloat. Yay!!
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    Wow! I'll check that out!
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    My ibs is 100% better. If I eat paleo 100% my body loves me. If I stray Much at all it screams at me terribly. Not worth it to me. Reason #259 my life seems better because of paleo.