best for longterm effectiveness?

m0chibunny Posts: 1 Member
hello all
so i did a bunch of research online last couple days but still have a bit of trouble understanding concepts of calculating your total calories for feasting days, perhaps because there seems to be few different methods of this 'alternate day fasting'?(5:2, alternate days, and UDDD) id like to incorporate fasting to my life but only when i know exactly all the planning set in stone. id greatly appreciate it if those who have had the experience or knoledge of these fasts to help me out so i can get this whole thing started =) thanks so much~

so ive been doing research between the the updaydownday and the 5:2 fasting. i know i do want to incorporate one of these two fasting regimen into my life but i cant decide which route to start off/stick with... =/

-i was curious to know if anyone started off with one and moved/switched on to the other to further extend the benefits? was one method better (physically,mentally,results) than the other?
... i think ive ran into couple someone on mfp mentioning that they did the UDDD first then moved onto 5:2 to maintain ???
-is this a common route / plan?
-if i do a M/W/F down days and T/TH/Sat/Sun up days is this still considered UDDD ? or is UDDD only a rotation of up and down days throughout each week?

-what is the correct way of calculating your necessary total calories for feasting days on M/W/F 3day fast/4 day feast VS. 5:2) ?
***if it helps: my BMR is 1560 and my TDEE ( is 2291***


  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member

    You don't need to over think it.

    Alternate day diet/JUDDD is really simple. Go to the website, plug in your info, eat those calories on both your up days and your down days.

    If you want to make it 4:3 - no problem. It will just slow your loss by a bit (you'd be decreasing your deficit by half a day a week).

    I know a couple people have moved to 5:2 for maintenance - and I plan to. I think moving to fewer fasts for maintenance makes sense for people who are already ok with 500 calorie "fasts".

    If you _want_ to over think it, you could add your up day calories to your down day calories, then divide by 2. This would give you your daily calorie allowance. Then you could multiply that by 7 - giving you your weekly calorie allowance. Then you could subtract 1500 (down day * 3) from your weekly calorie allowance. Finally divide the remaining calories in your weekly calorie allowance by 4 giving you your up day calories.

    Or maybe you could just take 1/2 of one up day and then divide that by 4 and subtract that amount from each up day.

    That might not really be worth the effort though. ;)
  • PennyBliss
    PennyBliss Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 40lbs in 20 weeks doing the Alternate Day and have moved to the 5:2 for maintenance. I have been doing 5:2 for three weeks now and my weight fluctuates up to 2 lbs over my target and then resolves back down. However I would now like to lose another 8 lbs so am now considering 4:3 as I would prefer to keep eating on the weekends.

    I ate 500 calories on a Down and approx 2000 on an Up day. There is a calculator on the website if you want to be more precise. I also like to know exactly what I'm going to do so my advice is to decide which one to go with and stick to it for a couple of months and see how you get on. The experiences you have on your journey will help you decide if it's the best path for you. I found the app a fantastic tool and it most definitely helped the process.

    Good luck