40 members!

tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
Okay ladies and gents.... we all came to this group looking to get encouragement and motivation and hopefully do the same for others. Today we are up to 40 members, but just a handful of us are speaking up. I'm hoping the silence isn't a sign of wavering determination. How is everyone doing keeping up with the workouts? Tell us about your struggles and challenges. Are there things that are going really well? Have you tried a new recipe since starting Insanity; did you love it/hate it? Speak up and share them - don't be shy! :)


  • burston0707
    I finished day 15 today which was my fit test there ha been a improvement first time round I couldn't do the last two excercise because I threw up sorry for the detail lol I was so unfit I never I'd any proper excercise other than walking and Zumba so to go straight onto insanity was a big step I no I am on day 15 but I have already lost 3 inches of my waist 2 off my hips and bust and 1 off each thigh but I have put 2lb on my fit test results have gone up but only a little

    Switch kicks first (70). Now. (98)
    Power jacks first. (36). Now. (38)
    Power knees first (61). Now. (73)
    Power jumps first. (15). Now (23)
    Globe jumps first. (5). Now. (8)
    Suicide jumps first (7). Now. (13)
    Push up jacks. (0). Now (20)
    Low plank obliques (0). Now. (21)

    Not much but it's a improvement for day 1 to day 15
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Not much improvement???? It looks to me like you are totally killing the workouts!! Check out those stats -
    -Push up jacks. (0). Now (20)
    -Low plank obliques (0). Now. (21)
    Your inches lost is great, too!! I can't wait to see your next set of numbers!! Great job - you have inspired me today to keep at it!!
  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    That definitely seems like a kick *kitten* amount of improvement!!!!! Awesome job!!!

    Insanity is amazing and I love it!!!!! :):) It it just the type of change I needed with my workouts.

    My biggest challenge is my damn feet but it's only hurting during the warmup. The balls of my feet hurt but I just keep pushing through. I'm just glad they only hurt for the warmup and not during the whole workout :)

    I cooked the egg white omelet with chicken and mushrooms last week and it was great. It was my first egg white omelet that I had ever made. :)

    I agree with tkillion..this group is huge but only a minimal amount of people post anything. You joined this group for support and motivation knowing that you were starting insanity last monday so now just let us all know how it is going for you. :)
  • burston0707
    Wow thanx for your comment I will definatly post my next fit test results I love this group and I agree not many people post I will definatly keep posting and I'm glad I inspired you I have never inspired anyone before I read comments and watched videos for months before buying insanity and it looked really hard but I wanted a change like I said never bothered to excercise before and went straight into this but it's the best thing I ever did and yes the egg white omelette with chicken and mushrooms is my fav to I can't wait to finish to see what my body end up but I plan in keep doing insanity when I finish all over again maybe I won't be saying that when I hit month 2 but we will see how it goes lol it's great that we can all talk about strengths and weaknesses and help each other along like I said I was ready to give up week 1 I threw up through the fit test and couldn't walk tidy all week untill after the stretches but I'm so glad I kept going I work out at 6 every morning and cant wait to get up and do it I have so much more energy I used to stay in bed untill I had to get up at & 8 to get my daughter ready for school then I used to sit around all day now I get up at half 5 and am constantly busy all day I do Zumba walking and cleaning xx
  • nikkidoll80
    nikkidoll80 Posts: 19 Member
    I took my measurements yesterday and I am so proud of myself. I lost 1 inch from my chest, 1/2 inch from my waist and 1.5 inches from my left and right thigh. Yah!!!! I am not weighing myself yet. I want to concentrate on the inches for now plus I need a new scale.

    Congratulations to everyone who is hanging in there. Today's workout was challenging for me because I am getting sick but nothing can stop me!

    Everyone please post comments on our board, It is so encouraging to know that there are other people out there going through these workouts also. It gives me the motivation that I need to keep going.
  • nikkidoll80
    nikkidoll80 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow thanx for your comment I will definatly post my next fit test results I love this group and I agree not many people post I will definatly keep posting and I'm glad I inspired you I have never inspired anyone before I read comments and watched videos for months before buying insanity and it looked really hard but I wanted a change like I said never bothered to excercise before and went straight into this but it's the best thing I ever did and yes the egg white omelette with chicken and mushrooms is my fav to I can't wait to finish to see what my body end up but I plan in keep doing insanity when I finish all over again maybe I won't be saying that when I hit month 2 but we will see how it goes lol it's great that we can all talk about strengths and weaknesses and help each other along like I said I was ready to give up week 1 I threw up through the fit test and couldn't walk tidy all week untill after the stretches but I'm so glad I kept going I work out at 6 every morning and cant wait to get up and do it I have so much more energy I used to stay in bed untill I had to get up at & 8 to get my daughter ready for school then I used to sit around all day now I get up at half 5 and am constantly busy all day I do Zumba walking and cleaning xx

    Great Job! I also cant wait to get up in the morning. I was a wreck on rest day because I was missing my Insanity workout. I also do Zumba on Tuesdays and cleaning everyday. :smile:
  • burston0707
    I took my measurements yesterday and I am so proud of myself. I lost 1 inch from my chest, 1/2 inch from my waist and 1.5 inches from my left and right thigh. Yah!!!! I am not weighing myself yet. I want to concentrate on the inches for now plus I need a new scale.

    Congratulations to everyone who is hanging in there. Today's workout was challenging for me because I am getting sick but nothing can stop me!

    Everyone please post comments on our board, It is so encouraging to know that there are other people out there going through these workouts also. It gives me the motivation that I need to keep going.

    That's amazing keep up the good work
  • xxowenscharxx
    xxowenscharxx Posts: 19 Member
    Hey all, I'm guilty of joining the group but not speaking! Ooops ;) I do find however that everyones posts are very motivating
    I am on day 11 of Month 1 so today is my Cardio Recovery day which I love! After my first week I lost 3.75lbs but this week (my weigh in day is a Tuesday) I put on 1lb so I was very frustrated, however my hubby said he could see my stomach changing shape and he thinks Ive definitely lost inches... I didn't take any measurements before I started, so I am going to do those tomorrow morning and keep monitoring that to see how I get on over the next few weeks

    I have found that early morning workouts before work are better for me than those after work, as I just do not feel like I have done what I can in the evening where I am so tired!
    I also find the arches of my feet are hurting - I think I will try some other trainers to work in and see if that helps! Keep up the good work everyone! :)
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Everyone is doing such a great job sticking to the workouts!! They are tough, but it's going to be so worth it. Keep the big picture in mind! An hour a day is only like 5% of the entire day. We can committ to 5% right :)
  • burston0707
    Yea when u put it like that 5% of my day is totaly worth it to get the body I want
  • AnimePrincess13
    AnimePrincess13 Posts: 60 Member
    I just finished day 9. Waiting for Monday and my next fit test to weigh myself and measure myself. And of course to see if i improved already. i have slightly through out the dvd's Like being able to actually do a deep lunge correctly now.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    I just finished day 9. Waiting for Monday and my next fit test to weigh myself and measure myself. And of course to see if i improved already. i have slightly through out the dvd's Like being able to actually do a deep lunge correctly now.

    Great job!!!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm still killing it :-D. I just have too little time in the day to remember to get in here to check in. I log everything as far as food and exercise and water though. Today is Cardio Recovery and leg day at the gym for me. ooohhhh yyyeeeaaaaa buddy!