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  • BNance509
    BNance509 Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Brandy

    How much do you weigh: 372lbs

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 100lbs

    What are your goals along this journey?: To lose weight & get in better health. Eat better & get more exercise.

    Will you be committed?: Yes I want to be able to walk up my stairs without my knees hurting. Wake up in the morning feeling good not hurting.

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Chocolate, Cheese & Bread

    Random fact about yourself ? I love to paint & do crafts.
  • pambo1999
    pambo1999 Posts: 31 Member
    Name: Pam
    How much do you weigh: 171.2#
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 10-15
    What are your goals along this journey?: to make better choices, to exercise more, and to learn new things about myself and my limits to help push me.
    Will you be committed?: 100%
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Chocolate, pasta, sweets
    Random fact about yourself ? I am in the University of Texas Medical Books, due to an abnormality that I was born with.
  • UglyPlantBasedKitchen
    Name: Tricia

    How much do you weigh: 250

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 100 in total but for this challenge I would like to be down 40

    What are your goals along this journey?: to be healthier and to feel better about myself

    Will you be committed?: For sure!

    What is your weakness (food wise)? craving junk at night

    Random fact about yourself ? I work from home doing hair and making jewelry.
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Name: Pam
    How much do you weigh: 225
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 75
    What are your goals along this journey?: To lose weight and become healthier
    Will you be committed?: Definitely!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? anything sweet
    Random fact about yourself ? I am a RN, mother of 4 and love the outdoors.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I've never done something like this before..

    Name: Kassie
    How much do you weigh: 193
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 43 (thought I'm more focused on pant sizes. I'd like to get to a size 8)
    What are your goals along this journey?: Work out consistently in the morning and lifting 3x out of the week
    Will you be committed?: I will definitely try my best
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Doritos
    Random fact about yourself ? I have a crochet/knitting business
  • felicia128
    felicia128 Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Felicia
    How much do you weigh: 297.8
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 150
    What are your goals along this journey?: To become healthier and more fit
    Will you be committed?: Definitely!!!!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? chocolate, chips (junk food in general)
    Random fact about yourself ? Hmm...I'm a university student ! :)
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Name: Alison

    How much do you weigh: 200 pounds

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 25 pounds

    What are your goals along this journey?: To lose weight, continue exercising even after my half marathon on May 4, and learn to live a healthier lifestyle

    Will you be committed?: Definitely!

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Taco Bell...and pizza!

    Random fact about yourself ? I'm in graduate school and teach dance to little kids as a second job :)
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Name: Dee

    How much do you weigh: 252 **(corrected weight)**

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 102

    What are your goals along this journey?: better health, walk without being winded, energy to play with my grandson. To learn to use food for fuel - food to live not live for food!

    Will you be committed?: yes!! Tired of being tired, got to get focused

    What is your weakness (food wise)? Soda, sweets and bread - really anything. I eat when stressed or bored and I migrate to the carbs at those times.

    Random fact about yourself ? I married my high school sweetheart and have been married 33 years.
  • jl20whyd
    jl20whyd Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Jessica
    How much do you weigh: 243
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: To start off 43
    What are your goals along this journey?: Really teach myself to eat properly and excerice more often.
    Will you be committed?: Yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? ice cream
    Random fact about yourself? I've hated chocolate since I was 10...if only I could get myself to dislike all the other sweets!
  • Renibee
    Renibee Posts: 55 Member
    Name: Renisa

    How much do you weigh: 226.2lbs

    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 56lbs

    What are your goals along this journey?: To get my body healthy and fit and my BMI below 30.

    Will you be committed?: Definitely

    What is your weakness (food wise)?: bread, cheese, pizza, anything sweet.

    Random fact about yourself ?: I recently joined MFP and this is my third group challenge...
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,317 Member
    Name: Malea

    How much do you weigh: 182
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: in total about 30 (I want to be at 150-155), for the challenge I think about 15 lbs.
    What are your goals along this journey?: long term: getting more healthy, fit and confident about myself, short term: getting off the plateau I am currently on.
    Will you be committed?: Yes!
    What is your weakness (food wise)?: Ice cream, especially in summer...
    Random fact about yourself?: I am a bookworm, and I like being outside - so naturally, reading outside is one of the things I like most.
  • psugrl23
    psugrl23 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Valerie
    How much do you weigh: 202.0
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 50lbs... then I will see if I would like to lose anymore
    What are your goals along this journey?: to be able to play with my kids without getting out of breath, keep going to the gym, tracking my food, get into a healthy BMI
    Will you be committed?: YES
    What is your weakness (food wise)? fast food
    Random fact about yourself ? I have 3 kids (7 year old boy and twin girls who are almost 2). I am addicted to ZUMBA
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    Name: Susie Johnson
    How much do you weigh: 215
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 50
    What are your goals along this journey?: lose weight, fit into those smaller sizes hanging in my closet. Exercise at least four time a week.
    Will you be committed?: yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Cheese!!
    Random fact about yourself - loud talker; two boys 7 & 3; married my college sweetheart; pets are one dog, four horses, and one goat; I am a yo to dieter.... Up and down :(

    I was on yellow team!
  • gailh112712
    gailh112712 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Gail
    How much do you weigh: 198.6
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 63.5 - 73.5 total; 25 lbs by the end of the challenge
    What are your goals along this journey?: Become healthier and being able to finish my half marathon in October under 3 hrs
    Will you be committed?: YES!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Fresh bread, chocolate, sweets
    Random fact about yourself ? Green is my favorite color
  • debk68
    debk68 Posts: 140 Member
    Name: Deb
    How much do you weigh:218
    How many lbs would you like to lose?:total 70
    What are your goals along this journey?: to stay focused on eating healthy and not giving in to stupid snacks
    Will you be committed?: YES
    What is your weakness (food wise)? bread
    Random fact about yourself ? I work as a lunch lady.
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Name: Tess
    How much do you weigh: 240
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 41 (for now)
    What are your goals along this journey?: Stay focused, form better habits and maintain them.
    Will you be committed?: Yes
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Cookies & Starbucks
    Random fact about yourself ? I :heart: educating about car-seats and breastfeeding
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Name: Laura
    How much do you weigh: 179lbs
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 24lbs
    What are your goals along this journey?: to become healthier and stronger
    Will you be committed?: YES!
    What is your weakness (food wise)? Salty snack foods (especially ChexMix)
    Random fact about yourself ? I'm a certified EMT
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    There is still time to sign up .... I am extremely busy till Saturday so bear with me new members I will put you in your teams on Saturday
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    Name: Donna
    How much do you weigh: 252
    How many lbs would you like to lose?: 100-125
    What are your goals along this journey?: This year want to do 6 5ks, and/or fun runs, did 3 last year trying to double
    Will you be committed?: yes
    What is your weakness (food wise) no specific food, boredom and/or depression
    Random fact about yourself ? couldn't think of one so asked my hubby lol he said I'm a straight shooter, I will go with that.
  • laraburkhalter
    laraburkhalter Posts: 85 Member
    Name: Lara

    How much do you weigh:219

    How many lbs would you like to lose? 70lbs

    What are your goals along this journey? I neeed to start making better food choices .I really want to start eating smarter while exercising. I find that challenges always help keep me motivated to lose weight.

    Will you be committed?yes, I will be committed

    What is your weakness (food wise)?I am a chip junky

    Random fact about yourself - I'm 5'10. Loveto run!I have a family with two beautiful children.I am very competitive