Starting TF Monday the 15th

endlessloser Posts: 106 Member
Glad this group was started - I'm starting Monday the 15th. (Planned to last week, but got sidetracked by 1) a very bad cold/cough, and 2) my dad visiting from out of town this week). Since I'm still not over the cold/cough (bad cough) - I figured setting Monday gives me a few more days to recover.


  • jjroblin
    jjroblin Posts: 21
    I'm glad it has started too. I can't workout quite yet because I just had a baby 9 days ago but I will be joining the TF gang again come middle of May. :)
  • I would like to join but I started this past Monday
  • I am starting today actually! Yay! :flowerforyou:
  • sydneyaw
    sydneyaw Posts: 93 Member
    It doesn't matter when you start it matter that we are all in it together. I do the videos off and on and haven't really decided when I should "start" and do the whole program the way it is intended.
  • slywon
    slywon Posts: 85 Member
    I am in week two of the prep schedule! So far so good other than I find it a bit hard to follow the moves in the cardio workouts but I am sure it will come!
  • jjroblin
    jjroblin Posts: 21
    slywon, I am a huge TF expert and can still screw up the moves, so don't worry if you stumble over yourself for a bit, you'll get it and also have some good laughs at your own expense.
  • fattynot
    fattynot Posts: 6 Member
    On my 8th week of the 20 week turbo fire. (this is the longest I have stuck to a working out) so pretty excited. Thanks for creating this group. Love the support on MFP.
  • Fathima0712
    Fathima0712 Posts: 177 Member
    I am ready to begin on the 15th.

    Till now i had been doing the Fire30 or Fire45 for cardio,but has not tried to stick to the actual TF plan.But I am ready to start this Monday!!
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    I am starting today!!!! So very excited, have been eyeing it forever and finally took that leap!!!
  • sh3llz87
    sh3llz87 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on my 4th week 5th week starting Monday and I love turbo fire it's so fun even if you mess up sometimes it's ok cuz you still burning calories.
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    Have any of you that have already started seen results yet?
  • I am starting week 3 today! I have lost about 6lbs since I started the program! 6 more pounds until I reach the first of many goals! Love this program!
  • ydickson
    ydickson Posts: 5 Member
    I just got TF today, and already attempted to try Fire 30. It's hard! But hopefully, this support group will help me get through the program. I am going to Vegas in a couple of months, and would love to wear a bikini! Excited to start on Monday the 15th!
  • jro06
    jro06 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting the prep schedule on Monday. I am excited to finally do this!
  • holly_77
    holly_77 Posts: 1 Member
    Im starting tomorrow too! i've done the prep work for the 5 day inferno diet and I 'm so excited to get started!
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    I agree with this. I officialy start tonight but tried it out for the 1st time on Saturday morning. Needless to say I often felt like a bumbling idiot trying to keep up with the moves. And this was in the "new to class" routine! I did wear my HRM and was shocked at the number of calories burned just while trying to learn the moves. Can't wait til I feel confident enough to move up!
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm glad it has started too. I can't workout quite yet because I just had a baby 9 days ago but I will be joining the TF gang again come middle of May. :)

  • jjroblin
    jjroblin Posts: 21
    thank you so much :)
  • ydickson
    ydickson Posts: 5 Member
    How's everyone doing so far? So far so good for me! I know today is supposed to be a rest day, but since I have a plan to go out with friends on Friday, I will do the work out today and tomorrow and take Friday off instead. Anyway, just wanted to check-in with everyone. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! I came here to check in to see how everyone is doing as well. So far, I am loving it! So is my 12 year old daughter which makes me feel good. I am still on the "new to class" level but I think I am going to go ahead and do the regular level next time. According to my HRM, I burned about 100 fewer calories this morning than usual. I was hesitant to move up though because I still don't have the last 10 minutes of the Fire 30 Class down. Tomorrow is my 1st day of Fire 55 EZ so we shall see.