Starting is the key

qtjones Posts: 29 Member
Thank you everyone for being a part of the Triple D Body makeover Group. Triple D stands for Desire, Determination, and Dedication. Lets have the desire to make a change in our lives, the determination to reach our goals, and the dedication to continue to do whatever it takes to succeed. This is the start of a new beginning for me and I hope that you can keep encouraging me and all the group members to strive to discover a better me and you. Lets get going together. Today I have a goal to walk/jog at least 30 mins. Again starting is the key, so whatever you do is a great start. We are in this together. What is your goal for today?


  • starrlighte
    starrlighte Posts: 7 Member
    My goal is at least 30 minutes activity and to stay under my target calories!
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    That is great!!! I too will target to stay under my daily calorie threshold!!
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    My goal today was to get to the gym. Small goal but considering my past a large one at that. I set the goal because I started MFP a week ago to do what Triple D says. After many fad diest and weekly weighins I had no desire to hit the gym today for the 'weigh'in' Finally after much debate and guilt I went. To my surprise I was down 3 lbs. I am excited arnd makes me want to continue the journey.

    Good luck in reaching your goal for today!
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    That is great to see that you have set a goal for yourself. To me no goal is small as each day you achieve your goal, you will soon enough achieve your ultimate goal. The small goals add up to become a bigger goals. Keep pressing your way and we will be able to succeed together. Sometimes best fuel to keep going is when you see you dropped a pound or two as it makes you want to continue to see how much more you can lose. Get working!!!
  • sbjax4
    sbjax4 Posts: 3 Member
    I was attracted to this group by the title Starting is Key. My personal goal is to be heathier and loose the extra pounds. the grand total is about 60. I am not in the habbit of exercise so it is difficult to find the place to start. I hope to do at least 30 min a day while watching my cals. Well here we go. i wish you all well and hope we can support one another.
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for joining this group. I can understand that it can be difficult to start. I find it hard to exercise as well alot of times. Two years ago I starting to eat better and exercise often. I did it for about 5 months and lost about 40 pounds. The reason why I was successful then was because I was on a team with my wife and we encourage each other to keep working. I have since gain that weight back and don't like what I have become. So we decided to make a change for the good but I know the best results come when you have the support of others. If you see others that are working hard and accomplishing goals then it will inspire you to do the same. Starting is the key..... and with starting it means you have the desire to change. So lets be determine to be dedicated to each other success!!
  • lncgurley
    lncgurley Posts: 37 Member
    I love the positive attitudes of all you guys! I have lost 160 lbs, gained 40 back, and am now down another 20 doc has set me with a goal of at least 20 mis a day, preferably 30 mis of excercise as well as a healthy diet. My goal today is to workout for 30 mis (20 mis is done, will do 10 later) and be under my cal limit.
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    Great Job on the lbs you have already lost!! keep up the good work. Nice example for me to know that losing lbs is not out of reach... Thanks
  • egrif1
    egrif1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I started losing weight July 23, 2012. As of November 2012, I had lost 49 lbs. Down from 237 lbs to 189. Alas, the holidays showed up and I initially gained 3 lbs, then an additional 7lbs. So right now, I am still up 8 lbs. I have lost my momentun and have been struggling with getting back active. I ran a mile for the FIRST time in my life last year and absolutely loved it. I'm trying to find that spark again. I started back walk/jogging last week. So now my goal is consistency.

    Thanks for listening. :smile:
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    Great job on the lbs you already lost!! Consistency is an excellent goal to have. Even if we don't meet a goal one day be consistent in that you will still set a goal to eat better and /or workout the next day. I hope the spark is lit for you to continue your success and hopefully the success of others here will continue to put fuel in your tank. Good work!!
  • :smile: Hi everyone,

    I joined yesterday and i am glad to have found this group, i have done so many diet and always block at 89 kg my goal for now is 80kg.
    i am also going back to the gym from next week (simply because that when it open is a new gym) i hope this time around i will be able to reach my goal.

  • tumblindice
    tumblindice Posts: 39 Member
    I hope I can restart with a better attitude today!!! I already drank enough water to fill a kiddie pool! It's right before dinner that I want to snack on something sweet. Best of hard work and luck to all!

    " Everything will be alright in the end...if it isn't alright...then it isn't the end"
  • tumblindice
    tumblindice Posts: 39 Member
    I wish you the I am "restarting" too.
  • tumblindice
    tumblindice Posts: 39 Member
    Triple D!

  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    I am excited about the positive mindsets of starting or continuing a lifestyle change. It is great to see so many individuals wanting to take control over there bodies. Please feel free to start discussions on eating tips, workout routines, or any other helpful ideas that leads to the success of a better you!!!
  • Mello82
    Mello82 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal for today is to stay on my eating plan and not cheat !!!!

    I started working out at the gym consistently one year ago and lost a little weight but my biggest problem was to stay focused on what I was eating. :ohwell:
  • meccasue
    meccasue Posts: 11 Member
    Joining a group because I've started and stopped this journey on MFP many times in the last few years. Like your triple D slogan.

    My goal for today. Stay under my calorie numbers (portion control is my problem) and get moving. I have an exercise date with my friend this evening!
  • Triple D..... I love it hubby!!! We are doing this together!!! It's great to see everyone posting about there goals. I have already walked 2 miles today and started the day off with a green smoothie. I am determined to beat this weight. Thanks guys for joining my husbands group we are all in this together. My goal for today is to stay under my calories and do a second workout later on today.
  • Wow you are Awesome!!! Way to go on the weight loss!!!!
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    Mello82, Great job on being consistent on working out!! Yea my doctor said eating is the most important aspect in losing weight. I too have that problem myself. Hopefully this group can share ways to eat more efficiently without losing focus. One thing I will definitely eliminate is eating too late or right before bed. Again we are here to help each other so definitely provide any tips you have....