You look so slim...Ouch...That hurts



  • I am fairly photogenic. Notice though that every photo I have is pretty calculated. I know my angles. One side of my face photograhps better and I always try and catch a little jawline. I can look awful in a picture too...but I'm a poser and I tend to not post things I look bad or caught off guard in. I do feel better about body shots now. It is pretty exciting to see myself in a picture and not be completely embarrassed and shocked about how huge I am. I get the same sense when I hold up a pair of pants and think "they are so small! I won't fit!" and then I do. Kinda blows the mind.

    Anyway, I have had men compliment me and say I look better in person, but I also get told I'm photogenic. Meh.
    Honestly.. I don't care. I'm going to be content at a size 12/14 and know that I am also built like a linebacker. Yup, there are lots of tiny, fit women who sometimes I envy for their petite frames...but I also have a sense of pride in knowing I could bench press them. Dating someone who is 6'5 and outweighs me considerably is also good for any size issues I've had.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Janie, You have a way to turn any compliment into a negative about yourself

    I don't take what she said as a compliment.

    Ok so there were extenuating circumstances to the way she reviewed your pic, but MOST people use the word photogenic to be a compliment is my point. Could it be that she got awkward because she realized you were insulted when she in fact meant to compliment you? Does that make sense?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Janie, You have a way to turn any compliment into a negative about yourself

    I don't take what she said as a compliment.

    Ok so there were extenuating circumstances to the way she reviewed your pic, but MOST people use the word photogenic to be a compliment is my point. Could it be that she got awkward because she realized you were insulted when she in fact meant to compliment you? Does that make sense?

    I think PJ is right. I've never used "photogenic" as an insult, always a compliment.

    Eta - like Danielle, I know my good angles and use them to my advantage. I always put one hand on my hip, suck my belly in, and smile!

    And Anna, you look nothing like her! I don't see how people get it...
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Janie, You have a way to turn any compliment into a negative about yourself

    I don't take what she said as a compliment.

    Ok so there were extenuating circumstances to the way she reviewed your pic, but MOST people use the word photogenic to be a compliment is my point. Could it be that she got awkward because she realized you were insulted when she in fact meant to compliment you? Does that make sense?

    I think PJ is right. I've never used "photogenic" as an insult, always a compliment.

    Eta - like Danielle, I know my good angles and use them to my advantage. I always put one hand on my hip, suck my belly in, and smile!

    And Anna, you look nothing like her! I don't see how people get it...

    I've been told I look like Keira Knightley. I've never seen it. I think a lot of time people just think CLOSE ENOUGH and go with it.

    Though Anna, I do see similarities ;)
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    For those who don't know... "you're so photogenic" is what some people say to people whose pictures look better than they do in real life.
    I don't think that's what photogenic means at all. I have always interpreted it to mean that you usually look good in pictures, not necessarily that you look better than you do in real life. I am not photogenic at all, mainly because my eyes are usually closed or something to that effect. It doesn't mean I think I look that much better in real life, just that I take a lot of bad pictures.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member

    I've been told I look like Keira Knightley. I've never seen it. I think a lot of time people just think CLOSE ENOUGH and go with it.

    Though Anna, I do see similarities ;)

    I see it.

    I think it's a hit or miss for me when it comes to photos. Sometimes I look great, other times I look terrible, even when I am trying to get myself at a good angle. I know with my weight loss, everyone that knows me couldn't believe I was as big as I looked back then.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    Hahahahaha yes that is my life.

    A girl I went to school with told me that I look like this girl. She's in a few things: Nurse Jackie, Remember Me (with Robert Pattinson). She is much prettier but we do have the same face shape, same strong eyebrows, same chin.

  • When I was in Korea, a taxi driver said I looked like Mariah Carey. Don't you just love drunk and blind taxi drivers?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    When I was in Korea, a taxi driver said I looked like Mariah Carey. Don't you just love drunk and blind taxi drivers?

    Racist. I'm sure Asian people can see just fine.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    This is especially hilarious because this was just posted on my FB page from a photo taken at Ren Faire.


    MUAHAHAHAHAAAA I'm not afraid to be ugly (I'm the one not wearing pink lipstick, though yes that is a lipstick kiss on my chest)
  • HA! You have the sad face muppet mouth happening.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    HA! You have the sad face muppet mouth happening.

    Are you saying I'm not photogenic?

    AWWWWWWWWWWWW so sweet <3
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    love it!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Oh, and now that I am at home and can see pictures (they're blocked at work)... I stand corrected... people see different things.

    The pic Anna posted I can TOTALLY see a resemblance. Both have that angelic face structure!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    @Kits - that has to be the worst angle to take a pic at...........even Keira would have probs looking gorgeous from down there!! :laugh: And btw, I see the resemblance!! But there's someone else I know that I think you look like even more.

    They say we each have a twin in the world?? I walked into someone's house the other day and a mother and daughter could not stop staring at me. Kept tell me I was the spitting image of their cousin. They bought the kitchen too!! :bigsmile:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Oh, and now that I am at home and can see pictures (they're blocked at work)... I stand corrected... people see different things.

    The pic Anna posted I can TOTALLY see a resemblance. Both have that angelic face structure!

    angelic?? Bwahahahahaha!! Thanks JJ!!...... *runs to get halo! :laugh:
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Love the pic Kits!!

    Janie, stop beating yourself up lately!! :) I do understand your frustration with the coworker over that comment, but you seem to be down on yourself a lot lately. Cheer up buttercup.

    I really do think we are our own worst enemies with pics. I have figured out what angles work best for me, what clothes look best and will use those when I know pictures will be taken. However, take a candid of me and I hate it!! I've been told by men that I look better in person and I've been told by friends that my pictures are beautiful... I used to beat myself up over my looks, then my children started getting older. Everything that bothered me about myself, I love about them. So, how can I look in the mirror or at a picture and say I don't like it in myself? :)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I remember seeing a picture once that I didn't realize it was me at first because the picture was from behind. My first thought was "great hair" but once I realized it was me I thought "wow I look fat".
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Love the pic Kits!!

    Janie, stop beating yourself up lately!! :) I do understand your frustration with the coworker over that comment, but you seem to be down on yourself a lot lately. Cheer up buttercup.

    Thanks... last night I had a weird emotional experience at yoga (check out my blog for more on that) and realized that I'm beating myself up about my size, but what's really eating me is the family fight we had back on our Italy vaca and the mean things my mom said to me when she visited the week before I left for the Middle East (basically that I was wasting my life, that I had no calling, that no one received anything good from my sacrifices or accomplishments). I have a VERY critical family, and should be used to it by now…if you think *I’m* critical and negative, you should meet the fam!! I didn’t realize that stuff was still affecting me until yesterday in yoga when the emotion of those events came tumbling out.

    It’s like we don’t want to admit certain people close to us are just plain wrong, so instead we take it out on our bodies and psyche by beating ourselves up.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    I get told I look like Betty Paige and Catherine Zeta Jones alot I dont see it
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    grrrrr double posting post
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Janie, You have a way to turn any compliment into a negative about yourself

    I don't take what she said as a compliment.

    Ok so there were extenuating circumstances to the way she reviewed your pic, but MOST people use the word photogenic to be a compliment is my point. Could it be that she got awkward because she realized you were insulted when she in fact meant to compliment you? Does that make sense?

    I think PJ is right. I've never used "photogenic" as an insult, always a compliment.

    Eta - like Danielle, I know my good angles and use them to my advantage. I always put one hand on my hip, suck my belly in, and smile!

    And Anna, you look nothing like her! I don't see how people get it...

    I've been told I look like Keira Knightley. I've never seen it. I think a lot of time people just think CLOSE ENOUGH and go with it.

    Though Anna, I do see similarities ;)

    As do I :smile: I've never used 'photogenic' as an insult eithe, though it does sound as though this colleague of Janie's was aware she'd put her foot in it and was digging with every subsequent statement!

    It's funny how people try to relate your appearance to that of famous people. I've had Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep a couple of times each, and Grace Kelly once (all of which I took as a HUGE compliment, but did have to wonder if the person who thought I was a Kelly-alike needed glasses. At least with the other two I can sort of see the basic facial structure that gives a very slight resemblance :laugh: )
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Im super photogenic and it makes me extremely uncomfortable meeting people face to face.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    That's a pretty mean thing for her to say but I guess girls are catty like that, pay a compliment that cuts deep in the long run... ugh

    I'm NOT photogenic, I can't take a good picture to save my life, another reason I don't bother with the dating sites. I feel like I always look much better in person