Any Phase 2'ers?



  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    the super sets are killing me! but I will say once I make it through one of them I feel completely accomplished... i may have grunted some obscenities during the ab super set at the end of WO 6 haha
  • Hurley1203
    Hurley1203 Posts: 40 Member
    You guys are scaring me!!!! I am still on phase 1. Yikes!!!! :)
  • SueZ26
    SueZ26 Posts: 8
    It's not so bad...okay, well it kind of is, but it gets better!! :) The thing I love about BR is that you build up to the harder workouts. The first time for every new workout I go into it knowing that it will be harder that what I just finished, but I also know that by the end of the two weeks I'll feel so good and ready to tackle the next ones. So, yeah, Phase 2 is kinda scary but its an awesome feeling of accomplishment being ready for the next phase.

    Hope you get through Phase 1 with flying colors, Hurley!! :)
  • Starting Phase 2 this week and looking forward to it!
  • eimsg
    eimsg Posts: 19
    I'm starting Phase 2 tomorrow. Can't believe I've finished a month already!
  • frizbeemom
    frizbeemom Posts: 101 Member
    I'm starting Phase 2 tomorrow as well, and getting more terrified by the minute. Lol. I figure I will do what I can and if I need to stay on this set longer, I will do that until I can do it. It's better than not trying at all. :-p
  • eimsg
    eimsg Posts: 19
    Ok just did #5 for the first time. She definitely kicked it up a notch, or two(!), but I kind of love it! I am dripping in sweat (gross I know, sorry) more than I have with the other workouts so far including cardio 1. That warm up, oh god. I thought what am I getting into here. Will have to work on that. My cable/crab circuit was sloppy to say the least lol. Might switch to a lighter cable but I'm excited to improve at it. I like the last circuit, relaxing for the end, though I still need to work on stability. Excited for tomorrow!
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    i'm half way through phase 2 workout 7 is the toughest I think, but that's because I'm still not great at push ups.

    I have to say though I'm glad it changes up every 2 weeks, otherwise I'd be so bored by now
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member
    I did workout 7 for the first time today. Aahhh, my arms are almost too tired to let me type! I guess this is the workout where you really practice push ups. and core. It is hard! She does give ample encouragement throughout, though.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    i finally got back to jillian last week - still going slow since i've got some nagging injuries but I was doing work out 6 with my mom who usually kicks my butt with planks and things and holy cow i only had to modify ONE move and only for half of the circut!!!! i was so impressed that somehow during my 2-3 weeks away from the program i managed to pick up some muscle and endurance... actually looking forward to do the last few work outs of 5 and 6 and move on to the incredibly dreaded workout 7...
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I did workout 7 for the first time today. Aahhh, my arms are almost too tired to let me type! I guess this is the workout where you really practice push ups. and core. It is hard! She does give ample encouragement throughout, though.

    OMG no kidding! I just did workout 7 today for the first time. I hardly made it through the first part of this workout. My arms are just not very strong. I can only do about 5 military pushups. There was no way I could lift my leg towards my arm with the push up.

    I'm looking forward to workout 8. I seem to do better with the back of the body muscles.